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damgar 04-30-2010 03:44 PM

I'm really wishing I would have organized my data better over the last 6 years...... :(
On a related note I'm copying all the files to my soon to be file server and then I get to do a kid friendly slackware install on the kids' "new" machine. :)

smeezekitty 04-30-2010 04:52 PM

What am i doing now:
Porting crapthon programs to perl and bench testing perl vs crapthon.

MrCode 04-30-2010 06:10 PM


Porting crapthon programs to perl and bench testing perl vs crapthon.
There's a crap-thon in town? Count me in! :D

On a serious note: Python and Perl are both interpreted, so I wouldn't expect too much of a performance difference between the two...?

(They're both slow compared to C :))

What I'm doing now: being somewhat bored, and lonely. :(

smeezekitty 04-30-2010 06:13 PM

lupusarcanus 04-30-2010 10:53 PM

Wow. What a waste of time. Lucid sucks. I want my karmic back. WTF. :(

And guess what? My GRUB/splash wont show up, either. That's nice. LTS? Feels way too unstable for even a normal release.

Maybe a bug? Heres my dmesg lines, pretty much the same as yours:

[ 22.444774] vga16fb: initializing
[ 22.444784] vga16fb: mapped to 0xc00a0000
[ 22.444796] vga16fb: not registering due to another framebuffer present

smeezekitty 05-01-2010 12:09 AM

What am i doing now: Preparing the 0.11 smeezix release, writing a C compiler! (it sucks some major a**).

damgar 05-01-2010 12:18 AM

Just finished a custom slack install, second one in 24 hours, I'm exhausted tomorrow I'll feel triumph. Today I feel slacked on.

MrCode 05-01-2010 01:43 AM

Following in leopard's footsteps and posting from Ubuntu Lucid in VirtualBox. (Just the LiveCD image; I haven't installed anything permanently.)

So far it's not that bad for being run in a virtual machine, but it's not making me want to upgrade anytime soon. :)

Jeebizz 05-01-2010 10:46 PM

Finally! Some British comedies!!!
Tonight it seems I am lucky enough to FINALLY see some good old fashioned British comedies. Yes Minister, and now I am watching The Fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin, whicb I have never seen before, but so far so good & funny! :D

There is one character however in Yes Minister that looks very much like Nigel Hawthorne, am I mistakened, or did he actually play a part in that comedy? :scratch:

Well back to my comedies. Finally, PBS is has something decent on!

MrCode 05-01-2010 11:16 PM

I just finished building/installing my first AUR package. :D

What I'm trying to do is get Splashy working so that I can have a nice fancy graphical boot-up sequence like I have on Ubuntu (I've got it booting to runlevel 5 with xdm by default, I've got it starting Compiz as the default WM, so why shouldn't I have a graphical boot sequence, too? :p). Not sure if I did it quite right, though. Everything seemed to go well during the compile/install, but I'm afraid if I do those last few little things on the wiki page (set SPLASH="splashy" in /etc/rc.conf, rebuild initramfs, etc.) and reboot, then all hell will break loose. :eek: I believe this because (for me) usually the first time is the worst time. :(

corp769 05-02-2010 12:49 AM

Being bored at work, working on my website soon, and wishing i had friday, saturday, and sunday off, instead of my current thursday, friday, and saturday off.

XavierP 05-02-2010 05:33 AM


Originally Posted by Jeebizz (Post 3954305)
There is one character however in Yes Minister that looks very much like Nigel Hawthorne, am I mistakened, or did he actually play a part in that comedy? :scratch:

Well back to my comedies. Finally, PBS is has something decent on!

Yes, Nigel Hawthorne did indeed play Sir Humphrey. Yes Minister (and the follow up Yes Prime Minister) were the sharpest and most accurate political satires of their day. When you have seen them all, see if you can find The New Statesman - very sharp comedy.

Jeebizz 05-02-2010 09:20 AM


Originally Posted by XavierP

Yes, Nigel Hawthorne did indeed play Sir Humphrey. Yes Minister (and the follow up Yes Prime Minister) were the sharpest and most accurate political satires of their day. When you have seen them all, see if you can find The New Statesman - very sharp comedy.
I thought so. I hope I am lucky enough to catch Yes Prime Minister as well, but that depends on PBS. I should start petitioning BBC-America about all this. Especially for the Downfall and Rise Of Reginald Perrin, :p

XavierP 05-02-2010 09:59 AM

Bearing in mind that such an old satire show is still relevant, I'd suggest getting the DVDs :) If you like political satire and to see how it has evolved, after the Yes, Minister and Yes, Prime Minister and The New Statesman you should look at In The Thick Of It (and the film In The Loop). The latter are incredibly sharp and focus on the current government - very funny and very accurate.

damgar 05-02-2010 11:28 AM

I'm listening to music and printing over samba...........Finally. This has been by far the most complicated and time consuming install of my linux/slackware career. I've got 2 more client machines to set up, but since they are my personal machines and I don't have to take anyone else into consideration, I have hight hopes that they will go smoother. :)

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