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-   -   Q: Why is Donald Trump so damned popular? A: "The Apprentice!" (

Linux_Kidd 03-04-2016 08:50 AM


Originally Posted by sundialsvcs (Post 5510111)
Our English friends remind us from time to time that they can throw out their Parliament and replace it within a few weeks – and that they have done so before.

although they can do this, not exactly sure its real benefits. turnover on a frequent basis is typically bad, costs more, and does not move things fwd. big problems cannot be solved in a 4yr term, hence why all of their "i can fix it, we'll fix that" spew is nothing but BS in my book. if Trump wins i would like him to work on three(four) things and three(four) things only.

1) bring jobs back to the US, heavily tax US companies who manufacture overseas. this does not hurt companies, Apple can still make $10billion/yr profit and not change price of one item
2) secure borders (align intelligent agencies to be more accurate and more efficient)
3) maintain military strength, plan the future accordingly
4) start to unzipper Obummer ACA, keep whats good, ditch the bad <-- healthcare is still in need of a major overhaul

if we can get that in 4yrs i will say Trump moved the US fwd in big ways.

rokytnji 03-04-2016 09:08 AM


2) secure borders (align intelligent agencies to be more accurate and more efficient)
I wish folks that think and suggest things like this lived on the border like I do.

cousinlucky 03-04-2016 11:56 AM

For decades the Republican leadership (committed to corporate privilege and costly empire) encouraged a base of jingoists, protectionists, nativists, and other “politically incorrect” types, whom it then largely took for granted. The leadership wanted their votes, but not their opinions. It never expected those folks to one day embrace a presidential candidate who said aloud whatever they were thinking. So it underestimated Trump and now is in big trouble.-Sheldon Richman

I have talked to people that can not stand Donald Trump but they hope that he becomes our next president and completely destroys our present " entrenched government "!!

jamison20000e 03-04-2016 12:02 PM

Plus, look how well border$ (and "beliefs"\opinions) are working elsewhere?

jamison20000e 03-04-2016 12:07 PM

I say we rename them all to this: 38.8833° N, 77.0167° W and 46.8333° N, 8.3333° E and so on...

sundialsvcs 03-04-2016 01:12 PM

I wonder if the Russian president will someday say to us ... "Mr. President, tear down that wall!!"

cousinlucky 03-04-2016 04:20 PM

Anything is possible!!

jamison20000e 03-04-2016 06:34 PM

Getting Trump in would only be one step back aren't we supposed to go two? I vote impeachment for it would save lives! Maybe his and mil* or billions? :eek::( (Go ahead,) I did not make the gun laws or give teens felonies for pot because I know there to smart for my good! :tisk:

jamison20000e 03-04-2016 06:36 PM

Vote yes or no not he or she or even they, break the broken system!

jamison20000e 03-04-2016 06:46 PM

I accidentally closed my browser there for KDE's fall apart window effect, ya break it! :doh:

jamison20000e 03-05-2016 02:05 AM

If your gonna have guns may as well put them to use, otherwise it's not revolutionary?

jamison20000e 03-05-2016 02:07 AM

Worldwide? i.e.

jamison20000e 03-05-2016 02:08 AM


jamison20000e 03-05-2016 02:12 AM

Do you see how stupid that sounds? "If your gonna have guns"!!!

jamison20000e 03-05-2016 02:18 AM

Not just gun laws but gun stupidities or greed\need! ◣◢)┌∩┐

wpeckham 03-05-2016 07:20 AM

Was that an attempt at spam?

