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-   -   So, the Slackware Team surrended in the front of RUST, and there is NO more modern Firefox packages for us? (

jheengut 08-28-2017 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by a4z (Post 5752873)
that's simple, nothing that actually exist. It is just a row of keywords without any sense to impress clueless people like you.


then to whom does C++ makes sense?

If the current crop cannot properly use C++, then who is to be blamed,....

Lennart Poettering is a clear case why something like C++ programming cannot be fully entrusted to A singular person. He has good ideas, totally against the UNIX philosophy and bad implementation. SYSTEMD, buaahaaaaaha

dugan 08-28-2017 01:33 PM


If you think C++ is not overly complicated, just what is a protected abstract virtual base pure virtual private destructor and when was the last time you needed one? – Tom Cargill
I'm disappointed at the people who didn't spot this contradiction.

jheengut 08-28-2017 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by a4z (Post 5752508)
OMG, this again :o
just shows that Linus has also a competence limits, and btw, his dive program UI is build on Qt, for a person that hates C++ a interesting choice ;)
AND my friend feel free to just focus on information that support your incorrect view and information level.
who cares that the game industry moved to C++ for performance reasons over a decade ago, that google and facebook and other HPC interested companies use C++ everywhere there where they need performance to spare the famous 1%, that there is extensive research going on in how to optimize C++ even more and evolve the language (C++11/14/17/20) while the interest in C is in best case limited, and other facts like this, who needs this when there are opinions like your ones. :hattip:

Feel free to help me too.

I'm not against C++, but maybe bad experience and my dubious knowledge years ago.
I still need to see how the new templating meta-programming techniques increase performance.
And gcc is still a long way to fully support all those (C++11/14/17/20),...

I think I need to update myself around C++, maybe I lagged a bit ever since llvm and spir-v.

jheengut 08-28-2017 01:48 PM

This thread is solved since firefox 55, rust and cargo are now part of slackware-current.

SCerovec 08-28-2017 02:50 PM

lock? :cool:

ttk 08-28-2017 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by a4z (Post 5752720)
I am well aware of persons that can not compile boost on windows, which is to due to the stupid way MS is handling ABI compatibility on Windows between compiler versiosn and even build versions. MS C++ simply sucks.

Be that as it may, my horrible experiences with boost were on CentOS.

a4z 08-29-2017 01:28 AM


Originally Posted by jheengut (Post 5752958)

then to whom does C++ makes sense?

If the current crop cannot properly use C++, then who is to be blamed,....

finally a good point on which i can agree, somehow.

What Linus got right in his mail was, that if you want to use C++ you need to restrict what you use of it ...
what was not true was that than it is like C. It is amazing what the combination of competent people and compiler can do, and we will see even more of C++ in HPC on server and in embedded over the next years.
However, it is hard to reach this level of experiance with C++, is often not a lof of fun, and not do some things wrong is nearly impossible.
We will see if rust will be able to be better than C++, deliver similar performance plus having a language where doing stupid things is not that easy possible. D failed with this miserably, let see if rust will do it better.

but for whom C++ is, maybe it is most easy explained like this: you have a hand full of developers developing v8 engine, which is written in a restricted subset of C++ (google rules), and million of javascript developers writing software on top of it. so definitely not fore everyone, but, for some.

a4z 08-29-2017 01:33 AM


Originally Posted by ttk (Post 5753007)
Be that as it may, my horrible experiences with boost were on CentOS.

you should have focuses on the second paragraph I have written addressed to you since this contained the relevant information, which you of course ignored deliberately. But you can stay with your opinion, explaining that what works for million of users, C++ and boost, was to hard for you. But I understand that about your personal failure coined your opinions.

Delcaran 08-29-2017 06:40 AM


Originally Posted by jheengut (Post 5752954)
C++ is not used as a general purpose language as C.

C is great to write a kernel, C++ is great to build GUI and some other stuff such as QT but rust is great to build servo.

I have to disagree.

C is a language created when the "king of languages" was assembler, its goals where to provide a way to create machine code on different architectures without the hassle of learning the specific assembler flavour. It was "write once, compile everywhere (provided you have the compiler)". It's a portable assembler.

