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Steve_Taylor 10-01-2001 01:24 PM

You Have To See This!!!!
I was surfing around the net last night and i found this review on Linux Mandrake 8.1 so i went to have a look, what i saw was the poorest Review ever!! this guy has obviously has not got a clue what he is talking about!

quoted for the the *review*


Sadly, not even being able to install Linux is just the first of my many complaints. A brief perusal of the features of Linux Mandrake reveals that Linux is sorely lacking many crucial productivity applications. For example, why isn't the industry standard web browser, Internet Explorer, included with Linux?

also read the comments after its quite funny

they think that they can sue somone for looking at there servers http responce throught telnet!

d3funct 10-01-2001 03:05 PM

Good Call :p, Man that guy is TOTALLY clueless. I spent the last 45 minutes reading that review and some of the replies it received. I still can't believe it was a real review versus something you'd see on "The Onion" or It is just amazing! And the guy with the MCSE all high and mighty :o , what a jerk.

Thanks for queueing me to the post. Have a great day.

isajera 10-01-2001 04:13 PM

msce is a joke... but it's a joke that looks good on a resume - kinda like "team player"

i read the article - it was pretty hilarious, if you happen to find massive ignorance funny.

trickykid 10-02-2001 01:43 AM

i stopped reading that crap after they couldn't spell Linus Torvalds correctly, calling him Linux Torvalds... knowing they know nothing of Linux.

Steve_Taylor 10-02-2001 02:02 AM

they just dont have a clue! that guy is gonna get so much hassel over this its gonna be funny!!

DoubleLetter 10-02-2001 03:59 AM


Steve, thanks for sharing it with us.

Steve_Taylor 10-04-2001 05:38 AM

Straight from the horses mouth...
Here's an e-mail reply from the guy who wrote the article...

"This is a stock reply to everyone who emailed me regarding my Linux
Mandrake 8.1 review on

I have received a number of emails about that article, some pleasant, some
not so pleasant. Considering the important role the Linux community has to
play in supporting, advocating and developing the kernel and associated
applications, the community has done itself no favours. I have received a
number of flames, "mailbombs" and death threats from angered Linux users -
these actions do nothing to enhance the credibility of Linux or Free/open
source software in general.

To those of you who sent a point-by-point rebuttal to my article (I
received many of these, all virtually identical but mostly well
intentioned): if you were to spend as much time developing software as
you do sending moaning emails to people, perhaps your kernel/OS/etc
wouldn't be quite so poor.

Frankly, I am sick of hearing the word "Linux" now. I still believe that
my review was fair, objective and mostly factually correct. However, after
seeing the reaction of the "community" to my article, I will do a real
hatchet job on Linux when (not if) I am next asked to write on the


Tarquin (IAT)"

LOL! I expect that somebody might do a hatchet job on him!!

DoubleLetter 10-04-2001 07:36 AM

I wonder how old he is.

Stephanie 10-04-2001 04:22 PM

I just got done reading a potion of that review and some replies, so here is my two cents.

I am a firm believer that everyone should have the right to have and express their own opinion, so long as others are not harmed in the process. It is sad when people form opinions based on absolutely no real facts or hard data, or worse, personal bias.

After reading his article, he sounds like he has a grudge against Linux to begin with. If that is the case, how could he have made a good, unbiased review? he couldn't, which is to bad. But that does NOT mean that those sending nasty notes and threats to him have suddenly been given the right to do so.

Now I am just a gal who got into Linux about a year ago. I am not truly a hacker, but I feel that after using almost every one of MS Windows and Linux that Linux had more of what I was looking for. But I went into it with no judgement against anything. I though Windows was the best originally. And I think even still I could write an unbiased review of both products.

I think that anyone who sent this man, whether we agree with him or not, a nasty or threatening letter should send one apologizing for it.

We are the Linux community. We represent to the world what Linux is and its people. We are supposed to have integrity and honesty. We are supposed to value freedom and have a good moral standing. We are the fighters of the computer age.

Most of us got into this originally because we liked freedom of choice. Does this mean we should now diss anyone who does not see our point of view? Does anyone really think these letters help us or our cause? No, they hurt us.. quite a bit.

I am going to write him a letter apologizing on behalf of the Linux community for those letters he has gotten. I think anyone who agrees with me should as well.

