If you bought lindows. Dont u get a subscription to Click and Run, if so, just go download it off ther site, it installs it automaticaly. If not go download a copy of AIM off there website (
www.aim.com) go to "download aim 1.5 now" (it should automaticaly know your using linux, it did for me) go down to "Download and Install 1.5.286" and download the "tgz" file. When done, go to a terminal, first log in as root, by typing "su", then ur root password, then type this in...
1. $: cd /to/wherever/u/downloaded/it/to/ (ie. cd /myfiles/downloads/)
2. $: tar zxvf aim-1.5.286.tgz
Then this should automaticaly put the file in ther right places. Go into a terminal and type "/usr/local/bin/aim".
To install a ".bin" file, u first need to make permission for the file. Do the following.
1: $: cd /to/wherever/u/downloaded/the/file/
2. $: chmod a+x <name of the file>.bin
3. Get into root by typing "su"
4. #: ./name of the file.bin
After wards it will start to unpack the file.
It should start do decompress and I believe