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Old 11-08-2006, 04:57 PM   #1
Dark Carnival
Registered: Jun 2003
Posts: 166

Rep: Reputation: 30
C#, Mono and ISerializable (It's driving me crazy!)

Ok.. I've spent 6 hours straight on getting this to work and I've encountered *alot* of bizzare error messages so bear with me if I seem a bit wierd...

Basically I have a class called Proxy which inherits from WebProxy and ISerializable and implements a
deserialization constructor along with a the GetObjectData method for serialization. I've looked over some 5 tutorials concerning serialization and this is what I've been brewing together:

(It's 3 different files because it's a part of a project I'm working on)

File 1: proxyClass.cs
// created on 11/3/2006 at 8:39 AM

using System;

using System.Net;

using System.Runtime.Serialization;

namespace AnoDownload



	class Proxy : WebProxy, ISerializable


		private static int numberOfProxies; //Holds the number of proxy objects (and logicaly) the amount of proxies available to the program


		public string address; //holds the url (and port) of the proxy


		public string getAddress




				return address;




		//Variables associated with possible NetWorkCredential

		public string username = null;

		public string getUsername




				return username;




		public string password = null;

		public string getPassword




				return password;




		public string domain = null;

		public string getDomain




				return domain;




		//Variables associated with lockout (cooldown for rapidshare, megaupload, sexupload)

		//Info: it doesn't really hold the number of minutes to be locked out it

		//		holds the time (and date) of the moment where the lockout should've expired

		DateTime rapidshareCom = DateTime.MinValue; //MinValue = 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM  ((which won't be something our user has, unless his watch is seriously fucked up.)

		DateTime rapidshareDe = DateTime.MinValue;

		DateTime megauploadCom = DateTime.MinValue;

		DateTime sexuploadCom = DateTime.MinValue;


		// Constructors


		public Proxy(string proxyUrl, bool bypass) : base(proxyUrl, bypass) //assume that no user credentials are needed

		{ //default constructor

			numberOfProxies++;    //just to keep track of the number of proxies

			address = proxyUrl;


			//WebProxy proxy = new WebProxy(address, true);



		public Proxy(string proxyUrl, bool bypass, string inUsername, string inPassword, string inDomain) : base(proxyUrl, bypass) //use overloaded webproxy constructor WebProxy(url, bypass) -- bypass = use direct connections for LAN


			numberOfProxies++; //just to keep track of the number of proxies

			address = proxyUrl;


			username = inUsername;

			password = inPassword;

			domain = inDomain;


			//WebProxy Proxy = new WebProxy(address, true);


			//Proxy.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(username, password, domain);

			this.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(username, password, domain);





		//Deserialization constructor

		public Proxy(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) : base(info, context) 




    			//Get the values from info and assign them to the appropriate properties

    			address = (string)info.GetValue("storedAddress", typeof(string));

    			username = (string)info.GetValue("storedUsername", typeof(string));

    			password = (string)info.GetValue("storedPassword", typeof(string));

    			domain = (string)info.GetValue("storedDomain", typeof(string));


    		catch (Exception e)


    			Console.WriteLine("Debug(deserialization constructor): Exception Caught!");

    			Console.WriteLine("ErrorMsg: " + e);




    	//Serialization method:

    	public new void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)


        	// Any other custom data which needs to be transferred

        	// info.AddValue("STORE-NAME", ORIG-VAR-NAME);


        	//Debug messages about values of variables before serialization should store them

        	Console.WriteLine("Debug: Serialization method called");

        	Console.WriteLine("Debug: Value of address: " + address);

        	Console.WriteLine("Debug: Value of username: " + username);

        	Console.WriteLine("Debug: Value of password: " + password);

        	Console.WriteLine("Debug: Value of domain: " + domain);




        	info.AddValue("storedAddress", address);

        	info.AddValue("storedUsername", username);

        	info.AddValue("storedPassword", password);

        	info.AddValue("storedDomain", domain);


        	catch (Exception e)


      		    Console.WriteLine("Debug(GetObjectData): Exception Caught!");

    			Console.WriteLine("ErrorMsg: " + e);


        	base.GetObjectData( info, context ); //ctxt





		// Class methods

		public void setLockoutTimer(string serviceName, double timeOut)


			//Sets the lockout timer for a service var by taking the current time and adding the number of timeout minutes

			switch (serviceName)


				case "":

					Console.WriteLine("Stub: lockout timer activated");

					rapidshareCom = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(timeOut);


				case "":

					Console.WriteLine("Stub: lockout timer activated");

					rapidshareDe = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(timeOut);


				case "":

					Console.WriteLine("Stub: lockout timer activated");

					megauploadCom = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(timeOut);


				case "":

					Console.WriteLine("Stub: lockout timer activated");

					sexuploadCom = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(timeOut);



					Console.WriteLine("Error: serviceName was not an expected service (\");





		public bool isAvailable(string serviceName)


			//Should return a bool indicating whether or not the proxy is available to use on a specific downloadsite

			//what determines this is basically a timecheck against the lockout timer, if the current time less than

			//or equal to 0 then the current time is past the lockout timers expiration point and the proxy is free


			// The actual selection of a free proxy is left to the ProxyList class which will manage such things.


