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Old 12-30-2002, 10:27 AM   #1
Registered: Nov 2000
Posts: 368

Rep: Reputation: Disabled
ctrl-alt-del on my computer


on most system now ctrl-alt-delete seems to perform a major task
on ms-dos it reboots the system, same on linux, but linux shutsdown first closing programs umounting filesystem etc

on ms windows 2.1 to 98 it brings up a task list
on NT machines it brings up a panel with, lock screen, run program, task manager buttons on etc

i know that i can set on my linux systems in inittab what the function of ctrl-alt-del is
basicly i would like to move the restart function to a diffrent key combination for example ctrl-alt-R
and have ctrl-alt-del to lock my screen, however how would i get my full text mode console to lock up when i press the key combination?

any ideas?

are there any projects out there that do the above?
Old 12-30-2002, 11:03 AM   #2
Registered: Dec 2002
Location: In front of a computer
Distribution: UPS, DHL, FedEx
Posts: 466

Rep: Reputation: 38
If you mean you forget it's linux and accidentally press ctrl-alt-del sometimes, you can disable it by editing the /etc/inittab file and removing the /sbin/shutdown command from the "ctrlaltdel" line there.

after that you have to manually type in "/sbin/shutdown -r now"
to reboot the computer.


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