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New project

Posted 06-17-2007 at 12:58 AM by cyb0rg777

I'm starting a new programming project. Most of my projects are always a work in progress .I've got a bunch i'm stuck on.A game, a diagnostics program,some electronic circuits I've had on the drawing board for years. This is a program about work in progress. I sort of got into a flame about how some people go around the web telling people their ideas won't work. Sometimes this is a good thing except when the only obstacle to completing the idea is motivation. If you don't want to help ,don't help....
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Views 1499 Comments 0 cyb0rg777 is offline


Posted 09-27-2006 at 10:07 AM by cyb0rg777

I'm bored so I thought I would blog something.I hope people didn't think I was harsh with hackaday.I was just hoping that my idea would take off ,since I'm not able to complete it.I'm just a hobbyist ,I have hardly any work experience with either hardware or software.I was thinking about something I said in my last entry .About the operating system on a cell phone.I remember in the movie hackers III about Kevin Mitnik .He got a code to punch in to a cellphone to turn it into a scanner.Could you...
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Views 1285 Comments 3 cyb0rg777 is offline

Hi Hackaday!

Posted 09-21-2006 at 10:12 AM by cyb0rg777

If your reading this from hackaday it's because I submitted my idea 2 days ago the link to my idea is in my last entry.You know I hope I'm not becomoing one of my weird uncles.I KEEP TELLING PEOPLE MY IDEA AND NOBODY RESPONDS.Come on guys is this a good idea or am I just strange enough to think it is.I don't want a camera staring through the windows to my soul do you?If you don't follow how this works let me elaborate .Each sensor is activated by the presence of your pupil .At least in my version...
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Views 1209 Comments 0 cyb0rg777 is offline

Finish this circuit,eye position sensor

Posted 06-02-2006 at 01:22 AM by cyb0rg777

Another of my unfinished ideas.Mostly because I don't have equipment such as an oscilloscope.The site I posted on didn't give it much traffic so I'm posting a link here .
It's so simple ,and cheap.Maybe some day I will build a working circuit with some help.
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Views 1443 Comments 0 cyb0rg777 is offline


Posted 03-12-2006 at 10:36 PM by cyb0rg777

My latest obsession,Blender.
If I knew it was such a great program I would have voted for it .
But Gimp is pretty great too .
Blender and Gimp go together like ,um ,two things that go together.
Anyway , if you have time to waste ,try blender.
I even found some video tutorials for it!
Just thought I would blog this instead of ranting about it in general.:-)
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Views 1153 Comments 1 cyb0rg777 is offline


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