Originally posted by linuxRules
Ok Ok.
I tried this.
I still got back that same reponse.
mount: fs type ntfs not supported by kernel
I am running windows 2000 on a seperate hard drive.
Any ideas ?
Apparently you don't understand the part where it says, "fs type ntfs not supported by kernel".
That means, your kernel doesn't support reading from a NTFS filesystem. To get support, you probably either need to load the module for NTFS or in most cases you have to recompile your kernel with NTFS filesystem support.
But also if you search this site as this is asked all the time, NTFS support in Linux sucks, cause NTFS is closed off, you can usually only read from it if your lucky from within Linux and rarely ever be able to write to it from within Linux as it can cause problems.
Good luck though. Personally I still format my machines with dual boots with FAT32, no problems read or writing to it from Linux.