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coralfang 06-29-2018 10:01 AM

I use the Awesome window manager, my desktop environment is mostly just:

* firefox
* thunar
* urxvt

drgibbon 06-29-2018 10:37 AM

Awesome WM here too, although I couldn't use it without awesome-cyclefocus/xbindkeys/dmenu. I'm not even really sure what the desktop environments bring to the table for me these days, I looked at KDE 5 recently, but I couldn't see any advantages. I need a systray, good keyboard control, quick window/desktop switching, and a minimalist graphical UI. That's about it. Probably the drawback of these things though is that they require some time investment in configuration, so if I had to choose between KDE and XFCE, I'd probably go with XFCE just because it's simpler.

Cesare 06-29-2018 10:46 AM

I was a KDE user from the 1.0-beta days up to the IMHO perfect 3.5. Unfortunately starting with the 4 series everything I liked about KDE was either broken or gone. I suffered with KDE 4.2 for a while and then switched to XFCE which I've been using since.

I like XFCE. It has mostly sane defaults, makes the things I expect from a DE easy, and doesn't get in my way otherwise. XFCE works for me, and with KDE 4 out of support and KDE 5 nowhere in sight (as an official part of Slackware, that is) there was no incentive to give KDE another try.

orbea 06-29-2018 11:07 AM

I use spectrwm, its a fully featured tiling wm that is fast and smaller than twm with no required dependencies not found in a full install. The main draw for me is that its simple, easy and stays out of the way.


Originally Posted by Lysander666 (Post 5873461)
For reference, LXDE:

Thanks, you got me to try this.

I found this too. :)

montagdude 06-29-2018 11:25 AM

I'm a bit of a DE/WM hopper. Over the past few years, I've used all of the following fairly extensively:

Awesome WM
Plasma 5
Gnome Shell

I picked the WM option, because I've probably used Awesome and Openbox the most over that period. I'm currently using Openbox. Eventually I'll probably get bored with it and either change up the setup or switch to something else.

dugan 06-29-2018 12:13 PM

Still using this combination of OpenBox, pcmanfm-qt, rofi, stalonetray and Plank.

ChuangTzu 06-29-2018 01:50 PM

I switch between Fluxbox and Xfce, sometimes i3wm, but it hasn't pulled me from flux.

ttk 06-29-2018 02:01 PM

All of the DEs exhibit undue complexity and churn, which makes them fragile and disrupts the continuity of user experience (over years or decades).

I stepped off that treadmill and adopted the simplest WM which has the features I actually use, and is actively supported but sees very little development: FVWM.

That was over a decade ago, and I have yet to regret the decision.

Everyone has different needs, of course, but "more is better" attitudes can blind people to the requirements/features/drawbacks relationship.

hitest 06-29-2018 03:24 PM

At the moment I am using XFCE, it meets my needs.

khronosschoty 06-29-2018 03:55 PM

I use spectrwm wm and love it.

frankbell 06-29-2018 08:30 PM

I generally use Fluxbox or KDE. I tend to prefer Fluxbox, but I have no objection to KDE, though I have no use for most of the widgets or "Activities."

drgibbon 06-29-2018 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by dugan (Post 5873588)
Still using this combination of OpenBox, pcmanfm-qt, rofi, stalonetray and Plank.

Just tried out rofi, it's like dmenu but even better, cheers!

phalange 06-29-2018 09:09 PM

Wow, I'm really pleased to see WMs taking the top spot in the poll. On Slackware, I mainly use DWM and Ratpoison and I've been messing with herbstluftwm lately too. XFCE is a useful fallback and is nice on Slackware since it's so light. I've made peace with its dated appearance too, and I embrace it as is (i.e. in its stock configuration). KDE has never rung my bell regardless of distro. I will revisit it to test plasma though.

phalange 06-29-2018 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by orbea (Post 5873565)
I use spectrwm, its a fully featured tiling wm that is fast and smaller than twm with no required dependencies not found in a full install. The main draw for me is that its simple, easy and stays out of the way.

Yes! I stumbled over this a while back and then forgot about it. Can't wait to check this one out. The examples on github look great, and it appears to mix floating and tiling in an elegant manner.

frankbell 06-29-2018 09:22 PM

I've gotten comfortable with Plasma because it's the default for Mageia and is nicely integrated with the distro, though sometimes I use Enlightenment on my Mageia box. I've always rather liked KDE, but I learned my way around Fluxbox because a long time ago I needed something lightweight.

I came to really like Fluxbox once I learned how to make it do my bidding.

One of the features that both KDE and Fluxbox (with the help of a little fbsetbg script that I found somewhere) have that I quite like is the ability to slideshow my wallpapers. I have well over 1500 pretty pictures of nature and geography and sights and the like and I like being able to make them rotate.

There used to be a "Blackbox for Windows" project that I used on my Win7 computer until the maintainer's website got hacked and he threw in the towel. I got a perverse enjoyment from using Blackbox on Windows.

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