Originally Posted by jamison20000e (Post 5510506)
Not just gun laws but gun stupidities or greed\need! ◣◢)┌∩┐

Excuse me? Five messages to deliver four lines of text?
Could we waste a little more bandwidth here?

sundialsvcs 03-06-2016 07:47 AM

It's usually not a good idea to combine a weapon with a thing you ordinarily carry. You can get hurt that way.

jamison20000e 03-06-2016 08:02 AM

1 Attachment(s)
This one more so.
Attachment 21068

gnashley 03-06-2016 01:09 PM

jamison2000e, can you try that thing out and report back with your results -please?

jamison20000e 03-06-2016 01:26 PM

u 1st k?

jamison20000e 03-06-2016 01:29 PM

Let's duel with them, bet i miss?!

sundialsvcs 03-07-2016 07:32 AM

Guns are a tool, and a dangerous one. (If you don't believe that, try being near-missed by a ricochet ... from your own gun. :eek: This happened to me fairly recently, and I consider myself to be a skilled and methodical shooter. It was caused by a malfunction, but bullets don't care.)

The thing that we must finally do is to fix the system of government ... peacefully. (If you seriously think that you can defend against the US Army with your pea-shooters, you're forgetting what you spent billions of tax-dollars for. And, you are missing the point.)

If people go to work each day in Washington – as Senators, Congressmen, Commissioners, Judges, Justices, Presidents or what-have-you – knowing that they can be fired within a matter of days or even hours by the General Public, for any reason or for no reason at all, then we would live in a very, very different country, ruled by people who are watching their own backs all the time. And if they also knew that, in any case, they were eligible for only so-many (perhaps "one") term in office (or in "the fourth branch"), their daily motivations would also be much different, and they would be much less susceptible to bribes because it would not do them any good.

My trouble is mostly with the empty rhetoric: the stuff that is calculated to push a button that a telephone survey calculated would "ring true" amongst a "demographic." (And if it resulted in a multi-billion dollar military contract, so much the better.) You can't "wall off" anyone or anything if there's a market demand for "illegal" (sic) immigrants and for heroin. The only way to do any good is to interdict the demand ... and to declare, as the Constitution itself did, that bribery is a high crime, not a "corporate Constitutional right."

When you are a nation, be careful what you wish for. Right now, we have "governance by public-opinion poll," and that's just not good enough anymore.

I do not see, in either of the two products (Red™, and Blue™) offered by The Two-Party System, Inc., a viable candidate for the Presidency of the United States – nor for the Senate, nor for the House. After about sixty years of rule, this company has run out of ideas. Many potential candidates have wisely chosen not to participate. TPS, Inc. has become fossilized, and irrelevant. But it cannot see itself that way, and it still has plenty of money to pay to the Press. The Press, too, has had its mouth silenced by dollars, and by Boards of Directors that are joined with TPS.

It is a very recent development in US political history that there would be only two meaningfully-active political parties, both of them controlled by the same umbrella organization. To me, the should-have-been obvious result is precisely what occurred: what geneticists would call, "inbreeding." Unfit, now, to rule the country, but unable to conceive itself (no pun intended) in that light. This Emperor can "make a fashion statement" for only so long.

rokytnji 03-07-2016 09:18 AM


If people go to work each day in Washington – as Senators, Congressmen, Commissioners, Judges, Justices, Presidents or what-have-you – knowing that they can be fired within a matter of days or even hours by the General Public, for any reason or for no reason at all, then we would live in a very, very different country,
You made me think of this article

Looks like trump went from being a joke to being on a roll. Guess we are in for that old proverb.

"May you live in interesting times".

cousinlucky 03-07-2016 12:53 PM

The most enjoyable thing about the Trump phenomenon has been watching him make monkeys out of a lot of people who had it coming.-Maureen Dowd

Jeebizz 03-07-2016 02:25 PM

The only 'good' thing about Trump is that he seems to be really pissing off the establishment; still I am pretty sure that the establishment will be able to eventually drown him out; i.e Koch Bro. and others.

As bad as Trump is, he is really bad for those already in power because obviously nobody owns him. He funds everything himself so he outright does not bow down to any 'campaign contributors'; this is where Trump is a threat to the Koch Bro. and anyone else who consistently put up a candidate that they know they have under their thumb Trump obviously isn't that; but I don't see him getting the nomination; since I am sure something will be done to stop him, be it either some kind of 'new revelation' or just outright try to drown him out with even more money.

