Can't Join Games on PVPGN
I am not sure whether I post this under the right section so I am sorry If I am wrong.
I am trying to host a DOTA 1 game using PVPGN and have trouble hosting any game.
We could connect to the PVPGN, create an account, and create a game. But everytime we want to join the hosted game, the error showed was something like "the game you attempted to join cannot be found". I know that this related to the NAT / Port Forward issue but I don't have any clue on how to fix this.
So, the goal is that all of the players from the internet can host (or at least one of them only as a host) and we can join the game.
The PVPGN server public IP address is (Linux CentOS)
My IP address is
My friend's IP address
Let's say I host the game ( with chosen Gameplay port 6112.
Can somebody assist me on what ports I should forward on the PVPGN box? Do I need to forward the incoming request to the to the hostofthegame:port? In this case forwarding the to my IP
What should I add on the address_translation.conf?
I have tried to ask my friend use port 6113 and in the adress_translation.conf I put NONE ANY NONE ANY
But have no luck. In the Berlios (PVPGN's developer site) there are no example config for the scenario where all of the players are from outside the server LAN so I thought maybe someone here can help?
Thank you very much.