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Old 05-10-2004, 01:31 PM   #1
Mega Man X
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What's wrong with MTV? EVERYTHING...

Today I've been playing a little bit with my remote control trying to find out a new hidden function and flipping through channels when I accidentally changed into MTV. I never really enjoined that channel, but as everything else was just as bad, I let it go for a bit.

I came across a hole bunch of new and fresh "artists", one of them is a young chick called Avril Lavigne (I don't know how to spell it or how to say it either by the way...).

Alright, I then listened to "her" music a little bit and it was not so bad. But she has nothing special into her voice. But she has a pretty face. Now wait a minute, Britney Spears, Cristina Aguilera also does not have bad songs, but their voices has nothing special either. I've seen many drunk friends singing karaoke just as well....

Then I tried to understand why a producer would release another non-talented girl with a pretty face since we have a lot of those "artists" and checked her bio on the net and got myself some mp3's. Neat, so she is the opposite of Britney Spears who plays as "An Innocent" girl: Avril is a punk skater chick... lol. Yet, she plays "ordinary romantic pop songs" as Britney does... Mind you: that somebody else wrote for them as well, she did NOT co-wrote anything, or did she? Since she has three professional song writers watching her back, I really, really doubt she did...

So basically, a producer get a couple of teens without any real talent, give then a guitar and teach a few notes to play in a loop for 3 minutes, a personality(punk, innocent, whatever) and a big apartment in NY. Their only task is to become snob and grab the bite that Britney and Christina does not have. MTV takes it and make an "artist".

So who is going to buy her CD's? Everybody who dislike Britney and co.(or that like, it won't matter because the songs are the same, only the looks/images are different), from an age between 13-14 yo (where the parents buy stuff) up to 19-20 who usually waste a lot of money with media as DVD's, theaters and CD's.

I really had to laugh at it, seriously. And that will eventually ruin Avril and many other "artists" in a long run. Avril for example dropped college to be a singer. Sooner or later she will fade away and will lost a hole part of her life doing what she has no special talent to do and end up on a playboy or doing porn (not that I'm not going to see it though ).

I simply hate MTV for that, making peoples with pretty faces an artist. To become a true artist it may take many years of practing, study, creativity. Sure, a teen as Avril or Britney could have that (let me make clear, they don't, but they could), but a 16-18 years old girl as Avril cannot make a song called "Complicated". How complicated is a young girl's life living with the parents to make a song like that. It looks empty, feels empty and sounds empty just as Britney's.

The true is, to sing, everybody can. Have anybody watched Buffy's episode 9, season 6, called "Once More with Feeling"? Everybody sings, and some of them showed a nice voice as Giles and Tara. But that took a lot of practice, but they could sing and very well. Again, without nothing special.... What I mean by that is, if they've put any other girl in there besides Avril or Britney or whatever, should have the very same effect...

Well, one thing is for sure: I do not buy many CD's often, but next time I do, I will run away from the TOP TEN section of stores as a vampire runs away from a cross and a stake.... If I'd support someone, I will support real artists with a very small audience as Velvet Chain who actually know how to play and sing (and sell their own disks online mind you, so they get a better profit then a lame producer)...

My two cents...

Last edited by Mega Man X; 05-26-2004 at 12:25 AM.
Old 05-10-2004, 05:40 PM   #2
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oooooo, i loved that buffy episode, they diffidently sing better then most of the top 10 do...

i think Britney/Christina/Avril (along with almost (perhaps all) "punk" rocks) have voices that just kill my ears... i listen to Michelle Branch cause she don't kill by ears, along with mikaila, dido, tatu, evanescence... (anything but the ear-breakers!!!!)

but i think cradle of filth and stratovarius are pretty good artists (good music, i think cradle of filth might win on the vocals, even tho you cant make out what they say a lot)
Old 05-10-2004, 06:09 PM   #3
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MTV rarely has anything good to watch. That steaming pile trl is nothing but a waste -- good songs sometimes but you get to hear about 40 seconds of it and its video then it's right back to absolute morons screaming and embarrassing just about everything but their 0 IQ
Old 05-10-2004, 06:17 PM   #4
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are you sure there IQ is even that high?
Old 05-10-2004, 07:23 PM   #5
Mega Man X
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LOL Thanks for the replies guys!. Yeah, IQ 0 is still a positive number nonetheless... lol. And SciYro is right, Buffy - Once More with Feeling is really, really great . By far one of my favorite episodes from Buffy (which is still my favorite TV-series along with Angel and Friends ).

I also like Evanescence. In fact, I've a strange taste for music: Sisters of Mercy, Loreena McKennitt, Van Halen(a couple of songs), The Cure, Beetles, Nightwish. But nothing stops me to listen to Antonio Vivaldi, Mozart, Bach and a few classic songs in a stressed day
Old 05-10-2004, 07:49 PM   #6
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i was watching MTV once, then they flashed a slogan at me...


mtv is all about selling out....
no nobody ever "sold out" mv would be dead.
how does mtv make people believe the oposite of whats true.

and i cant stand the music trend at the moment.
all these bands like busted, good charlotte, avril.
they call it punk when its clearly pop crap.... well...
its slightly different,,, lets call it "Rock music for little girls who dont like rock music"

thanks to mtv we have punk goths, who wear all the black, have all the tattoos, have all the piercings, have all the t-shirts with skulls, and death, and dark depressing slogans, and big punk hair, with personal cd players blasting out some other hard core punk super star singing....... year 3000 by busted.... or somthing else about holding hands, and rainbows, and all the rest.