People sometimes make rash moves out of anger, but we must remember that he is not really hurting anyone with his review. He is only hurting himself. His review is not shared by most, so does anyone really think it is going to be truly detrimental to the Linux community? I would venture to guess the answer is no.

My dad told me when I was young that anyone can do anything, but it takes a tall man (well in my, girl) to admit when you are wrong. I truely beleive that. Lets do the right thing, and say we are sorry.

Blessed be,

acid_kewpie 10-05-2001 04:43 AM

Ahh it's the little things that makes it so great...

....Linux is Shareware ....

"Linux Mandrake is just the latest in a long line of quirkily christened versions of Linux. Previous versions of Linux have been named Red Hat, Slack Ware, Storm and Coral"
What a prat. What a total moron.... CorEl wasn't ever good enough to be called Linux!

trickykid 10-05-2001 02:46 PM

i pity and feel sorry for people who talk before they think....

gcombe74 10-05-2001 09:49 PM

What a joke? Why bother reviewing something when you have a biased, and not done your homework.

With what I have encountered with XP, I really think might be an opportunity for Linux to rise. That is if we can get people to quit reading "poop" that is so far out of proportion. Bad thing is the average user does not know the difference, and won't by reading that crap.

Stephanie 10-10-2001 11:55 AM

I agree, linux will definately get more notice and attention when XP is released. I know many friends and co-workers already asking me many quetions about Linux and why I like it so. I have told them that if they stick with Windows, use no more than 2K. T sucks, and 98 / ME is far gamers.

strawberry 10-10-2001 03:48 PM

the things this guy has written are so ridiculously over the top that it is obvious that he made them all up, he probably has some kind of financial interest in microsoft or a grudge against a script kiddie who troubled him at some point. ignore him and he'll go away.

isajera 10-10-2001 04:00 PM


Originally posted by gcombe74
With what I have encountered with XP, I really think might be an opportunity for Linux to rise. ... Bad thing is the average user does not know the difference, and won't by reading that crap.
...yeah... i got my hands on an early copy of xp a month or so ago, and at first i was grudgingly impressed... i couldn't manage to crash it. however, after a bit more use, and several driver loading failures, the hassle is quickly surpassing anything i experienced early on when i was learning linux... it's not harder to figure out, it's just impossible to fix correctly.

gcombe74 10-10-2001 04:15 PM


I think that you are on the right track, I found the interface to be good, but after making adjustments and installs, it really is set in its ways, and I love some of the bugs that have risen out of it. I run a full WAN and have made address changes, but it has refused to change the address it is sending out on the network. That is going to go over big, expecially since this is a 3com card. LOL:D

Dracul 10-10-2001 10:19 PM

Why the Surprise?
I am a newbie to linux (redhat7.1), and without any support i have been able to get all aspects of this O.S. up and running except for the printing of PS.

When i originally had Win98 i was constatly on the phone or net trying to get support for an appearently user friendly o.s.

The above review by a msce is obviously going to be a biased opinion, especially for linux. It is a threat to Microsoft!

Peace in the valley & love in the trees!


Fried 10-15-2001 07:17 PM

In one of his paragraphes he stated that he was unable to install MD. If you can't do a basic install of one of the newer distros on a relitivly current box, then you damn sure aren't compatent to write a review of it.

WTF? this was supposed to go on another thread. OOps.

TheMadHatter 10-16-2001 08:45 PM

:study: Hmmmm..... I think this idiot shoulda looked at the linux program or even the millions of sites.

I don't think he was that stupid though....... One of 3 things/reasons is why he wrote such a sucky article:

1. He is EXTREMELY STUPID and did no research.

2. (i had to do this once) Write a Stupid article to attract
attention to the site, thereby saving his job.

3. He was pressed for time and threw together some stupid sh@@ hoping to save time and his job.

Even though there are 3 possible reasons, 1 seems to fit the best.

theabyyss 10-16-2001 10:06 PM

that is the funniest thing i've ever read. that man is an idiot.

Aussie 10-17-2001 02:20 AM

One think that struck me when I read the mcse responses was, if this is an indication of the level of competence of the average msce, then no wonder there are so many unpatched/insecure windows boxes on the net.

dorward 10-17-2001 02:41 AM

And he strikes again:

TheMadHatter 10-18-2001 04:51 PM

This guy don't ever give up does he?

