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-   -   The mass exodus if Slackware uses Systemd (

dijetlo 01-22-2015 04:15 AM

@Reaper What did God say about Ruby?

@Didier: Eh... it's free software, in every sense of the word, and free is a good thing, also in every sense of the word, but it does tend to be...noisy. That's why I prefer the stuff made by the benevolent dictator.
On a more serious note, good or bad is not something we decide. Historically, the strength of GNU/Linux has been its open source nature. If it is a mistake, we'll quickly learn that through experience and then a significant push back will reverse the trend.

kikinovak 01-22-2015 04:36 AM


Originally Posted by dijetlo (Post 5304940)
On a more serious note, good or bad is not something we decide. Historically, the strength of GNU/Linux has been its open source nature. If it is a mistake, we'll quickly learn that through experience and then a significant push back will reverse the trend.

If this was entirely true, everybody would use Slackware. :)

dijetlo 01-22-2015 04:43 AM

I work in a couple big shops. They use RHEL almost exclusively, 6.5 is the standard though we got some 5.X instances floating around ( and a couple of Debian instances that I go visit from time to time because they just seem so lonely). The businesses interests don't know SystemV from SystemD, they'd think it was amusing if we asked them if they did.
Why is that important?
Those enterprises are not going to convert to the new init system. Unless you work in a large, diverse environments like the ones I'm describing, it's hard to imagine what a nightmare scenario unraveling the work that's been done over a decade and remodeling it for the new requirements would be (and what a big fat $0 you'd have to show for it when your done. How do you explain to business that you're going to spend $12,000,000,000 to do effectively nothing from their point of view?).
Stay calm, gentle reader. It's just an idea, let's see if it works.

dijetlo 01-22-2015 04:54 AM


If this was entirely true, everybody would use Slackware.
For an evangelist, you don't have much patience, brother Kiki.
...Or faith, for that matter.


brianL 01-22-2015 05:37 AM

Why does this thread remind me of Groundhog Day?

onebuck 01-22-2015 05:59 AM

Member response

A few quotes from some very smart people;

Anger is a momentary madness, so control your passions or it will control you.” -Horace

Anger blows out the lamp of the mind. In the examination of a great and important question, every one should be serene, slow-pulsed, and calm.” - Ingersoll

"He who commits injustice is ever made more wretched than he who suffers it." -Plato

"Wisdom is only found in truth."-Goethe

Politeness goes far, yet costs nothing.”- Samuel Smiles

"It is one of the most beautiful compensations in life…that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
One of my favorites;

"Knowledge is of two kinds. We Know a subject ourselves, or we know where we can find information upon it."- Samuel Johnson
So read the above quotes and take in a few breaths slowly as you relax; Ahhhem... Ahhem....Breath.....Ahhem.....Ahhem....Breath....

Then clearly think before you compose & post again to this thread. We are intelligent creatures and should try to help solve the issues instead of putting up blocks or FUD of useless materials from both sides of the discussion. Personalities will almost always effect the way we interact but consider reading what you are about to post then put aside an then look at it agian before you press <submit>.

Relax, have fun & enjoy!

Gerard Lally 01-22-2015 08:20 AM


Originally Posted by onebuck (Post 5304972)

A few quotes from some very smart people;
One of my favorites;
So read the above quotes and take in a few breaths slowly as you relax; Ahhhem... Ahhem....Breath.....Ahhem.....Ahhem....Breath....

Then clearly think before you compose & post again to this thread. We are intelligent creatures and should try to help solve the issues instead of putting up blocks or FUD of useless materials from both sides of the discussion. Personalities will almost always effect the way we interact but consider reading what you are about to post then put aside an then look at it agian before you press <submit>.

Relax, have fun & enjoy!

Hi onebuck,

off-topic question here addressed to you as moderator: why am I unable to view threads in a threaded, tree format? You are obviously replying to an individual here but I don't know who you are replying to because I can only view LQ in flat, unthreaded mode. I've looked for an option to change the display format but I don't seem to have it.

Apologies to all for intruding on this most riveting of threads.

Kazuo_Kuroi 01-22-2015 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by dijetlo (Post 5304932)
and you consider that a personality fault?

