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Old 09-22-2014, 12:04 PM   #1
Registered: Sep 2014
Location: Madrid, Spain
Distribution: Mageia (Cauldron)
Posts: 71

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No graphical display after login

I am currently without graphical display on my netbook installation of Manjaro's Enlightenment edition.

A few days ago I was working in E18 with an external monitor (turned on with ARandR with the internal LVDS turned OFF). These settings were applied to the session but not saved. Needing a Win program, I rebooted into Win without changing the display setting (and before closing ARandR). Later, having unplugged the VGA monitor, I booted E18 again. The graphical login was normal, but after login I was left without any graphical display -- with or without the the VGA monitor connected.

What I can do is operate from the command line. This does not allow me to open the displays or change settings with XRandR as I am not in an X session. However, XRandR does allow me to confirm that the moitors are detected (and VIRTUAL1 active). Environment variable $DISPLAY returns nothing (null). Setting display from the command line (DISPLAY=:0.0) and running E18 (exec enlightenment_start) still leaves me with no graphical display.

It is also possible to sign in to E18 as root and have a normal X session, although, obviously, without my profile, meaning for instance, that I am not set up to access my Evolution mail folders.

I assume that there is either a) a configuration file that is not set to monitors off or b) a damaged configuration file somewhere.

Examining Xorg.0.log and the log for entrance shows no errors. I have attempted to follow the configuration files that are readable (ASCII) and none of those seem to set monitors off.

I would like to be able to recover all my personal settings if there is a way to identify where the problem is.

If unable to do that, I might be able to save a configuration from ARandR to one of the profiles in my user directory, but which one?

If neither a fix nor a saved RandR configuration file work, the only other option I can think of is to add a user and move configuration files around.

Many thanks in advance for ideas to try.
Old 09-22-2014, 09:48 PM   #2
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As you can start the GUI as root, it may be that something has gone haywire in one of the dot-configuration files or folders in user's home.

The easiest way to test this is, as root, to create a new user with user privileges, then log in as new user and test whether the GUI works. If it does, the issue is almost certainly a corrupt dot-configuration file in user's home directory.

Do the test and let us know what you find out.
Old 09-23-2014, 06:30 AM   #3
Registered: Sep 2014
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Thanks for the promp reply and, yes, as expected, a new account works.

I have looked at so many configuration files that I cannot remember them all. However, as I recall there are a couple of compiled ones that I could not read. Since I did not see problems in those files I could read, I assume it is one of the others.

I will try copying configuration files from the new user to the old not only to try to recover the old user home, but also to see if I can identify just which file is corrupted.
Old 09-23-2014, 10:06 AM   #4
Registered: Sep 2014
Location: Madrid, Spain
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Entry error here!

Last edited by aguador; 09-23-2014 at 12:12 PM. Reason: Incomplete post entered by error
Old 09-23-2014, 10:26 AM   #5
Registered: Sep 2014
Location: Madrid, Spain
Distribution: Mageia (Cauldron)
Posts: 71

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Creating a new user allowed the solution of the problem! Details:

There are 10 files in folder "$HOME/.e/e/config/standard":

"e_randr.cfg" plus "e_randr.1.cfg" thru "e_randr.9.cfg"

Since these are saved with different dates/times, I assume Enlightenment saves the configurations so that it can restart without a reboot of the system. In other words, it is one of the nice error-recovery features of Enlightenment. In my case, however, having exited without opening the port to the LVDS, I was tripped up by the combination of the feature and my haste.

After creating a new user, I rebooted and signed in as root. When I found the above files I renamed all of them adding ".bak" in case I needed to restore them. (Note: This might not have been necessary had one of the .cfg file predated my error!) Then I copied the corresponding files from the new users home directory into mine. Upon reboot I was back up with with all my E18 and program settings intact!

Many thanks to frankbell and I hope that this helps some other Enlightenment user!


enlightenment, xrandr

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