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Is there any accurate way to rank distros?

Posted 04-24-2016 at 12:21 PM by XenaneX
Updated 04-26-2016 at 06:01 AM by XenaneX

Distrowatch has its "page hit rankings". The trouble with that is some distros have click happy legions who nullify any hint of accuracy.

I've tried to think of a better way but I'm not doing too well with it.

1-What if only the owner of a distro was allow to vote or rank distros? Ask them to rank the top ten distros and any more they wish to rank. I guess there would be a temptation to rank their own distro first but that may be ok. Peer ranking may get us...
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Views 1409 Comments 3 XenaneX is offline


Posted 11-05-2014 at 10:44 PM by XenaneX
Updated 04-26-2016 at 06:27 AM by XenaneX

There had been so much going on at the PCLOS forums. I sort of enjoyed the drama. I need politeness like you find at Mepis. Those folks are really nice, but Debian based OSes don't do well for me sometimes.

So, I tried Mageia and I have been really happy with it. A few things have broken from time to time but nothing serious. The last update of Firefox changed my icons and I'm not sure how to get it back like it was but it is close to the point that I can live with it. But FF...
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Views 975 Comments 0 XenaneX is offline


Posted 01-25-2012 at 07:42 PM by XenaneX

I still use PCLinuxOS on one computer. Version 11.06 I believe it is called. It is very polished and I like it a lot. However, it is 32 bit and the lack of a 64 bit version caused me to go looking for another distro.

My other computer, the one I'm on now, has simply Mepis 64 bit on it and it runs nicely. There are some minor issues such as a volume slider that doesn't change the volume. I have to open the mixer and use the slider in it which works well enough. Also, M11, as...
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Views 1388 Comments 0 XenaneX is offline


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