I am running Mint Maya 13 Mate version.
I have added the following script as "/etc/init.d/shutdownFsck".
#! /bin/sh
# /etc/init.d/shutdownFsck
case "$1" in
touch /root/sdf
/usr/bin/python /usr/local/sbin/shutdownFsck.py
echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/shutdownFsck start"
exit 1
I have sym-linked it to /etc/rc0.d as S38shutdownFsck, which will run it just before umountfs. Since my purpose is to fsck big partitions during shutdown, and leave root partition fsck as is (done during boot), and my shutdownFsck.py unmounts then checks the partition(s) of interest this order seemed aprropriate for me.
Both shutdownFsck and shutdownFsck.py has some output in the /root so I can see that they ran, and what they have done.
My problem is that normal shutdown from the Mint menu never runs my script.
I can run it with "sudo /etc/init.d/shutdownFsck start", and get the expected results correctly and completely.
I am stumped, and somewhat suspicious that there might be an interaction with upstart init system. However I saw no .conf file for umount or fsck under /etc/init.
Any ideas to get this to run will be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.