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Old 11-25-2005, 04:50 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Nov 2005
Posts: 1

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sendmail / dns issue?

Hi, I have a dedicated linux server (FC4) and have a bit of an issue. If I log onto the server and send an email from the command line using the 'mail' command the first email takes between 3-10 seconds to be processed and sent, if I then send another email to the same address it goes in less than 1 second. If I wait a while or log off and back on then send an email again I get the same sequence - first email very slow, further ones are fast to the same address.

Im not certain that this is actually a sendmail problem, I seem to get the exact same problem when running a traceroute?? The first trace usually runs painfully slow.

Does anyone have any idea what may be causing the problem?

Much appreciated, Grant
Old 11-26-2005, 03:34 PM   #2
LQ Guru
Registered: Jan 2001
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What's in your /etc/resolv.conf file for your DNS servers? And what about your default route or gateway? Can you ping these with any problems?


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