Kids, I'm reminded of the story of Jonah.
Jonah did not grow the bush
Jonah did not water it.
He just plunked his ass down under it and enjoyed the shade
and when it died, Jonah bitched to God
God told him "shut the hell up, freeloader".
On a more serious note, good or bad is not something we decide. Historically, the strength of GNU/Linux has been its open source nature. If it is a mistake, we'll quickly learn that through experience and then a significant push back will reverse the trend.

I'm a Buddhist, for what its worth.

I think Python, RUBY and such have a place, but Perl is the quintessential universal scripter for *NIX. Installed on almost any system.

Also I'm not a free software advocate in fact to me, free means beer free. Openess is more important - I use commercial UNIX, Solaris, IRIX, UnixWare etc. for various things - I feel that proprietary and open source software can coexist - I patch IRIX, Solaris and UnixWare with BSD replacements all the time, or in a few cases I've rolled my own utilities.

Once my NDA runs out I'll be helping the BSD and Devuan projects ( only with the MIT/BSD licenced stuff though, like LoginKit ) with their stuff.

enorbet 01-22-2015 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by bassmadrigal (Post 5304544)
Only the uninformed continue to throw this argument out there. Faster boot times were a result of many things that they have done (the biggest being parallelization). It wasn't the reason they decided to revamp the init system. There are a lot of benefits in systemd (even if they are available in other init systems) in comparison to what Slackware uses.

I frankly care only a little about their reasons but in weighing whether or not it is a good cost/benefit in actuality matters. Could you please then inform me as to what benefits there are for a Desktop SOHO system?

Since I have a few distros installed that use systemd, I am actually aware that boot times is a sort of "collateral benefit" since I have also seen it take very long times when one item has difficulty bring the whole parallel scheme to a screeching halt. However I have yet to see any benefit. Please enlighten me since I gather from your posts you are rather objective I would greatly appreciate hearing your POV.

Richard Cranium 01-22-2015 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by Kazuo_Kuroi (Post 5304772)
they prefer Python over Perl for shell execution and automation

Sweet Jesus, anyone sane would prefer hammering nails into their feet than dealing with Perl.

ReaperX7 01-22-2015 06:03 PM

The purpose of different scripting languages is to allow diversity in scripting to bring in abilities not normally found in standard shell script commands, or bashisms, or any other language.

In truth, you could have an entire system built in bash script, but in doing so, it would lack certain abilities and force dependency upon other workarounds, hacks, or bypasses to gain the functionality bash may lack.

Execline can create FIFO protocols in executions where Bash can not natively, but does it mean it's better than bash? No it does. It's different, and was created by skarnet to perform such tasks, but execline is not a shell, it's a command processor. The same goes for Ruby, Perl, and Python, and frankly any other scripting language.

Not all scripts have to start with #!/bin/bash -e as the header. It's simple to do those things, but when you diversify your scripts, you bring out the power of the system in ways not normally allowed or found by one system.

Kazuo_Kuroi 01-22-2015 06:20 PM

I was making a point not that Perl is the best, but that using Python instead of it for sysadmin scripting is pretty dumb. Its slower, less supported and when you're like me, working with BSD, UnixWare, Solaris, and Linux, you need something all of them are guaranteed to have.

Richard Cranium 01-22-2015 09:33 PM

The only one of those that might not have python is UnixWare. That assumes that you don't download the source and install it yourself.

To each their own, but IMO any scripting language that forces you to remember if you have a reference to an object or the object itself deserves to be tossed into the dungheap. Perl's great if you are the only one supporting the scripts. "There's more than one way to do it" means that your way of doing may not look remotely like my of doing it; that turns out to be a real PITA when you are supporting someone else's Perl code.

[EDIT] I'll add that I've actually written programs in Fig-Forth and Forth83 and found those experiences more pleasant than my times dealing with Perl.

Kazuo_Kuroi 01-22-2015 09:44 PM

:facepalm: You're missing the point. This isn't a Perl discussion, its a systemd discussion. You're getting hung up on a leaf on a branch rather than taking in the whole tree. I like Perl, I use it in freelance - and so do many other sysadmins who have at least 5 years experience, like me. End of story.

ReaperX7 01-22-2015 10:34 PM

What type of scripts are systemd unit files drafted in?

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