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-   -   Firefox 3.5 coming out -- will it be in Slackware 13? (

vinegaroon 06-30-2009 09:47 PM

Yes mozilla should really release x86_64 linux builds. I find the easiest way to use Firefox 3.5 is to download the tarball from, untar it somewhere and then symlink the firefox binary to somewhere like ~/bin or /usr/local/bin. I've been using it for a long time this way.

Nille_kungen 07-01-2009 01:20 AM


Originally Posted by hemp4fuel (Post 3592308)
Actually the version for Slackware64 -current does compile it from source.

Yes it does i saw it now and i didn't know that.
I stand corrected.
I need an 64bit laptop ;)

Daedra 07-01-2009 02:12 AM

You know the build works for 32 and 64 bit right?

tommcd 07-01-2009 02:31 AM


Originally Posted by sjampoo (Post 3592010)
If it ain't included, you could still install it later on? It's not so, that if it ain't in the release, it can't be installed later on?

Just download firefox 3.5 to your home directory and untar it. Then to get all your plugins working, symlink your /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/* to firefox3.5 plugins directory:

cd ~/firefox/plugins
ln -s /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins* .

(That is a period "." at the end of that command.)
Then cd up to ~/firefox.
Then run:

./firefox &
And you will be running FF 3.5. This will not affect the FF that is currently installed in Slackware 12.2.
You may want to backup your ~/.mozilla directory first in case you want to go back to FF 3.01x, although I don't think it would cause a problem either way. If it did cause problems you could just create a new profile.

H_TeXMeX_H 07-01-2009 02:31 AM

I compiled it yesterday on slamd64 and it works fine (using it now).


Originally Posted by adriv (Post 3592092)
But that means that you're running FF as root, that's not a great idea (not much harm done if you only do that for upgrades, but don't do that by default).
If you run it as a user, the auto-upgrade mechanism won't work.
And even if you run it as root, it sometimes fails and then you still need to install it manually. ...

Actually I install FF to my home directory, not that it really matters for 64-bit because it can't auto-update anyway. But for 32-bit it could auto-update itself.

grissiom 07-01-2009 02:40 AM

Actually I don't care too much about this because I always follow the current and I believe it will be in current in a near future ;)

tommcd 07-01-2009 03:24 AM

I have been using FF 3.5 for a few hours now. It is good, and has a few more features:
... but imo there is no compelling reason to want or need FF 3.5. That is, unless you just can't wait to try it out ... like me!

sjampoo 07-01-2009 05:10 AM


Originally Posted by adriv (Post 3592092)
But that means that you're running FF as root, that's not a great idea (not much harm done if you only do that for upgrades, but don't do that by default).
If you run it as a user, the auto-upgrade mechanism won't work.
And even if you run it as root, it sometimes fails and then you still need to install it manually. ...

As root yes. As the auto-upgrade function didn't work as normal user. But still: logging on as root isn't forbidden for administrative purposes as upgrading programs :)

A failing installation is offcourse not what you want to happen, but still, I'd rather reinstall FireFox than upgrade to SW 13.0.. most probably since SW13 aint available, and FF3.5 allready is :)

The only things I now know I would like to have is KDE 4.x instead of 3.5, but that's worth the wait ( I guess/hope ) since it still only brings mostly eye candy,. and yes, a squeezy little more out-o-the-box support for wireless networks for my slacktop, since I had some trouble setting it up properly.

Lufbery 07-01-2009 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by hemp4fuel (Post 3592308)
Actually the version for Slackware64 -current does compile it from source.

Excellent! I'm more excited about Slackware 13 than I have been for many of the recent releases.



shadowsnipes 07-02-2009 12:34 AM

Using firefox's AutoUpdate feature on a Slackware firefox package will make a tiny mess. If you someday remove or upgrade the firefox package, all those new files that were put in the installation directory by the AutoUpdate will not be removed with the package. You will have to remove the old install directory manually.

It really is very very easy to just take the mozilla binary source and use the official mozilla-firefox slackBuild to make your own packages (no waiting for the official Slackware release). Then upgrade firefox properly. I modified the official slackBuild so that I don't have to modify the patches for differences in version numbers and so that I can have RSS feed integration and alternate desktop icons. All I have to do is run the slackBuild with the firefox version specified and I have a new package. upgradepkg the new package. done.

Lufbery 07-02-2009 06:58 AM


Originally Posted by shadowsnipes (Post 3593815)
I modified the official slackBuild so that I don't have to modify the patches for differences in version numbers and so that I can have RSS feed integration and alternate desktop icons. All I have to do is run the slackBuild with the firefox version specified and I have a new package. upgradepkg the new package. done.


Are you willing to share your modified SlackBuild?



shadowsnipes 07-04-2009 02:50 AM


Originally Posted by Lufbery (Post 3594157)

Are you willing to share your modified SlackBuild?




Note, I did not include the Firefox icon that I use. I use the blue one found at

With this SlackBuild you should not have to modify it between version changes. Just run it as

VERSION=3.5.xx ./mozilla-firefox.SlackBuild

sahko 07-04-2009 03:39 AM

Probably not..

shadowsnipes 07-04-2009 08:57 AM


Originally Posted by sahko (Post 3596298)

Most of the bugs will mostly likely be fixed within a couple of months. Regardless of whether or not it is released with Slackware 13, FF is an easy drop in package.

H_TeXMeX_H 07-04-2009 08:59 AM

As usual there are bugs ... it's inevitable ... but so far I haven't hit any :)

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