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How to search the WWW for solutions to Linux problems

Posted 11-30-2020 at 12:53 AM by ondoho
Updated 01-28-2021 at 01:27 AM by ondoho

I'm a relative newbie here, and would need elementary instructions in order to fix anything you suggested.
  • Open the web page of a search engine that does not wrap you in a bubble. For now, will do
  • Enter relevant parts of the error message received (*), usually prepended by "linux" or the name of the distro (for Mint, you can prepend Ubuntu) - in this case, I would choose Ubuntu The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available.
    (*) I also remove special characters like []:-+"".
  • If you don't get good results, change the search phrase to be either more general or more specific.
    If a certain term must appear in the results, put it in double quotes, e.g.:
    install linux on Acer Chromebook "315".
  • Choose the best results. In this case, the very first askubuntu result seems good.
  • Keep in mind that the chosen article could still be outdated, answers might be contradicting themselves, answers might be plain wrong, or there's no completely fitting answer at all. However in this case it looks like the accepted answer is relevant, although it's 9 years old and was last edited 3.5 years ago.
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