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Old 02-07-2007, 11:04 PM   #16
LQ Newbie
Registered: Sep 2005
Posts: 7

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Outport Rocked....

using ubuntu 6.06 dapper drake - evolution 2.6.1 and outlook 2003. burned my eyes out trying to get native wine to work with office 2003 and it simply wasn't taking.

i used a combination of this tutorial's instructions (for inbox only) and outport for calendar and contacts.

outport rocked, and very painlessly helped me. the directory structure is a little different for evo 2.6.1, but easy enough to figure out, unless you're really really very really new to linux and/or file browsers.

from the outport documentation:

replace "~/evolution/local/Contacts"
with "~/.evolution/addressbook/local/system"


(although undocumented)

copy files from "local/Calendar" to "~/.evolution/calendar/local/system"

voila! one step closer to freedom.

BIG time thanks to the outport team. wow.
Old 03-06-2007, 03:31 PM   #17
LQ Newbie
Registered: Mar 2007
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Originally Posted by chirag_jcm
Can any one tell me how to download Sun Desktop System i cant find any link i download live cd but need proper version for use... I dont want to spend money on buying the version... So, please help or give me any link so i can download a full version ....

You can get it @
hope that helps
Old 03-15-2007, 01:34 PM   #18
Registered: Aug 2003
Location: Shenzhen, China
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I learned a quick way to export all contacts from outlook as vcard files and then import them to evolution:

1. Within outlook, select all contact by click Ctrl+A (or select the ones you interested), go to menu "Action", send the contacts as vcards, then you will get many individual vcard files.

2. Copy the vcard files into one folder under linux and do cat *.vcf > allinonefile.vcf , by this way you have all the contacts within one file which makes Evolution happy.

3. Import the allinonefile.vcf to Evolution. Man this step is too easy to describe.

Notes for CJK users: If you got wrong encoding problem, you may need to convert the allinonefile.vcf to correct encoding before importing to Evolution.
Old 01-11-2009, 02:36 PM   #19
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2009
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Lightbulb Easier way to get it

Go to the blog ""

This is the easiest and quickest way i guess.
Old 05-25-2009, 10:11 PM   #20
LQ Newbie
Registered: May 2009
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Using Evolution 2.26.1, if you go to the program's help and search for "outlook", you'll get instructions to export your contacts & calendar from outlook as CSV (DOS). In Outlook 2003, doing that for contacts doesn't work (when you import, you get thousands of bogus contact data); doing that for calendar doesn't work either (nothing gets imported).
Also using Outport for exporting calendar didn't work for me; evolution didn't recognize the ics file as valid.

The solution I found was to install Outlook 2007 (if you don't have it, grab the free Trial from Microsoft), and:
- Export contacts as CSV as before

- Export calendar by using Save As, as explained here. This way, not only did it work well, but also avoided problems with recurring events, which don't get exported correctly by exporting to CSV.

You can import these into Google Calendar (nice to have SMS notifications!) and Google Mail contacts. The only problem seems to be that characters like "ñ" get scrambled.
Old 06-13-2009, 06:18 AM   #21
Registered: Jun 2009
Location: Switzerland
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Originally Posted by adriaanbw View Post
Hi everyone,

I can point you to a great solution for converting Outlook to Evolution. It is something that has been mentioned before in these forums i think (or perhaps elsewhere) so I won't take credit.


This program can be used to export all your mail folders in outlook INCLUDING attachments to mbox files. it will also export all your contacts, calender etc too.

The only downside is that it will cost you US$10. A small price to pay for a solution that really does work without too much hassle. However i also have some suggestions for making your transition easier with this program. There is a trial version but this will only do 5 exports at a time. Maybe good for those with one email folder and only a few contacts.

Outlook2Mac will create a separate mbox file for each folder you have in your outlook inbox. Evolution will only import one mbox file at a time, asking you which folder you want it linked to each time. This can be a real pain if you have a lot of folders like i did. I think it might be easier to almost merge all your folders into as few as possible and then create filters in evolution to process the mail back into the original folders. Personally i think the filter creation utility in Evolution is much quicker to use than Outlook.

Unfortunately you also have to import all your .vcf contact files individually too. This was a nightmare for me with over 200 contacts to import. If someone has a quicker way to do this, I am all ears.

my 2 cents!
This topic is old, but as I just wrote a tiny exporter macro for outlook, I thought I post it for future reference (an alternative to the tool posted above; and free :-)). The macro will export all selected contacts in the currently open Outlook folder to individual vCards (filename will be 'file as' string of outlook with '.vcf' appended).
How to use: in Outlook go to Tools | Macros and create a new macro; copy paste the few code lines below (note that you need to modify one line!); close macro editor. Then switch in Outlook to your contacts folder, select (highlight) the ones to export. In the Outlook menu go to Tools | Macros and start the newly created macro.

Sub vCardexportieren()
    Dim DieApplikation As Application
    Dim DerExplorer As Outlook.Explorer
    Dim DieAuswahl As Outlook.Selection
    Dim EinKontakt As ContactItem
    Dim KontaktDateiname As String
    Dim i As Integer
    Set DieApplikation = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set DerExplorer = DieApplikation.ActiveExplorer
    Set DieAuswahl = DerExplorer.Selection
    For i = 1 To DieAuswahl.Count
        Set EinKontakt = DieAuswahl.Item(i)
        KontaktDateiname = EinKontakt.FileAs
'following line: replace "C:\" by the folder of your choice, where the vCards should be saved to
        KontaktDateiname = "C:\" & KontaktDateiname & ".vcf"
        EinKontakt.SaveAs KontaktDateiname, OlSaveAsType.olVCard
    Next i
End Sub
And a quicker way to import all vCards: the files can be concatenated! On Windows: open a terminal (Start | Run "cmd"), switch to the directory where all vCards have been saved, enter "type *.vcf > AllContacts"; then you have a new file in the same folder named AllContacts. Import this one to import all vCards in one step.

HTH, Al_


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