Regarding squashfs file system and encryption
Iam have problem with the encryption of squashfs based file system.
The problem is as below
In Linux-2.4: ext2 file system
we have used ext2 file system with e2compression technique, for encryption of file i used below procedure.
dd if=/dev/zero of=./test1 bs=1k count=1000
losetup -e "cipher" -p "passwd" /dev/loop0 ./test1
here cipher may be serpent,twofish,blowfish
mkfs.ext2 /dev/loop0
mkdir /test2
mount -t ext2 /dev/loop0 /test2
i copied some contents into test2
and created image.
While comming to linux-2.6 with squahsfs filesytem
dd if=/dev/zero of=./test1 bs=1k count=1000
losetup -e "cipher" -p "passwd" /dev/loop0 ./test1
But i have problem how to associate /dev/loop0 to squashfs filesystem
if you see mksquahfs ( Squahfs HOW TO) we have souce & destination where source is regular file or dir and destnation is image file or block device like /dev/hda
I have no idea how to asocaite /dev/loop0 ( like mkfs.ext2 /dev/loop0 & mount).
If any one have idea please share with me.