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A little Linux fun.

Posted 12-25-2008 at 09:24 PM by Hitboxx
Updated 12-25-2008 at 09:26 PM by Hitboxx


How about this? I thought of killing my Fedora (not in a literal sense), just how much damage can it take until all hangs up, without using any scripts or forks or bombs.

Started Vbox with two machines running Mint and Slitaz, and still it was running all happy and fun.

Didn't succeed this time. I think I will put in more VMs with other distros and see how far it goes...
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It's in the Air.

Posted 12-23-2008 at 06:42 PM by Hitboxx


I just tried Adobe's put-the-web-on-your-desktop thing called Air and it's pretty neat. It is similar to those widgets, gadgets,..etc but on a grandeur scale. Though still in the infancy as far as application availability is concerned, nonetheless it is a neat platform and it works.

I downloaded it from the site, installed it on my Fedora, browsed (from Firefox) through the application listings at their site, and saved the ones I wanted to my /home. Then used...
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Views 2594 Comments 0 Hitboxx is offline

Hello persistent USB.

Posted 12-21-2008 at 10:42 AM by Hitboxx
Updated 12-21-2008 at 11:31 AM by Hitboxx (spellcheck)

Hello holy hell,

I hardly saw this before. So an introductory hi hello salam namaste..

Now today has been a fruitful day, I wanted to put a Linux preferably with codecs and things intact onto an USB in persistent mode for some time now. Finally, Linux Mint 6 got releases a few days back and I set about the task to put it on.

Started off with many tutorials digging Google and ending up on various sites, a prominent one being However,...
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Views 8820 Comments 3 Hitboxx is offline


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