He is REALLY STUPID! He paid blah blah blah where he could've got it free.

i paid about $24(US) for all of the linux things I have and have and i have Linux running on my laptop (Mandrake) With windows.

This comparatively speaking souds better than my $680 + (US) tab on my very much used and hated windows shit.

This guy is hilarious!!!!! :Pengy: maybe he shoud do some research before instead of after he screwed up his laptop. :study:

theabyyss 10-18-2001 05:39 PM

actually, the 2nd article is written by a different person. maybe that entire site's staff is full of complete morons.

TheMadHatter 10-18-2001 05:51 PM

they put the same pic for the person! U Must be right..... a bunch of morons.... or MSFT Employees

DavidPhillips 10-20-2001 09:19 PM

I tend to agree with some of this guys post.


I'm a complete prick. A complete prick whose defining pair of traits is on the one hand, a complete inability to listen to anyone else, ever, and on the other hand, an almost pathological need to find someone else to blame for my problems.

I wonder if he has ever heard of Unix at all.

He seems to think the whole thing is a myth.

I could not read the first post yet because of our web filtering, I am thinking it's not even worth the time it will take to type


We use software on Unix that they would not even dream of putting it on anything from MS.

However they are porting it to Linux now

:Pengy: :Pengy:

TheMadHatter 10-21-2001 09:06 PM

I seem to agree with that quote too....... It is worth the time to read that article if you are in need of comic relief. LOL That thing is funny....... I think you should read it just to have a laugh.

Aussie 10-21-2001 09:48 PM

Its worth reading just so you know how not to do a review...

isajera 10-22-2001 05:39 PM is one of the worst sites on the net. it's filled with nothing but whining "not-my-job" types who have no sense of how the world got to where it is.;sid=2001/10/10/18186/236

the only reason i ever go to that site is to get myself riled up for another round of coding.

acid_kewpie 10-22-2001 05:54 PM

Thing about that sort of site is that they're so entrenched in their views, that there's no way any linux bod can EVER come across as open minded, or unbiased to them. You simaply can't phrase anything straightforward enough to not make it look like your just blindly taking the piss out of them...

They're on top of their castle, and us dirty rascals can never be worthy of talking to them!!

isajera 10-22-2001 06:22 PM

exactly... it's like, even if you gave them any helpful advice, they'd resent you for it. it's just sick seeing some one say "i don't know, i don't care, and it's all your fault." when you think about it... that more or less underlies every article on that site.

DMR 10-22-2001 11:23 PM

Oh no, an thread! I hate it when that happens...

Check out the Rant-A-Thon that the mention of an (in) article sparked over at LNO. The forum mod actually locked the thread after it grew to three pages (he must have some modicum of taste).


TheMadHatter 10-23-2001 03:50 PM

LOL! That is funny..... not only is it not legally binding, but if I want I can to reproduce large parts of their site. By doing the following it is legal:


"reproduced part here"

-Name of writer
Place of publication

OOPS I guess their legal department is as bad as their linux reviews.

Kzin 10-29-2001 04:38 AM

Who are the quoted I wonder? Which version of MSIE do they want us all to standardize on I wonder? Will they get us the source code to MSIE so that we can keep the standard going after it has been abandoned by MS;) Or do you have to be a MSCE to join :p

Anyway - I must admit I enjoyed this comment though


Did he change his name to Linus because he was fed up with having the same name as his operating system ?

Wouldn't it have made more sense for him to change the name of the OS ?

I don't get it.

TheMadHatter 10-29-2001 03:47 PM

I particularly enjoyed that comment too.:Pengy: :newbie: :jawa:

theabyyss 11-01-2001 07:16 PM

i think we should all look up as many articles as we can on that site pertaining to linux, and keep a count of how many of these grossly uneducated and inaccurate articles we find

TheMadHatter 11-02-2001 07:16 AM

whats the point in that, they insist that they are right even with all of the corrections we made.:Pengy:

antken 11-06-2001 03:02 PM

What the?
this review is utter b~@@*x
i read the review on tuesday 6 november 2001
and this is an extraction of it:

Computer security is also an area that seems to have been overlooked by the developers of Linux. In these times when hacking and viruses are commonplace, it defies belief to learn that no anti-virus software is available for Linux. To add insult to injury, there is no Linux version of the popular ZoneAlarm firewall. By using Linux, you are issuing an open invitation to the hordes of ne'er-do-wells on the Internet.

