This was not very easy to find, but since I did I thought I'd put it here in hopes that others find more easily.
Assuming you have xulrunner installed, you have to copy or link your /usr/lib/iceweasel/plugins/ to /usr/lib/xulrunner-1.9/plugins folder. Adjust for whatever version you have, or you may be able to get it work with a /usr/lib/xulrunner/plugins folder.
So even with firefox 3 installed, and having pointed to firefox 3 in the options, I had to do this to get the vuze UI to not show the "get flash player" message.
Originally Posted by FireFerum
I am having trouble getting Azureus to see the flash player. I have the flash player installed correctly in iceweasel. I looked at the only other thread dealing with this and they had to put the flash player plugin into seamonkey. I don't know what browser azureus is defaulting to. I tried opening it in the command prompt but I didn't see where it asked for the browser location. I tried putting the flash player in all types of locations and still the same result. Can anyone point me in the right direction?