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Old 03-31-2005, 04:23 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
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Question upgrade questions

I was just wondering, can I upgrade the linux kernel and/or slackware to their latest version and still have 100% compatiblity with Amigo?
Old 04-01-2005, 04:18 PM   #2
Registered: Feb 2004
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Reviewed this question and just checked past forum threads.
Two quick things to check out :
1) gnashley's reply to skruf_man's September 21st, 2004 forum thread 'Amigo software packages'
2) Possibility of investigating Slackware's zipslack, as in skruf_man's reply to predator.hawks's October 11th, 2004 forum thread 'Just how was AMIGO Developed?'

Old 04-02-2005, 03:46 PM   #3
Amigo developer
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SOory for not pitching in on this right away, I'm moving this month...
Here's the low-down:
Amigo makes a few slight changes in the init scripts and various configuration files in /etc and /usr/share.
So, in order to preserve the Amigo hwsetup stuff you should not upgrade the aaa_base, aaa_elf-libs, etc, or init packages. You should never upgrade or remove the aaa_ packages anyway. There are very few changes in the init scripts anyway(for slack 10-10.1), mostly dealing with compatibility with kernel 2.6.x series. You can create the new /sys dir manually. Amigo 2.0 makes no changes to /etc/rc.d/rc.S nor to rc.M or rc.6. rc.modules and rc.local are setup to handle Amigo's init.
Amigo 1.0 and 2.0 don't do anything that is incompatible with slackware, but upgrading or re-installing the above packages could overwrite some amigo helper files and configurations. Much of the 'friendliness' is done through pre-set preferences and confiurations.
Amigo HWSETUP only writes 3 configuration files:
/etc/fstab (ever see such a pretty fstab before?)
/etc/X11/XF86Config (used to be a real black-art..),
and sometimes /etc/rc.d/rc.netdevice
/etc/sysconfig is a directors not found in standard slackware, where 'hwsetup' stores its' files. /etc/sysconfig/amigo may show some hardware such as modems, printers ISDN cards, etc. Anything on the PCI, serial, parallel, or PS/2 busses and ports should be found and identified. The amigo scripts do not automatically set these up though. Te lo dejo de tarea... I'll leave you that as homework...

In /etc/rc.d/rc.local you'll see a 'hook' which looks for a dummy file, /root/firstrun. If this 'flag' file exists, then before login the hwsetup program is run. When hwsetup finishes it assumes blindly that configuration succeeded, and removes the flag file.

Using this flag, plus another trick, will allow you to re-configure your machine's hardware, or if you have installed mobile someway, you can keep your installations config file clean and ready to run like new on any machine. The other trick is to use 'pristine'. This is a script I wrote which cleans up what hwsetup does, restoring the current installation to a pristine (clean) condition.
This can be done completely without rebooting, but it will work better if you do.
So, step 1: Exit the GUI with an oredrly shutdown from your favorite window manager, or do it the fast way: hit <CTRL>+<ALT>+<BACKSPACE> together. that should leave on the command line.
2: be sure you are logged in as 'root' (unmount any temporary mounts you have not in fstab), then type:
3: Now reboot and you'll see Amigo HWSETUP run at the end of rc.local, just before login -remember?

As I said, you could run it directly without shutting down. Instead of rebooting (step 3), type this:
This wont do quite as good a job though as rebooting.

The setup routines will run under slack 10 and 10.1, as you have them.
Your XF86Config file will work fine under XORG (instead of XFREE86), just change the name from 'XF86Config' to 'xorg.conf'.

Are you wanting to compile your own kernel, or install from package?

Last edited by gnashley; 04-02-2005 at 03:48 PM.


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