I receive the following error:
An error occurred trying to mount some or all of your system. Some of it may be mounted under /mnt/sysimage.
I can load XP Pro fine, but I have yet to be able to configure to dual boot Fedora 10. I have been attempting to use the Rescue operation, which is where I am getting this error.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. If you would not mind explaining the process in which we go about attempting to solve this, I would greatly appreciate it. I hope that this will be a good learning experience. Thanks in advance.
Back Story/Information
Hello. I will start of by saying that I am fairly new to Linux (My only real experience was in a basic Sys Admin course before I changed my major, and I have forgotten a lot due to lack of use.). I decided to attempt to dual boot Windows XP Pro and Fedora 10.
I originally set aside two partitions and installed XP pro before I installed Fedora (partitioning a total of 31471MB to set up the file system on). I used the disk partitioning utility which came with the distribution (Disk Druid I believe), and I partitioned my Linux file system as follows:
/dev/sda5 /boot ext3 not encrypted 203MB
/dev/sda6 /home ext3 encrypted 10142MB
/dev/sda7 /usr ext3 encrypted 7169MB
/dev/sda8 /opt ext3 encrypted 5004MB
/dev/sda9 /var ext3 encrypted 4094MB
/dev/sda10 Swap encrypted 2047MB
/dev/sda11 /usr/local ext3 encrypted 1027MB
/dev/sda12 /tmp ext3 encrypted 1027MB
/dev/sda13 / ext3 encrypted 502MB
/dev/sda14 /var/log ext3 encrypted 250MB
Free Free 7MB
It probably is not the best thought out structure, and I probably wasted space. Eventually, I will learn.
I set the root password, and I set a password for the boot loader. I recall installing Grub to the first sector of my Fedora partition (so on /dev/sda5, right?).
After I choose and install the distributions, I restart. I have yet to set it up to boot correctly, and my Linux partitions are not detected.
Although I am not sure if it makes any impact on this thread (as it probably can be searched or should be asked seperately), I would like to try and have GRUB also boot windows, if possible.