This again highlights the true nature of so-called 'American democracy'; you have to have money or someone behind you funding your campaign otherwise you have no chance. Trump is doing well in the popular vote, but again that is no guarantee.

I wonder what will happen when Trump is eventually 'snuffed out' so-to-speak (not literally of course).

jamison20000e 03-07-2016 04:11 PM

Not only people multiply, bang, bang...

Jeebizz 04-01-2016 04:28 AM

This is rather interesting.

sundialsvcs 04-01-2016 08:21 AM

You consider a video entitled, "The Assassination of Donald Trump" to be ... "rather interesting?!" :eek:

In my opinion, discussion of the murder of a political candidate ... let alone a Presidential candidate ... is highly inappropriate, and certainly not "interesting" at all. :mad:

Anyhow, let the record show that "The Donald" has galvanized and waked-up political interest, both in America and throughout the world, and has put the largely-fossilized American political establishment fairly in a panic. He doesn't need their money, won't wear their muzzle, and is seen by a great many as "a breath of fresh air" precisely because, IMHO, he is on-the-telly as saying precisely what people now most want to say to their political apparatchik: "You're Fired!™"

The power-brokers are ready to offer an old Senator (popular with the college set) in order to smooth the way for a colorless former First Lady, with the alternative being, say, a nice guy in a business suit ... the First Lady pre-ordained to become "the winner" ... and then comes this guy who has, on his own, more money than any of them. (Never mind that people talk despairingly about "the One Percent" while seriously contemplating electing one of those people.) Sure, to maintain vise-grip control of American power for the next eight, twelve, sixteen years (as they are accustomed to do ...), power brokers would resort to violence. But we need not discuss things here.

Murder is never the answer to anything.

rokytnji 04-01-2016 08:47 AM

I never know which is worse.

A sexist, bigoted, unsympathetic, bombastic, opinionated, hateful, rich dude with airs.
A quiet, bigoted, unsympathetic, behind the scenes, back stabbing, hateful, sexist, opinionated, rich dude with airs.

I do know one thing. Other people besides me cannot tell which is worse either.

sundialsvcs 04-01-2016 11:28 AM

Obviously, the root problem is the utter and complete lack of actual choice.

Huffington Post published an interesting article today about "Democratic Super-Delegates," which are basically old-guards of the party apparatchik who will make damn sure that the "wrong" candidate does not somehow get nominated. (Apparently, this "correction" was put in during the days of Richard Nixon.) And of course, the "Red brand" is no better in this regard than the "Blue" one.

Although this certainly prevented "unwanted" change, it was also the beginning of fossilization. One generation responded by not-voting, which suited the suits just fine. The current generation is not following the same play-book. It's almost as though they care about something . . . :scratch:

It has frequently been observed that the US Senate has less turnover than the Soviet Politburo had in its heyday. In no other country do judges rule until they die of old age on the bench.

Basically, "the times they are a'changin', if due to :jawa: Father Time :jawa: if nothing else. And it would certainly be a good thing, since the "(only) two-party system" that slipped into place after World War I ought to have run its course by now. Both "alternatives" are fossilized, both of them are bleating, "let them eat cake," both of them are saying that "this is the way it must be (because we said so, and because you've always believed us before)," and it's simply not working this time. It is very interesting to watch.

:eek: "What?! Actual, representative democracy? The people can't have that! There's no money in it! I mean, for us!" :eek:

When change slips in, "not with a shout, but with an inexorable whisper," you'd better start paying attention. If it's not an engineered headline, it must be the real thing.

cousinlucky 04-01-2016 12:38 PM

One thing the 2016 United States election for a new president is making perfectly clear to the whole world is that the human race desperately needs a new direction away from suicide!!

jamison20000e 04-01-2016 01:55 PM

A machine can be freed from most "human" interactions if done right, insert bribe here. ;)

The way I see it (here) is government's rich and lazy, cut everything to education! >:(

