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OK I don't really have a good title yet but I figure I can post works in progress and other tips I've come across or other interesting things.

Gnome 3 Tip - Quick Application Search

Posted 12-19-2011 at 12:07 PM by lumak (Lumak's Guide to Random Things)

Gnome 3 will search the "comments" value of .desktop files when you start typing in the search box of the overlay screen. This search will include symbols and punctuation as well. This means that there are various ways to exploit the system and start grouping applications by symbols.

1. Copy your favorite applications' .desktop files from /usr/share/applications to ~/.local/share/applications
2. Edit the comments section to include a symbol for a group. E.G....
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Views 3267 Comments 0 lumak is offline

More playing with BtrFS on Slackware

Posted 05-03-2011 at 07:58 AM by lumak (Lumak's Guide to Random Things)
Updated 05-12-2011 at 03:19 AM by lumak

Ok well I'm done playing with all that for now.

Some issues I have with BtrFS for now are:
- Quotas can not be implemented on subvolumes.
- EDIT: A segfault when trying to use an encrypted volume with either a seed or its rewritable counterpart..
- Slackware does not ship with btrfstune to toggle the seed flag anyway.
- Slackware isn't equipped to multiboot multiple roots from the same btrfs.

However, in general, everything that is supported...
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Views 5512 Comments 0 lumak is offline

Playing with BtrFs and thinking out loud.

Posted 04-30-2011 at 05:53 AM by lumak (Lumak's Guide to Random Things)
Updated 04-30-2011 at 07:12 AM by lumak

Warning: I'm mainly jotting things down so it may be a bit out of order.

During the install of Slackware 13.37, I figured I would give BtrFs a try and see how it goes. I quickly found out that BtrFs is NOT designed for small partitions. Where it used to be common practice to have something like the following, the same is not true for BtrFs:

Primary Partition
/boot  - 100M - ext3

Luks encrypted LVM
/      - 1G   - btrfs
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Views 3962 Comments 0 lumak is offline

HOWTO: LAMP server on Slackware

Posted 01-20-2011 at 11:01 AM by lumak (Lumak's Guide to Random Things)

This is a short HOWTO in getting a basic LAMP server running on Slackware. You will have to do more reading if you really want to know the details about configuring everything. I call this 'ready to confirm you want the defaults.' Please send me a message if you think I missed something.

set the execute bit on /etc/rc.d/rc.httpd
chmod +x /etc/rc.d/rc.httpd
As far as getting a...
Views 3608 Comments 0 lumak is offline

UGH! I hate broken configure scripts/pkg-config setups (cairo-compmgr/vala)

Posted 12-30-2010 at 03:15 PM by lumak (Lumak's Guide to Random Things)

Seriously, one of the most annoying things about linux and open source is the constant changing of library names and versions and the inconsistent use of pkg-config or the lack their of!

OK so the configure script for cairo-compmgr does a check for vala which goes fine. It knows where the compiler is and what to do. But later in the script it uses pkg-config to double check the library dependencies and it can't find vala... why? well because the script checks for the library 'vala-1.0'...
Views 3523 Comments 0 lumak is offline


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