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johnvillegas 03-12-2006 06:16 PM

networking and/or ndiswrapper
My wireless adapter is supported by ndiswrapper. If I have configured netconfig according to all information given to me by my isp, and my box is still unable to get outside, then is it time for ndiswrapper, and if so, what are the steps to using/installing ndiswrapper, please? Thank you kindly for your input.

John Villegas

dcdbutler 03-12-2006 06:22 PM

Follow the instructions in the ndiswrapper wiki. It's one of the best guides I've come across. In fact, I followed it today and had wireless on my laptop working within 30 minutes.


johnvillegas 03-12-2006 06:31 PM

These are the instructions on the wiki:

Download the driver. Extract to a new directory using unzip. Extract the CAB files (DATA1.CAB, DATA1.HDR, DATA2.CAB) using "unshield x" . cd Drivers/WINXP . edit bkusb.in_ and uncomment the CopyFile.XP.Sys section. Run ndiswrapper -i bkusb.in_ as root followed by ndiswrapper -m . modprobe ndiswrapper. ifdown wlan0. ifup wlan0 and you are there.

I can't make too much sense out of this, besides "Download the driver". Can you help me understand it? Like do I extract on the windoze box that I downloaded to, or do I extract on my Linux box? And does it matter what directory I extract it to? What is "unshield x" and does it have any parameters, or does "x" represent the file? What is this about cd Drivers/WINXP? What is "modprobe ndiswrapper"? Is that a command I run on ndiswrapper? And what is "ifdown wlan0" and "ifup wlan0? What are they supposed to mean?


Brian1 03-12-2006 06:39 PM

The basics.
Install ndiswrapper according to the readme from the source. Note: read closely. For ndiswrapper to install you need to have your current running kernels source on the drive in /usr/src/linux. As long as that is there then installing is a breeze.

The cab deal depends on how the windows driver is saved. The best way is just a *.ini file.

After install run commands like ' ndiswrapper -i <name_of_driver>.ini
The ' modprobe ndiswrapper '
and then configure your wlan0 device. I do not know exactly how slackware does it.


johnvillegas 03-12-2006 06:53 PM

I infer that I am supposed to have my windows driver saved as a *.ini file. Is this correct? It is saved now as a *.exe. Should I just replace the "exe" with "ini"?

Brian1 03-12-2006 07:04 PM

It is possiable the exe is a self extrating zip file. You may need to run it on a windows system to extract from it. Winzip may work for this purpose. If it is a real .exe file then you need to run it and locate the ini file for the nic on the windows system. Forget at the moment where they put it. You might be able to search the intenet for a a generic *.ini file for the nic. I hve read that these are the better options especial when it comes to the broadcom dirvers mostly for dells.


johnvillegas 03-12-2006 07:17 PM

I looked in the man pages for "unshield" and got nothing. I tried to unzip the ndiswrapper file and got an error. What the hell am I doing wrong???:-)

johnvillegas 03-12-2006 07:44 PM

Ok, I've got all the CABs, the driver's Setup.ini, and the ndiswrapper files all on CD. Now what do I do with them. The instructions above say to edit bkusb.in_, but I don't know where that is. I am thinking that they must be in the ndiswrapper compressed file, but I got an error message when I tried to unzip that file. What am I doing wrong?

cwwilson721 03-12-2006 08:26 PM

First, try posting the results of the questions you were asked in the other thread :
What chipset/card are you trying to use?

It may not require ndiswrapper at all.

If you would answer that basic question (Which you have ignored in 3 previous threads!) Everybody could help.

In this thread:

Originally Posted by cwwilson721
What kind is it?
Is it pcmcia? or usb?
If pcmcia, post the results of

cardmgr info


and in the same thread:

Originally Posted by dcdbutler
What's your wireless card chipset? Do you have the correct drivers?

What's the big secret?

I, for one, will not answer any more of your posts under any subject until you at least TRY to help those who are helping you.

johnvillegas 03-12-2006 09:17 PM

How do I find out my wireless card chipset? And I am presuming the "drivers" mentioned just above is the driver for the network adapter, so yes, I am sure I am using the correct driver. If "drivers" above is not for the network adapter, then to what "drivers" is dcdbutler referring?

Thank you kindly.

shotwellj 03-13-2006 01:01 AM


Originally Posted by johnvillegas
Ok, I've got all the CABs, the driver's Setup.ini, and the ndiswrapper files all on CD. Now what do I do with them. The instructions above say to edit bkusb.in_, but I don't know where that is. I am thinking that they must be in the ndiswrapper compressed file, but I got an error message when I tried to unzip that file. What am I doing wrong?

Everything is on a cd? I'm guessing this is because you have no internet connection on your linux box yet. I'm also assuming that the wiki instructions actually pertain to your card.

Those CAB files are compressed archives and the "unshield" command that the wiki refers to will extract them. You will, however, need more than just the cabs. Burn the original .exe file to a cd along with the unshield and ndiswrapper. You can get the unshield program at:

Once you have that burned to a cd, you'll need to do the following things.

1.) Copy the driver files, ndiswrapper, and the unshield onto your linux computer. Move into
whatever directory you put these files in and su to root.

2.) Compile and install unshield:
tar xzvf unshield-0.5.tar.gz
cd unshield-0.5
./configure && make && make install

3.) Extract the .exe file with: unzip F5D6050z.exe
4.) Extract the .CAB files with: unshield x DATA1.CAB && unshield x DATA2.CAB
5.) At this point, you're hopefully able to follow the wiki's instructions and
edit the file.

Let me know how it goes!


MasterC 03-13-2006 03:22 AM

Please do not post the same thread in more than one forum. Picking the most relevant forum and posting it once there makes it easier for other members to help you and keeps the discussion all in one place.

This would include 3 threads that are on the same subject but worded differently.


Follow up here:


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