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Old 10-22-2005, 06:08 PM   #1
Registered: Jun 2005
Distribution: Debian Unstable (Sid)
Posts: 63

Rep: Reputation: 15
How do I resize LVM volume group?

I have an 80 GB hard drive on /dev/hdb with the following partitions:

/dev/hdb1 * 1 13 104391 83 Linux
/dev/hdb2 14 9964 79931407+ 8e Linux LVM

The Linux LVM is split as follows with 5.72GB free space at the end of the Volume Group.

ACTIVE '/dev/VolGroup/LogVol_Root' [70.00 GB] inherit
ACTIVE '/dev/VolGroup/LogVol_Swap' [512.00 MB] inherit

I want to remove the free space from the volume group and turn it into a separate physical primary partition.

How do I do this?
Old 10-23-2005, 01:22 AM   #2
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You would need pvresize to change the underlying physical volume/partition size(s), but pvresize has not been implemented as an lvm command (yet). Stay Tuned!

But today, you could move everything to another drive and reformat the existing drive as you wish. It's a truly good reason to own a huge USB drive.
Old 11-30-2006, 11:18 AM   #3
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Lightbulb How do I resize LVM volume group?

I also wanted to resize an LVM partition, most sites said it was impossible, this is what I did:

Resized the logical volume with pvresize as WhatsHisName said. But the partition itself remained unaffected and parted didn't want to resize it.

So what I did was use WinHEX, which is an excellent program, to directly modify the partition table.

I changed “Sectors in partition” by dividing the number of bytes I wanted by 512 which gives sectors, this could be different for other users. I ignored other values.

As safeties I left a buffer zone between partitions. I then used gparted to create the 2 extra partitions I needed.

I'll report later how this works out. For the moment is seems to be working splendidly.
Old 12-02-2006, 10:22 AM   #4
Registered: Jul 2005
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What lvm allows you to do is resize a file system that is part of a lvm. So, you can shrink one system and expand another, or add or remove other physical volume groups.
Old 07-28-2007, 01:54 PM   #5
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try evmsgui

For future reference, I was able to resize a lvm (or so it seems... haven't rebooted yet) using EVMS's gui.

Old 04-22-2009, 08:45 PM   #6
Registered: Jan 2008
Posts: 43

Rep: Reputation: 15
Did it work?
i need to do a similar thing.


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