Originally Posted by AvatarofVirgo
I have a pretty old machine so voice recognition software is most likely out of the question.
I dunno... Way back when I had an Amiga running at 7Mhz (late '80s/early '90s), I had a voice recognition program running that I found in the freeware archives at the time. The OS also came with a speech synthesiser built in, so with a bit of careful setup, it was possible to have basic conversations with the computer.
The voice recognition program didn't parse speech or anything clever like that -- you just programmed it with a preset list of command words that it would recognise when you said them. I didn't really use it for anything practical, but it was fun to play around with.
I don't know what the current state is like in these fields of software these days, but the reason I mention it is that if it was possible back then, it must surely be possible now. If you do locate software that does the job, post it here -- I'd be interested to see what's out there.