C++ is a general purpouse language based upon C heritage, with multiple paradigms and designed to be thinkered with by the developer. It's as powerful as it is hard to master: you have full control and multiple ways to reach your goal, but this means that there is an higher chance of mistakes and dangerous errors.

a4z 08-29-2017 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by jheengut (Post 5752964)
Feel free to help me too.

I'm not against C++, but maybe bad experience and my dubious knowledge years ago.
I still need to see how the new templating meta-programming techniques increase performance.
And gcc is still a long way to fully support all those (C++11/14/17/20),...

I think I need to update myself around C++, maybe I lagged a bit ever since llvm and spir-v.

support of features is excellent, 17 is nor released, but 11/14 is great!

however, you have already many C++ features today.

llvm is likewise modern, and, and, the situation is today better than ever before, a lot of 17 features are available since some time, you have even branches with preview to discuss 20 features.
The time where compilers are behind are past, today we have actual compilers, even MSVC is not that bad anymore (but I still do not like it and its selective feature support)

template programming is not new, but it evolves, the way modern C++ was in 2001 is not like modern C++ is today
how it is better, look at qsort, it takes void pointers and has no idea about noting in the implementations.
through a template, the compiler knows the type, it will therefore be likewise fast or, mostly, faster.
But if you are lreay interested in this topic, it should be easy possible for you to find the proper documents, presentations and techtalks

dugan 08-29-2017 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by a4z (Post 5753367)
But if you are lreay interested in this topic, it should be easy possible for you to find the proper documents, presentations and techtalks

Herb Sutter is a particularly good resource.

CppCon 2014: Herb Sutter "Back to the Basics! Essentials of Modern C++ Style"

My current side project is C++ (Qt).

And, uh, don't get me wrong. If Rust were a suitable language for a project, I wouldn't hesitate to choose it over C++.

enorbet 01-27-2018 05:19 AM

I'm posting here first from netiquette to avoid duplication but being marked "solved" may be a problem. We shall see.

How is this "Solved"? I want to build Firefox, at least v57, and with "configure --enable-alsa --disable-pulseaudio" (or should that be "mach configure --enable-alsa --disable-pulseaudio" ? ) I have caved to pulseaudio on my main, though it shames me to have done so, because it is just easier than fighting ever-increasing number of "enemies". However I will NOT cave to pulseaudio on my DAW system which is doubly in danger since it is 14.2 32bit (with pulse removed and proper Jack in it's place) and soon Firefox will drop support for 32 bit so I want the new version that still supports 32bit AND has such improved memory needs. I'd like to build it in Slackware.

AFAIK there are a few dependency issues as noted here
1) libxt-devel
2) dbus-1-glib-devel
3) libnotify-dev
4) binutils-avr
and possibly...
5) GTK2 widget toolkit
6) autoconf-2.13 (it says 2.5 won't work and i don't know yet about 2.9)

However all that is moot if RUST is a show-stopper. Is there actually a solution?

bassmadrigal 01-27-2018 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by enorbet (Post 5812118)
How is this "Solved"?

What do you mean? It is solved because newer Firefox versions are now in -current (along with rust).

But to build *newer* Firefox on 14.2, (after installing rust) it either requires you to disable Stylo (aka Quantum CSS) or upgrade llvm (I think... it hasn't finished compilation yet, but at least I'm not getting errors during the configure when stylo was enabled). I'm not sure what the repercussions of disabling Stylo would have on the browser and memory usage, but Quantum CSS is a portion of the overall Quantum project.

To disable Stylo, you can add --disable-stylo to the "configure" options in the SlackBuild. That option works for both v57 and v58.

I just grabbed the mozilla-firefox folder from -current and then just added that option and started the build. It includes autoconf-2.13

I'll leave it to the reader to figure out how to upgrade llvm if they'd rather go that route. It needs to be upgraded to at least 3.9.0.

Alien Bob 01-27-2018 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by enorbet (Post 5812118)
... soon Firefox will drop support for 32 bit

You mean: Mozilla will stop distributing 32bit binaries. That does not mean the sources suddenly become 64bit. You can still compile a 32bit Firefox from source.

atelszewski 01-27-2018 04:57 PM


@bassmadrigal Firefox 58.0 builds fine on -14.2.
I too grabbed it from -current and have added some switches, but not --disable-stylo.

The other tools versions are:


rust is only installed in build VM, so it does not seem to be any run-time dependency.

Best regards,
Andrzej Telszewski

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