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Multiple flavours of Linux- what to opt for?

Posted 09-23-2012 at 05:26 PM by leosubhadeep

I must admit, I am so confused!

Say you are a kid (you always were a kid once! ) and go to a mall with parents for shopping. You see an icecream parlour in there, and couldn't resist running towards it. Your dad gives you moderate warning about being ill but you barely care. So you go, and see there's a season offer: pick up any flavour of icecream, without any cost.

Now, you love chocolates also. So chances are there you go for a chocolate flavour. Then again, you...
Posted in Taste of Linux
Views 6385 Comments 1 leosubhadeep is offline

Konqueror- the lovely KDE MFS

Posted 08-25-2012 at 05:18 PM by leosubhadeep


KDE has been a much-beloved option for the Linux users. It looks neat, and the latest versions (I am using 4.9.0 in Ubuntu and 4.8.5 in Fedora lately) has showed a faster, cleaner and good-looking desktop environment. Konqueror, in my point of view, is one of the best parts of KDE.
It's a well-known fact that users switching from Windows to Linux find KDE more convenient than other desktops (here I'm excluding the lightweight desktops such as xfce). Right after getting...
Posted in Taste of Linux
Views 1473 Comments 0 leosubhadeep is offline
Rating: 3 votes, 3.67 average.

You are yet to get it all

Posted 08-20-2012 at 09:44 AM by leosubhadeep

There was a period of around 12 years, I used Windows-based system, even a HTC handheld with Windows installed. I thought, and perhaps think even now, that Microsoft treats you as a teenager and act like a 'big bro' which is good when your primary business is not with devices. Linux, on the other hand, gives you more credit than Windows do. The main reason of my being with Windows platform was I focused on productivity, keeping aside my self customized environment.

Nowadays I work
Posted in Uncategorized
Views 10031 Comments 2 leosubhadeep is offline


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