If you can leave a partition free when you install FC4, you could use your FC3 installation to download the FC4 DVD iso image to that partition, and have GRUB boot directly from the image. Thus avoiding the whole question of the CD drive working properly. (The partition needs to be excluded when installing, of course, so the image won't be destroyed during the install.)
Search LinuxQuestions, or read the GRUB documentation, for how to boot from an iso image.
Another possibility: Burn the CDs on the server -- sometimes the laser in a CD is misaligned, and produces CDs that are "security enhanced" so they can only be read in the drive in which they are created. (And they can only read CDs created in the drive.)
Edit: Or you could try GRUB2, and boot from the CD drive (or the iso images) on the computer where the disks work (once you configure the network in GRUB2).
Last edited by PTrenholme; 02-18-2006 at 12:57 PM.