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This is the first "blog" of any kind I've ever had, so it's probably not the greatest...

Just a little snippet about me:

I'd like to consider myself relatively tech-savvy; obviously I use Linux (Arch to be precise; K.I.S.S. FTW), and I enjoy learning new things about computers in general (both software and hardware-related).

This blog is mostly just for whenever I feel like telling the world about my experiences with computers/Linux (or just life in general), or just posting for the hell of it.
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Tech burnout?

Posted 01-30-2011 at 12:16 PM by MrCode
Updated 01-30-2011 at 12:25 PM by MrCode
Tags boredom, bsd, linux, unix

I've been feeling kinda depressed (more so than usual ) over the past few days...I've just recently gotten over a cold, and I may actually still be getting over it, so that could be part of the problem, but I also think it may have to do with the fact that I haven't really done much *new* WRT computers/Linux recently. I mean, I took my old "clunker" computer (the one with no discrete GPU and about 256 MiB of RAM) and loaded FreeBSD on it (I heard about how Arch's init scripts and config files are laid out/organized like *BSD, so I figured "hey, why not give it a shot?"), but a) I have virtually no idea what I'm doing, aside from the very basics, i.e. file management, network interface configs (I have it and my Arch desktop talking to each other over a crossover cable, but it's not online yet [I think this is an iptables config issue on the Linux end, though]), and other really basic stuff. Actually, even editing config files is a bit of a pain, because it comes only with vi as its primary editor (not even vim...and I can at least use vim), and I'm more used to nano as my CLI text editor. I still haven't figured out how to install software yet (I've heard it's done through the "ports" system, but I'm not really sure how that works yet ), and because of that of course I have no GUI (not that that's absolutely urgent ).

But anyways, the other thing is that it's like I don't have hardly any motivation to go and actually *learn* about managing a BSD box, or do much of anything else for that matter.

...I did take a few doses of Robitussin during my cold spell, and I read the warning label on the box, which said something along the lines of "do not take if you are on any kind of psychoactive medication", or something like that...maybe the medicine is at least partially to blame? I'm not taking any psych drugs or anything, but with me and my *existential* whatnot, I get paranoid about a lot of drugs, whether they're head drugs or not. *sigh*

Hell, even writing this blog post seems like a bit of an effort (at least mentally)...I feel like I have to carefully pick and choose my words whereas before I could just let it all flow forth with ease (<- did that sound strange? To me it almost doesn't sound like me...). I also feel like my knowledge about Linux/*nixes is kinda "fading away", so to speak, i.e. I have a harder time thinking of how I'd explain how things work to someone who's new to *nixes, and sometimes I mistype commands out of habit (e.g. sometimes I'll start to type "nano <something>" when I really just wanted to cd to a directory, amongst other dumb things...).

I'm wondering also if this might be a sort of "tech burnout", i.e. I've started to actually grow bored with computers and/or Linux. I suppose that's not necessarily a *bad* thing, but I don't have much confidence in myself to be able to do much else (I keep telling myself that I should get more into artistic stuff, like drawing, but I never have the motivation ). Maybe I should take a break from computers for a while? I suppose it wouldn't hurt to get away from LQ at the very least.
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  1. Old Comment
    Update: I'm kinda starting to feel better...I finally worked up enough motivation to go the *BSD route in a VM on my lappy (still can't figure out the issue with my physical FreeBSD box not getting online ), and I found a neat little "rant" (really more of an informational essay ) about the differences between Linux and *BSD here.
    Posted 01-30-2011 at 07:48 PM by MrCode MrCode is offline
  2. Old Comment
    Regarding burnout, the human brain gets tired when it is presented with a lot of new information and new situations over a long time. It can respond with a lack of interest in the new area. There is nothing wrong with taking a vacation from learning. It is probably a good strategy. If you put your BSD machine aside for a few weeks you may find that you will eventually begin to develop an interest in it again.

    In the interim you might think about doing things that are not cerebral such as taking walks around the neighborhood, watching television or movies, etc. That will give your brain a rest from learning new things.
    Posted 02-01-2011 at 07:44 AM by stress_junkie stress_junkie is offline
  3. Old Comment
    Not to mention, if you give your self a break more often, you will retain more of the information. The same is true for practicing tasks.
    Posted 02-01-2011 at 12:43 PM by lumak lumak is offline
  4. Old Comment
    I'm pretty OCD about learning new things. I buy books constantly and I've been known to sabotage my machines (at home, of course, not at work) just so I can see what happens.

    But I do burnout when I start to lose focus and get bored with a topic. I've recently picked up studying Eastern Philosophy as a sort of "downtime" from screwing around with OpenBSD or dealing with whatever. Perhaps you just need a change of scenery...BSD may not be far enough from the familiar to demand interest.
    Posted 02-03-2011 at 02:16 PM by rocket357 rocket357 is offline
  5. Old Comment
    And of course, I read your disclaimer **AFTER** I post about philosophy. My bad. 's/Philosophy/Diamondbacks/'
    Posted 02-03-2011 at 02:20 PM by rocket357 rocket357 is offline
  6. Old Comment
    And of course, I read your disclaimer **AFTER** I post about philosophy. My bad. 's/Philosophy/Diamondbacks/'
    LOL, well it's not like I'm super-strict about's not like the mere mention of philosophy will set me off.

    Mostly the kind of phlisophy that gets me worked up is the kind having to do with "what is real" and/or "what is a rational reason to believe in something", or other stuff along those lines. Of course the free will/determinism debate is the one that still gets on my nerves the most, but I won't expand on why. It'll just start up the debate!
    Posted 02-03-2011 at 02:26 PM by MrCode MrCode is offline
  7. Old Comment
    Not to start a debate, but my answer to free will/determinism is yes.

    Just like my answer to nature/nurture is yes. Realism/Solipsism: yes. Tacos/burritos: yes.

    Each is a partial view of the entire picture (well, perhaps not tacos/burritos). Bradford Keeney said it best (paraphrasing): "life is a stream of raw characters. It's up to us to punctuate the stream."
    Posted 02-03-2011 at 02:37 PM by rocket357 rocket357 is offline


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