again this review is utter b~@@*x
1. most viruses are for windows and play on the backdoors and bugs in the os
2. securty on linux is not a major, major issue it has less bugs than windows!
3. yes there is an anti virus for linux its called avp (theres probably more but i dont know their names)
4. mandrake has a fire wall on the extentions disk, i think its on the extentions disk, i cannot remember what its called

landonmkelsey 11-15-2001 12:53 PM

what you have done is wrong!!!
I am a 4.5 year Linux enthusiast. I have read all the reactions to the original opinion and must judge as follows:

(1) Great character would have been manifested by trying to help the poor soul and then have a convert instead of an enemy.

(2) The tremendous OVER reaction comes under the "protesteth too much" heading indicating that the reactors do not feel secure in themselves and their convictions.

(3) Check to see if Netscape 6.1 or (whatever the latest is) to see if it is truly compliant with the latest XML stuff.

(4) severe criticism(i.e. death threats) is 100% sick

(5) I believe it was GB Shaw that said something like this

"the mark of a first rate intelligence is the ability to keep 2 conflicting ideas in your head observing the benefits of both"

landonmkelsey 11-15-2001 01:14 PM

One more thing

One more thing....there are shops out there whose employees think that the sun never sets on MS (naive bunch). I call these MS brainwashed.

It is best to hate neither but learn both.

This attitude will help you in your career.

I enjoy both and can bash both. I love Linux and want to see it as #1 desktop. Linux is difficult for many first time installer/users. There are Linux problems impeding its widespread adoption.

Redhat 7.1 was a great improvement over past versions.

anoop_chandran 11-23-2001 05:55 AM

i think he is yet another guy gone nuts.............that guy is truly biased and doesn't want even to think in any other possible way...whatever be the version these come from the same thing and share the common properties....
"read my article u poor guys..what is applicable to mandrake is applicable to all",that's what he wants sayz.............there is certainly some money resting what i want to say to that man is .........."GO MAKE UR MONEY"...we have the choice..............

landonmkelsey 07-17-2003 07:07 PM

try large pdf in IE6
In are large .pdf files. Using IE6 do a search and click on the file name .pdf if you find one. Try to move around in the file and you'll hang IE6.

Better to use Netscape 7.01. Works much better!

landonmkelsey 07-17-2003 07:10 PM

Brain washed
There many people who think that MS is "it".

A professor at the University of Houston (Texas) said in a arrogant, grandiose tone "why on earth would anybody want to use Netscape?"

I replied "there are things that just don't work in IE6!"

landonmkelsey 07-17-2003 07:11 PM

MS XP Prof much improved???
Print on a local printer and watch performance degradation on other windows programs.

DavidPhillips 07-17-2003 08:05 PM

pdf files...

I noticed this several months ago. The only thing to do was download the pdf.

landonmkelsey 07-17-2003 10:55 PM

how to make IE6 hang with IE6 and do a search to find a large .pdf file like "Oracle 9i Database Concepts"

click on the search link

after the Adobe Acroreader starts showing the first page, try to slide down in the publication. Beware, you may have to reboot or kill IE6. I have Redhat 8 on one scsi hd and MS Win XP Prof on another.

It may work if you leave everything alone until all tranfsers are done.

Using Netscape 7.01 (7.1 is being mailed), it works better but I always leave everything alone until all tranfsers are done.
............just to be safe...................

After all transfers are done, I immediately save the file and open it directly from windows explorer. For those of you who do not know, all the above is possible under Linux using Netscape 7.0+ and Adobe acroreader (free download of course).

DavidPhillips 07-17-2003 11:00 PM

I use Mozilla in Windows and Linux.

No problems.

stonegold84 07-29-2003 10:20 PM

hi guyz,,,,,,,,,

every 1 took a look at the review and posted ur own coments for the review made by some 1.. but this poor guy cannot even read the review....

so sad.......

can any 1 post the link of the review page????????


tincat2 07-30-2003 02:02 AM

what's up with this thread? it looks like a bunch of guys here got trolled by adequacy several months back and now we're on browser something or other.

DavidPhillips 07-30-2003 08:40 PM

Actually it started as a post about internet explorer in linux, (that's a joke in itself).

I say everyone use mozilla.

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