Jeebizz 04-01-2016 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by sundialsvcs (Post 5524567)
You consider a video entitled, "The Assassination of Donald Trump" to be ... "rather interesting?!" :eek:

In my opinion, discussion of the murder of a political candidate ... let alone a Presidential candidate ... is highly inappropriate, and certainly not "interesting" at all. :mad:

Anyhow, let the record show that "The Donald" has galvanized and waked-up political interest, both in America and throughout the world, and has put the largely-fossilized American political establishment fairly in a panic. He doesn't need their money, won't wear their muzzle, and is seen by a great many as "a breath of fresh air" precisely because, IMHO, he is on-the-telly as saying precisely what people now most want to say to their political apparatchik: "You're Fired!™"

The power-brokers are ready to offer an old Senator (popular with the college set) in order to smooth the way for a colorless former First Lady, with the alternative being, say, a nice guy in a business suit ... the First Lady pre-ordained to become "the winner" ... and then comes this guy who has, on his own, more money than any of them. (Never mind that people talk despairingly about "the One Percent" while seriously contemplating electing one of those people.) Sure, to maintain vise-grip control of American power for the next eight, twelve, sixteen years (as they are accustomed to do ...), power brokers would resort to violence. But we need not discuss things here.

Murder is never the answer to anything.

Did you watch the entire video or did you just stop at the title? If the ladder please watch the entire video


Considering Trump's popularity a lot of at stake for the establishment so I wouldn't be surprised if the usual tactics do not work. I never said I would vote Trump, but the fact that he is shaking things up on both sides and is a threat to the powerbase, well....

jamison20000e 04-01-2016 02:52 PM

That man murdered that drone?

Add: most meat is legal to eat tho our bodies (evolving) don't like it anymore! :scratch: :jawa:

cousinlucky 04-04-2016 12:13 PM

I read an interesting article today about one of the chords that are resonating with votes that like Donald Trump:

Jeebizz 04-04-2016 12:28 PM

Thats part of the reason why the establishment is so worried, and trying everything it can to stop him. If you have a candidate that is asking questions thats bad for the rest of the rats who are profiting from pointless military excursions under the guise of freedom and security. Those lies aren't working anymore, and you have more people with loved ones coming home mutilated or in a box all for military conquest.

Trump is too much for the establishment, and like the video I posted earlier - he may end up like Huey Long. I have my doubts he will get the nominee as I alos stated earlier, there will be major shenanigans and maneuvering any way possible to prevent his nomination. Even if he is nominated the electoral college will find a way to disqualify him, and if by some crazy happenings that he does end up in the White House, bets how long until he has some kind of 'accident' or is outright taken out JFK style or other.

Conspiratorial sounding yes, but someone this vocal outright willing to go after the establishment like this, again too much is at stake. Control and money, so in the end Trump will just be another blip on the radar and then forgotten.

sundialsvcs 04-04-2016 07:15 PM

Dunno ... the man literally has enough money to put on a campaign single-handedly ... and if he plays on the idea that "the establishment" tried to squelch him, he could win by a landslide.

Jeebizz 04-04-2016 07:24 PM

He doesn't need money, hence he cannot be controlled

Originally Posted by sundialsvcs (Post 5526278)
Dunno ... the man literally has enough money to put on a campaign single-handedly ... and if he plays on the idea that "the establishment" tried to squelch him, he could win by a landslide.

Thats the point. He is not tied to any 'contributor'/lobbyist-briber unlike the other candidates, and so he is not in their control. Again it is also ironic that someone in this country has to have so much money in the first place, for a successful campaign, but hey limits on contributions be damned its the American way :rolleyes:

If he was using contributions in a traditional way, it is likely that he would be very toned down. He IS still technically being squelched because the GOP refuses to endorse him. Why would any party endorse a candidate if they are using their own means, and not the usual route of those buying the election in the first place?

