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How To Setup Local Repo for RHEL7

Posted 07-15-2016 at 09:31 PM by JockVSJock
Updated 07-15-2016 at 09:34 PM by JockVSJock

Wanted to write up a quick HOWTO on how to setup a local repo in RHEL7. A local repo is a way for the server to install packages via YUM, if it doesn't have a access to install packages from either a Red Hat Satellite or Internet Access.

Again, there are a number of tutorials online that are either missing steps, aren't clear, or are not well explained. I wanted to writeup a step-by-step HOWTO that works with RHEL7, in a virtual environment, using Virtual Box as the Hypervisor....
Senior Member
Posted in RHEL
Views 7043 Comments 0 JockVSJock is offline

New way to install OracleASM packages from Oracle for RHEL systems

Posted 04-13-2016 at 12:00 PM by JockVSJock

Recently a new kernel has come down for a number of RHEL5 systems where I run Oracle on. Also installed is OracleASM (Automated Storage Management), which is a data volume manager for Oracle databases

In the past, when upgrading a kernel, had to also upgrade OracleASM version to match the newer kernel. I would just go to the Oracle website, browser for the OracleASM version that matches the new kernel, download it, install and test.

Now Oracle has changed the method...
Senior Member
Posted in RHEL
Views 7742 Comments 0 JockVSJock is offline

How to setup LUKS for RHEL6

Posted 02-08-2016 at 09:17 PM by JockVSJock
Updated 02-08-2016 at 09:20 PM by JockVSJock

Wanted to write up a quick HOWTO on how to encrypt an LVM disk on RHEL6. Linux Unified Key Setup or LUKS is one way to encrypt data at a block level, for a laptop or hard disk. If the laptop is lost or if the system is compromised, then as long as LUKS is used, then the data should be secure.

Again, there are a number of tutorials online that are either missing steps, aren't clear, or are not well explained. I wanted to writeup a step-by-step HOWTO that works with RHEL6, in a...
Senior Member
Posted in RHEL
Views 3231 Comments 0 JockVSJock is offline

How to setup yum groupinstall for RHEL6

Posted 02-01-2016 at 09:47 PM by JockVSJock
Updated 02-01-2016 at 09:57 PM by JockVSJock

Just found out that we can install packages under Red Hat as a group, instead of individual ones, which will be a big time saver, along with trying to remember the name of the individual packages. I've seen a number of tutorials online for this and I think they either fall short or are not clear. So here is my attempt at it and this blog entry assumes the end user has some basic Linux skills and basic knowledge of Red Hat.

Step-by-step instructions on setting up the following:
Senior Member
Posted in Uncategorized
Views 3213 Comments 0 JockVSJock is offline


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