			//bool return value:  1 = True (the proxy is available for this service), 0 = false


			//should be less than zero if the proxy is available

			double timerDifference = 999;


			switch (serviceName)


				case "":

					Console.WriteLine("Stub: lockout timer activated");

					timerDifference = (rapidshareCom - DateTime.Now).TotalMinutes; 


				case "":

					Console.WriteLine("Stub: lockout timer activated");

					timerDifference = (rapidshareDe - DateTime.Now).TotalMinutes;


				case "":

					Console.WriteLine("Stub: lockout timer activated");

					timerDifference = (megauploadCom - DateTime.Now).TotalMinutes;


				case "":

					Console.WriteLine("Stub: lockout timer activated");

					timerDifference = (sexuploadCom - DateTime.Now).TotalMinutes;



					Console.WriteLine("Error: serviceName was not an expected service (\");




			if (timerDifference <= 0)


				return true;


			else //proxy is not available for this service


				return false;




File 2: proxyList.cs
// created on 11/8/2006 at 3:04 PM
using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;
using AnoDownload;

namespace AnoDownload
	class ProxyList
	protected string fileName;
	protected ArrayList proxyList = new ArrayList();
		public ProxyList(string inFileName)
			fileName = inFileName;
		public ~ProxyList()
		} */
		public void load(string inFileName)
			FileInfo file = new FileInfo("serializationData2.dat");
			Stream fileStream = file.Open(FileMode.Open);
			BinaryFormatter reader = new BinaryFormatter();
			myDeSerializedArrayList = (ArrayList)reader.Deserialize(fileStream);
			FileInfo file = new FileInfo(inFileName);
			Stream fileStream = null;
			if ( file.Exists )
				fileStream = file.Open(FileMode.Open);
				BinaryFormatter reader = new BinaryFormatter();
				proxyList = (ArrayList)reader.Deserialize(fileStream);
				Console.WriteLine("File does not exist, skipping load");
		public void save(string inFileName)
			//Begin serialization process:
			FileInfo file = new FileInfo("serializationData2.dat");
			Stream fileStream = file.Open(FileMode.Create);
			BinaryFormatter writer = new BinaryFormatter();
			writer.Serialize(fileStream, myArrayList);
			Console.WriteLine("Debug: method running (Serialization should occur!)");
			FileInfo file = new FileInfo(inFileName);
			Stream fileStream = null;
			if ( file.Exists )
				fileStream = file.Open(FileMode.Open);
				fileStream = file.Open(FileMode.Create);
			BinaryFormatter writer = new BinaryFormatter();
			writer.Serialize(fileStream, proxyList);
		public void debugPrintProxyList()
			Console.WriteLine("Debug method: debugPrintProxyList() accessed\n");
			for ( int i = 0; i < proxyList.Count; i++)
				Console.WriteLine("Proxy number: " + i);
				Console.WriteLine("Url: " + ((Proxy)proxyList[i]).getAddress );
				Console.WriteLine("Username: " + ((Proxy)proxyList[i]).getUsername );
				Console.WriteLine("Password: " + ((Proxy)proxyList[i]).getPassword );
				Console.WriteLine("Domain: " + ((Proxy)proxyList[i]).getDomain );
		public void addProxy(string proxyUrl)
			proxyList.Add( new Proxy(proxyUrl, true) );
File 3: testProxyList.cs
// created on 11/8/2006 at 4:26 PM
using System;
using AnoDownload;

class MainClass
	public static void Main(string[] args)
		ProxyList newlist = new ProxyList("tabt.dat");
		//adding 3 proxies
		//Print a list of proxies
Now in this state, I tested it on a Windows machine with the MS csc compiler and it flat out worked
but if I try to compile with mono (using either mcs or gmcs) I must comment
base.GetObjectData( info, context );
out or else it will complain
and say that the WebProxy class doesn't contain a definition for 'GetObjectData' which is bullshit because WebProxy is supposed to inherit from the ISerializable class
MSDN Link confirming that WebProxy inherits from ISerializable: MSDN Page on WebProxy

Please.. I'm close to just scrapping the whole deal and go back to gaming. I've looked through every tutorial I could and it should be good to go as far as I can see.. But it ain't..

If someone manages to help me out. Then thanks a lot man, you have no idea how helpful you'd be!

Last edited by Dark Carnival; 11-08-2006 at 05:01 PM.
Old 11-09-2006, 07:22 AM   #2
Dark Carnival
Registered: Jun 2003
Posts: 166

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 30
To be honest I don't really expect anyone can answer it anyway. But still, it would be a pleasant surprise
Old 11-11-2006, 05:34 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jul 2006
Location: Germany
Distribution: Suse 10.1/LFS
Posts: 4

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If you look at the Mono Documentation (, it doesn't seem to implement ISerializable (although MS.NET does).
Old 11-14-2006, 02:24 PM   #4
Dark Carnival
Registered: Jun 2003
Posts: 166

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 30
I rewrote the entire thing and suddenly Mono seemed to understand where I was going :P
It's incredibly frustrating, but the only good advice I can give a prospective ISerialize class writer is:

Build an extremely simple testcase in one single file - make that work (like really test: you must make it work so that it can read a file which was written when the program was run before, serializing and deserializing in one go seems to work almost always)

When you've got the test example, save that, copy the entire thing to a new build directory, add some functionality, verify that this with mono too, copy this directory to a new place and repeat the process until you have what you wanted.

Mono is much more picky about these things and you can get the most cryptic of errors (it may throw a file not found exception in the middle of it's deserializing class, for example)
but in the end, it's possible, my class ended up inhering from both IWebProxy and ISerializable, and it worked


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