Jeebizz 04-04-2016 07:46 PM

I did forget to mention, maybe it won't end that badly for Trump though, he could just end up by Ross Perot and just get gangbanged by both parties until he is forced to quit.

sundialsvcs 04-05-2016 06:42 AM

The US Government slipped down a black hole when corporations bribed(!) the US Supreme Court into the Citizens United ruling, and others, which somehow declared that "bribery" is not what the US Constitution actually says that it is -- a High Crime uttered in the same sentence as "treason" -- but "a corporate Constitutional right."

Never mind that neither the word "corporation," nor the concept of it, is ever used in the actual, hoary document. "Who cares about the document, except to 'justify' anything we want, and to allow the Supreme Court to enact law by proclamation?"

The actual role of the Supreme Court is barely defined in the Constitution ... the Article which defines this branch of Government is the shortest of them all ... but the over-arching powers which this Court have appointed unto itself, by its own apparently-limitless authority, have clearly grown to the point of inexcusable abuse. The issue is exacerbated by the fact that they are appointed, not elected, and that once they are appointed they retain the position until they drop dead of old age. Their self-defined role has become that of a privy council ... that of a monarch.

Corporations actually made a fatal mistake when they "legalized" bribery, and when Congress et al happily adopted a "let them eat cake" attitude in response to it. You can't continue to rule a country when its citizens no longer imagine that you actually represent them. More than anything else, the people of the country are now craving people who actually say that they do, and who dare to say something different than what they've heard over the last fifty years. (The French murdered a lot of people when they finally got their craw full of it. We can do better than that.)

But "the election of a President, or of Congress," cannot continue to be something that "costs billions of dollars," even if the Press (who, after all, receives those dollars!) thinks otherwise. A "choice" between two or three people hand-picked by corporations is no "choice" at all.

The United States is reaching a point where a Constitutional Convention will have to be convened (because the Congress, at its self-absorbed point, will never do such a thing), certain Amendments proposed and enacted, and those Amendments then forced to stick.
  • No one can be allowed to hold any office "for life," nor to be re-elected into an office "forever." (In fact, they must be made to live with the constant fear of "You're Fired!")
  • A judicial body consisting of (about) nine persons cannot de facto enact law, nor overrule the activities of legislatures. The powers that this court "appointed unto itself" over the past two hundred years must be reviewed, and limited.
  • The role of Corporations, versus that of the citizens, must be both defined and limited.
  • The role of the "fourth branch of Government" and the minions who inhabit it, must be defined. (You can't "have a lifetime career" at the top of that heap, either.)
  • We can't continue to have "all or nothing" Congressional bills that are much(!) longer than War And Peace.
  • ... and so on.
These are things that we now know to be necessary, even though people in a non-air-conditioned Philadelphia meeting room didn't. (But those people did know that there might come a time when direct Amendment action, initiated by the Several States not by the Congress, would be required to bring the Congress and the Government back into line.) We've already had serious discussions of the idea, back in 2011.

"If it is 'broke,' fix it!"

I expect this to actually come to pass, soon. People are already driving for change to a system which they know has failed them, but that they know can also be peacefully repaired. Even though I do not think that this billionaire would be at-all successful in the office that he seeks, "change is in the air."

rokytnji 04-05-2016 07:16 AM

I am going to dumb down your post since I am a dumb down kind of dude.

Scalia. RIP. Was a paid mouthpiece for lobbyists to enact agendas for money. Musta been the Italian Mafia in his gene pool. To be fair. He was not the only one who is a bought and paid for supreme court judge.
But bought and paid for non the less.


and so on.
No. Those dudes are locked in and none of us can change that. The red tape surrounding them is to strong Luke. They serve for life and and their force for the dark side is stronger than yours or mine for serving the good people. Right now. Politics is ruling the rule book on who gets appointed next.
Not us. <Edit: The ones who do not like this>

Not sure what all of this has to do with the "Donald" and his popularity.
I have my own thoughts on the , ahem, people that like him. That I won't go into in a forum setting.
I guess we will see what we'll see.
Viva La Raza! Whatever what race you belong to.

jamison20000e 04-05-2016 11:46 AM

"Corporations" are for finding the best way to exploit, a capitalist "government" made that happen and won't pass it up for slaves and all.