ever watched a busted music video.... there are 3 pretty boys abolutly hammering the feck out of 3 guitars... i mean hammering the stings.... and jumpting up and down...

and yet it is obviouse, that music contains not even one guitar.... just synthesised piano, and a light drum beat... maybe a little acoustik guitar..
Old 05-11-2004, 02:38 AM   #7
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I couldn't agree more with you guys. Unfortunately, the music itself has taken a backseat to the image. Its all about image now a days and its just sad. When the "boy bands" were really popular Elvis Costello said something that I think sums up the whole MTV thing. The reporter asked him "So what do you think about Nsync." Elvis replied "Oh I think they are great! They are just like the Beatles of today...of course without the whole writing their own music thing."
Old 05-11-2004, 06:31 AM   #8
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The Dead Kennedys summed it up a good few years back in song, can't link to the actual song but MTV GET OFF THE AIR!!!
Old 05-11-2004, 07:45 AM   #9
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The most disturbing thing is that people ADMIT to watching Buffy on an open forum

Just kidding guys
Old 05-11-2004, 08:23 AM   #10
Mega Man X
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thanks to mtv we have punk goths, who wear all the black, have all the tattoos, have all the piercings, have all the t-shirts with skulls, and death, and dark depressing slogans, and big punk hair, with personal cd players blasting out some other hard core punk super star singing....... year 3000 by busted.... or somthing else about holding hands, and rainbows, and all the rest.
Now that is a scary creature too see... lol. Now "Rock music for little girls who dont like rock music" should just be a signature. gheheh.

@ Crashed_Again

"Oh I think they are great! They are just like the Beatles of today...of course without the whole writing their own music thing."
LOL. Yeah, I keep wondering who are the ones writing songs for them and how well payed they are. Because as I said before, some songs of Britney, Avril and co. are not bad. Actually, somes has quite fine tunes and lyrics. The "singers" is the one I think about. It could be my sister or my neighbor there singing instead of them and they could sing just as well...

Maybe the guys behind them are real musicians with "not the right looks"?. The world became so mad that to be a singer you have to have a pretty face instead actually know how to play or sing.

Have you ever seen a Live performance of those chicks? It's 10x worse then a "produced" song. Again, you see much better singers in a karaoke, and note, most of them are drunk and sing once in a month... Needless to say, Britney was caught a pair of times faking instead of singing as in "Rock in Rio". Now she is here in Stockholm (no idea what she is doing here either, but probably charging like 50 bucks a seat in Globen to "listen" to her CD's at the show since she does not sing live

@ Looking_Lost

I've downloaded that song, really, really cool. Thanks mate!. Actually, that is the song we all should sing along .

@ chefmark

hey, you've scared me . I do, realize that some Buffy episodes are quite silly, but it general it's funny. Angel series is way better in my point of view. Oh yeah, I had both Xbox games of Buffy too... hmmmm, I should probably have not said

Last edited by Mega Man X; 05-11-2004 at 08:25 AM.
Old 05-11-2004, 08:52 AM   #11
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I'm going to state that for the most part music has always been about image. If your singer isn't attractive what the incentive for the audience to go see him/her?

I'm not going to argue that MTV has basically taken anything good it had thrown it in a blender and washed it down the sink. There believe that the pop-culture has no other source of info or anything else relevant is what makes them think their all that. I think its BS.

The shows are just retarded now. Wow two guys going around the world to wild places and just being complete morons with animals (one episode, he on purpose tried to sit on a porcupine) that sure is entertainment. I miss the show Daria that was a work of art compared to anything else they have out now.

Perhaps MTV should take its own advise: Stop posing, get a face lift and change your personality to trendy. But dreams rarely come true.
Old 05-11-2004, 09:20 AM   #12
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I lost my interest in MTV long ago when it became a "Anything-But-Music TeleVision" When most of the programs MTV aired barely had anything to do with music (The Real Word, Road Rules, etc), and the music that they did air SUCKED a lot of crap. Basically if you want to listen to good music, you'll probably have to browse around in music stores.

And today's so called rock bands mostly suck, and consist of either "Hey I am a depressed maniac listen to me!" Bands (Linkin Park) or bands that just start yelling into the microphone and label it as music (Mudvayne). Sure there are some talented (or semi-talented) musicians out there such as Nickelback and Audioslave.

Thanks but no thanks, just give me Rolling Stones, The Who, Neil Young, Pearl Jam, Audioslave, U2 and old school Metallica.
Old 05-11-2004, 09:50 AM   #13
Mega Man X
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Oh my Metallica rulz. I love a song from the Metallica Black Album, "The Unforgiven". A guy on the net made a really, really cool video-clip with that song and Batman - The Animated Series. It's just worth watching... neat
Old 05-11-2004, 10:06 AM   #14
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MegamanX : He was mentioning OLD SCHOOL Metallica.
Black Album does NOT fit that descriptioon.
"OS-Metallica" is : "Kill'em ALL" , "Ride The Lightning", "Master of Puppets" and part of "And Justice For All"(The part , Cliff Burton still had worked on.)

After that , Metallica was nothing but farting in a bucket.
Old 05-11-2004, 10:23 AM   #15
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Originally posted by Megaman X

@ chefmark

hey, you've scared me . I do, realize that some Buffy episodes are quite silly, but it general it's funny. Angel series is way better in my point of view. Oh yeah, I had both Xbox games of Buffy too... hmmmm, I should probably have not said

OK, after that post you can add me to the "Terrified of Megaman X " list.

I should probably add/confess that I have only ever seen one episode of Buffy (it was enough )

lol, mark

ps, Kudos on the cool screen name


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