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XMPP/Jingle To SIP Conversion

Posted 02-08-2014 at 09:03 AM by ALInux
Updated 03-29-2014 at 05:51 PM by ALInux

If you want to contact me you can do so on my blog The VPN Guru -

Hey there

Heard about jingle, the add on for XMPP that enables point to point audio between to XMPP clients. No server config necessary. Actually quite cool feature. However, how good is it if you can not use those voice capabilities to do a PSTN phone cal, or call some SIP device you have. Well that aint the purpose of Jingle anyhow. So other tools can do that including Asterisk and...
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Views 3799 Comments 0 ALInux is offline

The horror of all horrors, lets enable remote dial-in and Horde...

Posted 04-22-2006 at 09:06 AM by ALInux
Updated 03-29-2014 at 05:51 PM by ALInux

If trying remote dial-in is not enough..I will also have to enable Horde...on my debian box..wish me luck and a good linmodem...Well I will keep you folks updated about the progress

If you want to contact me you can do so on my blog The VPN Guru -
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Views 1917 Comments 0 ALInux is offline

VPN through debian gateway to windows domain

Posted 02-12-2006 at 08:42 AM by ALInux
Updated 03-29-2014 at 05:52 PM by ALInux

To do this......
I had to create a vpn server on the windows 2003 server...and edit user accounts in the active directory to allow vpn access through the dial-in tab...and add the dial up vpn connection on the laptops of the target vpn users.

But most important I had to edit my firewall to allow vpn traffic to pass through it...vpn is neither tcp nor udp it is pptp....I will post the firewall script when I get back to work
If you want to contact me you can do so on my...
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Views 3142 Comments 1 ALInux is offline

Failover script for Connection back up

Posted 02-12-2006 at 08:38 AM by ALInux
Updated 03-29-2014 at 05:52 PM by ALInux

Hi this is a script for backing up the internet connection on a debian server...still buggy and testing it and not finished but someone might use it..

If you want to contact me you can do so on my blog The VPN Guru -
1-pppoe always on connection "should be used as long as up"
2-cable limited backup connection
3-pppoe can not ping external IPs "ISP settings :S" so to test the connection either download...
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Views 7534 Comments 0 ALInux is offline

The wonders of Debian

Posted 02-12-2006 at 08:33 AM by ALInux
Updated 03-29-2014 at 05:52 PM by ALInux

Since Ive got my new job........I have been in this permanent dilemna of determining the position of the config files in debian ...they are almost all in dirs different from my FC distro......but since debian was doing such a stable and wonderfull job...and apt-get rocks......I switched to debian sarge....Awesome debian really awesome........

If you want to contact me you can do so on my blog The VPN Guru -
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Views 1853 Comments 0 ALInux is offline


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