Evolution can't exist without de-... (I'm gonna climb a tree but not to shoot at Donald or anything. :tisk:)

sundialsvcs 04-05-2016 01:53 PM

"We live in very Interesting times." And I, for one, am very glad to see any determination to change "the ever-devolving status quo" at all, misguided though it may be. Even though I consider "The Donald" to be nothing more than an aberration of the present "political fossilization," I am glad to see any faint sign of life.

Jeebizz 04-05-2016 02:51 PM

I can't believe I missed this, but an interesting theory:

sundialsvcs 04-05-2016 04:02 PM

Yup ... "reality TV."

Something, like "TV" altogether" ... that I am very proud to say (and, to say quite honestly) that I have never watched, in more than thirty(!!) years now.

... and that I have never missed.

Nevertheless, this video author has hit the nail on the head.

I idly wonder just how many "mainstream video campaigns" have ever even thought of(!) "producing a YouTube video" such as this?

To me, the entire notion of "reality TV" is positively comical, because I am looking upon it from the point-of-view of an outsider. I clearly recognize that there's absolutely nothing "reality" about it. But, at the same time, I also clearly understand that: "the audience does not see it that way." Each member of the audience has projected himself or herself into one "real" character or another, without even realizing it, and this must be what makes "reality (sic) TeeVee" even more(!) compelling than General Hospital.


"Reality" (sic) TeeVee: a venue where you can generate excitement when a contestant "pours a team's remaining supply of water," and no one in the (Inter)National TeeVee Audience™ ever once(!) stops to consider what the cameraman thinks about it!"

Okay, "I get it." "I get it."

Frankly (and as the prescient video clearly shows ...), people don't really give a damn if one drag-queen is (supposedly) blessing-out another drag queen, as long as (a) "the line is good" and (b) the queen who gets his/her dressing-down "appears 'suitably shocked' for sixteen frames."

By comparison, "the existing, fossilized, political apparatchik in America" has one side of their :eek: stuck in Iowa, and the other side stuck in telephone-based opinion polls. They make it their million-dollar business "to Offend no one."

And I guess that they consider that they are succeeding in that . . . :rolleyes:

mostlyharmless 04-06-2016 02:28 PM


These are things that we now know to be necessary, even though people in a non-air-conditioned Philadelphia meeting room didn't. (But those people did know that there might come a time when direct Amendment action, initiated by the Several States not by the Congress, would be required to bring the Congress and the Government back into line.) We've already had serious discussions of the idea, back in 2011.
The States? Seriously? the legislators at the local level are even loonier than the folks in DC. Wouldn't trust those guys to find their **** with a mirror and both hands.

cousinlucky 04-06-2016 08:12 PM

If nothing else, Donald Trump gets my thanks for stirring this up during this election!!

Jeebizz 04-07-2016 10:52 AM

jamison20000e 04-08-2016 01:28 AM

Trump Says He Will Sue Everyone in Wisconsin
L :D L

sundialsvcs 04-08-2016 07:36 AM

Well, "it's reality-check time" for all those who dream of "The Donald" as being some kind of usurper to present political realities in the United States: he is not, and the system remains in no less need of fundamental overhaul and reform.

"The Donald" is an example of "reality tee-vee marketing," as applied to politics. Millions of viewers absorb these "real" shows every week, none of them ever seeming to consider, "where's the cameraman and film crew on this 'deserted island?'" The mantra is, "give 'em what they want, after making them want what you give them," and it continues to work as well as it always does.

The political system remains as it always has been for nearly a hundred years now: two or three hand-picked "candidates," competing (sic) in a flag-dripping show, after which those people, knowing that they were "hand-picked" and therefore knowing to whom their allegiances must lie, spend the next years doing corporate bidding.

None of the "candidates," including Donald and including Bernie, significantly depart from that.

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