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Old 05-10-2004, 01:19 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: May 2004
Posts: 15

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suse 9.0 - mounting original filesystems from rescue system

Just testing rescue system drill (floppy) in suse 9.0 professional.

Standard PC, single IDE drive ... GRUB install. Default partitioning.

fstab entry for "/" is /dev/hda3, type is reiserfs

Disks are created, rescue system is booted. I'm at the root rescue console. I only, as I understand it (or is that don't understand it?) need to mount the original filesystems to a mount point as in something resembling
"mount /dev/hda3 /someplace"

I'm obviously missing something.

Do I need to edit files in the recovery system first?

I did create the /mnt directory, as it doesn't exist by default. I also tried mounting to other directories.

I've read that I need to provide fs type (-t) with no fstabs entry .... which there won't be in the rescue system's default fstabs file. The manual only offers the generic "mount device mpoint" syntax, so am I missing more arguments?

My "best guess" command of "mount -t reiserfs /dev/hda3 /mnt" returns "no device found"

The generic command "mount /dev/hda3 /mnt" shows an attempt to mount an ext2 and minix type ... which fails, as I would expect. It recognizes my IDE controller, but doesn't find what it wants. ("VFS: Can't find ext2 filesystem on ide0(3,3)") At least it confirms the controller.

There's nothing wrong with the system. I'm just attempting to test the procedure.

Missing syntax? Something funky about reiserfs type? (the examples I've found for this drill use ext2)

Old 05-10-2004, 03:28 PM   #2
Registered: Apr 2004
Distribution: Mandrake, Gentoo, SuSe, JDS
Posts: 53

Rep: Reputation: 15
The only thing I can think of is if the rescue disks don't have support for ReiserFS in their kernel. Also, make sure that devfs is getting mounted to /dev and that /dev/hda3 actually exists. "No Device Found" usually refers to it not being able to find the device you're trying to mount. You're commands look solid though.

If you're looking for a quick way to access the files in case of emergency and want to double check your methodology, try a CD based distribution like Knoppix or a full floppy distribution that has ReiserFS support.


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