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Old 08-25-2014, 09:21 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
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Error in AWK with IF condition

I this case the variable "l_id" contains multiple spaces. Could you advise me on how to make below code to work when "l_id" has multiple spaces.

code: l_en=`echo $l_key | awk -F'|' '{print $1}'`
l_sc=`echo $l_key | awk -F'|' '{print $2}'`
l_id=`echo $l_key | awk -F'|' '{print $3}'`
l_tf=`echo $l_key | awk -F'|' '{print $4}'`

line1=`cat $DOGS_FILE | awk -F'|' '{ if ( $1 == '$l_en' && $4 == '$l_sc' && $7 == '$l_id' ) { print $0 } }'`

awk: cmd. line:1: { if ( $1 == 06 && $4 == 16038C915 && $7 ==
awk: cmd. line:1: ^ unexpected newline or end of string
Old 08-25-2014, 09:44 AM   #2
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please use code tags like:


-->have you tried:

l_sc=$(echo ..)

and also:

line1=$(awk -F'|' '{ if ( $1 == '"$l_en"' && $4 == '"$l_sc"' && $7 == '"$l_id"' ) { print $0 } }' $DOGS_FILE)

Last edited by pan64; 08-25-2014 at 09:46 AM.
Old 08-25-2014, 09:52 AM   #3
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Hi Pan64,

I modified as below, but hitted with syntax errors where I'm expecting that the variable "l_tf" (i.e $13 in AWK command ) having the multiple spaces.
l_en=$(echo $l_key | awk -F'|' '{print $1}')
l_sc=$(echo $l_key | awk -F'|' '{print $2}')
l_id=$(echo $l_key | awk -F'|' '{print $3}')
l_tf=$(echo $l_key | awk -F'|' '{print $4}')


awk: { if ( $1 == 06 && $4 == 000008AY8 && $7 == 46204749 && $13 == ) print $0 }
awk: ^ syntax error
awk: { if ( $1 == 06 && $4 == 000008AY8 && $7 == 46204749 && $13 == ) print $0 }
awk: ^ syntax error
awk: { if ( $1 == 06 && $4 == 0016699A0 && $7 == 02015097 && $13 == ) print $0 }
awk: ^ syntax error
awk: { if ( $1 == 06 && $4 == 0016699A0 && $7 == 02015097 && $13 == ) print $0 }
awk: ^ syntax error
awk: { if ( $1 == 06 && $4 == 0016699A0 && $7 == 46204749 && $13 == ) print $0 }
awk: ^ syntax error
Old 08-25-2014, 09:56 AM   #4
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The exact syntaxt error points at $13:

awk: { if ( $1 == 06 && $4 == 000008AY8 && $7 == 46204749 && $13 == ) print $0 }
awk: ^ syntax error
awk: { if ( $1 == 06 && $4 == 000008AY8 && $7 == 46204749 && $13 == ) print $0 }
awk: ^ syntax error
awk: { if ( $1 == 06 && $4 == 0016699A0 && $7 == 02015097 && $13 == ) print $0 }
awk: ^ syntax error
awk: { if ( $1 == 06 && $4 == 0016699A0 && $7 == 02015097 && $13 == ) print $0 }
awk: ^ syntax error
awk: { if ( $1 == 06 && $4 == 0016699A0 && $7 == 46204749 && $13 == ) print $0 }
Old 08-25-2014, 07:25 PM   #5
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awk: { if ( $1 == 06 && $4 == 000008AY8 && $7 == 46204749 && $13 == ) print $0 }
$13 == ??? - missing the rhs argument and hence the syntax error.

$4 == 000008AY8 - I would think that the rhs should be quoted, it is not a number. i.e. "000008AY8"
Old 08-26-2014, 07:55 AM   #6
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In this case, I see "$13" contains 7 space charecters.

I suspect that the IF condition is not handling the spaces.
Old 08-26-2014, 09:01 AM   #7
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did you put variables between " ?
line1=$(awk -F'|' '{ if ( $1 == '"$l_en"' && $4 == '"$l_sc"' && $7 == '"$l_id"' ) { print $0 } }' $DOGS_FILE)
Old 08-26-2014, 09:52 AM   #8
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Unfortunately no differece:

           line1=$( awk -F'|' '{ if ( $1 == '"$l_en"' && $4 == '"$l_sc"' && $7 == '"$l_id"' && $13 == '"$l_tf"' ) print $0 }' $DOGS_FILE )
           line2=$( awk -F'|' '{ if ( $1 == '"$l_en"' && $4 == '"$l_sc"' && $7 == '"$l_id"' && $13 == '"$l_tf"' ) print $0 }' $ACTU_FILE )
Same "Syntax error" when $13 contains space charecters.

awk: { if ( $1 == 06 && $4 == 000008AY8 && $7 == 46204749 && $13 == ) print $0 }
awk: ^ syntax error
awk: { if ( $1 == 06 && $4 == 000008AY8 && $7 == 46204749 && $13 == ) print $0 }
Old 08-26-2014, 01:19 PM   #9
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Is $l_lf an empty string? Hence the $13 == syntax error? What if $l_lf has something in it?

You can also pre-define awk variables in the command line, to eliminate the complex quoting

line1=$( awk -F'|' --assign l_en="$l_en" --assign l_sc="$l_sc" --assign l_id="$l_id" --assign l_tf="$l_tf -- '{ if ( $1 == l_en && $4 == l_sc && $7 == l_id && $13 == l_tf ) print $0 }' $DOGS_FILE )
Old 08-27-2014, 01:21 AM   #10
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and another trick to check:
line1=$( awk -F'|' '{ if ( $1 == "'"$l_en"'" && $4 == "'"$l_sc"'" && $7 == "'"$l_id"'" && $13 == "'"$l_tf"'" ) print $0 }' $DOGS_FILE )
Old 08-27-2014, 10:08 AM   #11
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whenever the variable $l_tf contains spaces, then only hitting with the syntax error. Otherwise it is working fine.
Old 08-27-2014, 10:55 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by sravan14 View Post

whenever the variable $l_tf contains spaces, then only hitting with the syntax error. Otherwise it is working fine.
Then you will always get a missing rhs argument syntax error when that happens. awk sees '$13 ==' when it parses the command. If you use the variable assignments I proposed, then awk will see '$13 == l_tf' and there will be no syntax error.


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