Programs Fighting For Computer Resources
I have a general question about how programs share computer resources , but I'll use an example to ask it:
I use Fedora Core 3 on a PIII 833 MHz machine with a Sympatico high speed internet connection. I like using the eDonkey/Overnet hybrid to download stuff but have noticed that when it's running, programs like Firefox, Thunderbird & Gaim are really slow. This is the biggest problem I have, but I've also noticed when I play games, like Ms. Pacman in xmame, they tend to "skip" when eDonkey is running, so it doesn't appear to be just an internet connection sharing issue.
It's been a while since I've tried to deal with (and learn about) this issue, but I sort of remember reading about "nice" settings and/or other ways to make eDonkey not so greedy when other programs need bandwith and/or cpu resources, but obviously, I don't know enough yet and haven't solved the problem. Could someone tell me (or link me to) the best way to go about solving this problem? Or do I just have to shut eDonkey down to use my other programs, because my computer just can't handle it?