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I'd like to consider myself relatively tech-savvy; obviously I use Linux (Arch to be precise; K.I.S.S. FTW), and I enjoy learning new things about computers in general (both software and hardware-related).

This blog is mostly just for whenever I feel like telling the world about my experiences with computers/Linux (or just life in general), or just posting for the hell of it.
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Fatalistic poetry…?

Posted 08-30-2011 at 10:40 AM by MrCode
Updated 09-22-2011 at 05:11 PM by MrCode (disclaimer removed; (finally) changed blog category name)

I realize that some people here are a bit tired of me being the nihilistic fatalist all the time when talking about matters of religion and/or philosophy, but this is just a little klutzy piece of "poetry" I threw together that might shed some light on the whole "free will" issue (for me, at least ):

If thoughts are just links in a causal chain,
Emotions mere chemicals in one's brain,
If one's actions cause a nation to fall,
Where does the buck stop? Does it at all?

When does one's acts consitute irresponsibility?
Does it make sense to ascribe accountability?
I contend that no man is to blame,
Not even if his acts are the subject of great shame.

As difficult as it may be, I see this as truth,
Applied equally to men, women, elders, and youth.
Like I said, it's klutzy (e.g. there's little, if any, meter to it), and I probably fumbled up a bunch of definitions/grammar structures just so I could get the rhymes right; I never fancied myself a poet, anyhow.

The point is to illustrate my gut feelings about the implications of a deterministic worldview…I know they're probably completely and totally wrong*, and my feelings about it probably originate from elsewhere (e.g. depression, low self-esteem, reclusiveness, etc.), but I just thought I'd post this anyway to see what kinds of comments I would get on it, if any.

EDIT: If people must know, I was inspired to post this by the ever-popular religion thread in the /General forum. As of this writing, the current state of the thread (which I'm sure will be long outdated by the time this blog post gets any significant amount of views, let alone any comments ) seem(s|ed) to be heading into free will/determinism/fatalism territory, and it started to get me a little cheesed off (not pissed off; if I'm pissed off, I just reply to the thread directly rather than beating around the bush in my blog…).

(* - From what I've seen, the common counter-argument to moral nihilism/fatalism in the face of determinism is that, for example, in the case of punishment for a criminal act, one should be imprisoned [or punished in other ways] not as a retributive(gr?) act, but rather as an incentive for the rest of society [and/or the criminal, if (s)he is in a fit enough mental condition] to improve its collective behavior based on the knowledge of the wrongdoings of the perpetrator.)
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