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Old 09-01-2001, 10:53 PM   #1
Registered: Jun 2001
Location: Chicago
Distribution: Mandrake 10.0 Official
Posts: 181

Rep: Reputation: 30
File server backup strategy: best way?

I am going to be hosting FTP on a Linux (Mandrake 8) box for some clients. I will be doing a frst complete backup and then daily (incremental?) backups of new and changed files. My plan was to do this on CD-Rs. I will need to be able to deliver CDs to these poeple that they can read from their (Win or Mac) CD-ROM drives.

What's got me stumped is this: Adaptec makes a program (DirectCD) that lets you keep writing to the CD as another Win drive, across multiple days, until it's full. Then, it closes the disc as either a Joliet or ISO-9660 CD, which can be read anywhere. I'm going to need to be able to do this within Linux: regular multi-session CDs can only have their last session read on regular CD-ROM drives. Any suggestions on what I can do to make these kind of CDs on Linux?

Old 09-01-2001, 11:24 PM   #2
Registered: May 2001
Distribution: RedHat 9.1
Posts: 131

Rep: Reputation: 16
well.. the kernel dOOds have labeled UDF writting Dangerous (uhuhuh scary)..
Writting UDF format to cd-rw is not supported in the newest kernel.. only reading supported..

How about tape backup and then burn cd's when needed?
Or another HD in the same or another pc?

That's all I can think of in these early morning hours..


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