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Blinker_Fluid 12-29-2006 11:07 PM

If killing 148 people doesn't qualify you for death I don't know what does...

I don't have any aspirations of being better or more merciful or whatever PC term you want to throw out. Thou shalt not kill is an interesting concept how about an eye for an eye? Justice is an important part of society. Mercy has it's place but 148 deaths might be a few too many to slap him on the wrist and make him sit in the corner.

cousinlucky 12-29-2006 11:24 PM

I must have been driven insane by living in New York City.
There are times when I reason that " The State " or government makes far too many mistakes in death penalty cases to allow the death penalty.
There are other times when I reason that there are far too many criminals and mentally sick people walking the streets preying on the good people.
I sometimes contemplate putting them on a ship and dumping them into the ocean to feed the sharks.

introuble 12-30-2006 03:23 AM

I can't wait to see where this thread will go to (unless a moderator closes it).

Voted for the "I would kill him", myself. Some people said stuff about people not having the right to kill other people, regardless of who they are. Even if they are enemies during a war? Even if they are a captured "Hitler"? (Imagine Hitler would have been captured.. should have he been sentenced to death?).

Also.. why shouldn't "we" have the power/right to execute certain people? He who's known only how to kill, will now learn how to die. Should Ted Bundy have been spared of the death penalty? F* that.

vharishankar 12-30-2006 03:41 AM

While he's executed and all that, it's like crushing an ant with heavy boots. Sometimes no matter how wicked the ant was, it's only human psychology to feel a passing sympathy for the ant.

Maybe if Saddam had been a more demonic figure like Adolf Hitler was, maybe there would have been less sympathy. Saddam may have been evil, there was definitely a magnitude difference between his power and the power of real terrorist organizations which should be the main focus of the US efforts.

introuble 12-30-2006 04:34 AM

A bit off-topic but: for those who have seen the images of the moments before execution.. Saddam gets a black .. thing.. around his neck.. what is it? what is it for?

Crito 12-30-2006 05:38 AM

Just goes to prove we're no better. Congratulations!

Crito 12-30-2006 05:56 AM

He was just as "democratically" elected as politicians are in the US. "Criminals" here aren't allowed to vote either.

And if killing criminals is OK, then he couldn't possibly have "murdered" anyone either. Those were merely "executions" too.

So, in short, he only killed criminals who weren't allowed to vote. That's EXACTLY like the political and legal system we have in America. :o

Mega Man X 12-30-2006 06:01 AM

Wikipedia is updated now with info about his execution. To kill or not to kill, that's the question. I would personally be against sending him to jail for the rest of his days. It costs money and it is not like we were going to teach this mad bastard a lesson anyway. However, his death most likely won't change anything.

One thing is certain: The World is better without him...

Hitboxx 12-30-2006 06:11 AM

Kill the bastard!!!

He deserves it. And what about these faith, religion things? God, where is God? All the laws and religions are man made stuff. The world runs with cracked guns and crooked money.
“Give me control of a nation’s money, and I care not who writes it’s laws…” Meyer Armschel Rothschild 1790

Its always been an eye for an eye since the dawn of human race, why should it be any different now! You kill my brother, i'll kill your entire family!

PS : My personal opinions, got nothing to do with my caste, country, religion etc

Crito 12-30-2006 06:12 AM


Originally Posted by Mega Man X
The World is better without him...

You're kidding right?

Saddam would most certainly have eliminated the Iranian nuclear threat. And between the religious zealots there and the Jesus freaks here, we're all one step closer to their lunacy of Armagedon and the "end of time".

The world is definitely a more dangerous place since Saddam was removed from power. You must be spending too much time watching the propaganda networks (Fox News and CNN).

easuter 12-30-2006 08:24 AM


One thing is certain: The World is better without him...
Sure it is, but why not get rid of him in the first gulf war? What happened now is like the Allies defeating Germany in WW2, leaving Hitler alive, but then returning a decade later to finish the job. I agree that he did deserve to die, but in the process, he has been turned into a martir and even more of an icon. I would rather have thrown him in a jail, like the ones he ran, and let him rot there for the rest of his life.

Plus, there are other dictators that the world could do without:

- Robert Mogabe
- Pol Pot ("retired", but guilty none the less...)
- Gaddafi
- Putin
- Ahmadinejad
- Kim Jong Il

But whats wrong with the obove mentioned people? Their countries don't have oil, or they are too powerful.
If the USA is on a moral crusade to rid the world of tyrants, it may as well be done properly...

pixellany 12-30-2006 09:35 AM


Originally Posted by Crito
You're kidding right?

Saddam would most certainly have eliminated the Iranian nuclear threat. And between the religious zealots there and the Jesus freaks here, we're all one step closer to their lunacy of Armagedon and the "end of time".

The world is definitely a more dangerous place since Saddam was removed from power. You must be spending too much time watching the propaganda networks (Fox News and CNN).

Interesting perspective...
I think you may be right that Saddam would deal with Iran--and he did maintain some order in Iraq. But at what price? We have tyrants all over the world maintaining order by indulging in some form of abuse of people. Some of these abuses tend to get more media attention than others.

The issue in Iraq is whether it is America's right or duty to tell that country what kind of leader they should have.

Think about how the middle east would be without American oil dollars flowing in. Many believe that THAT is the issue which needs to be dealt with.

raska 12-30-2006 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by Crito
Just goes to prove we're no better. Congratulations!



Originally Posted by shrikant.odugoudar
He deserves it.

And who granted ye the power to judge whether whom lives and whom dies!?
The last time I looked, only God decides beyond life and death. No one else should do so.

And for those who think "but he made so many crimes!" SO WHAT!? Didn't Jesus told to forgive and love your enemies?


Originally Posted by pixellany
...The issue in Iraq is whether it is America's right or duty to tell that country what kind of leader they should have...

US should stop sticking their nose in others' countries business. U.S.A. DOESN'T NOT OWN THE WORLD'S FREEDOM. You (U.S.A.) people that think so, are no better than Saddam himself.

trickykid 12-30-2006 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by truthfatal
I don't believe that Humans should kill other humans. Regardless of Religion or 'Rights.'

So if someone was coming at you and their plan was to kill you, you'd let them?

Regardless, Saddam Hussein didn't recieve a fair trial. He probably wouldn't have gotten a fair trial on this planet. If I were him or in his position, I'd rather die myself than rot in jail for the remainder of my life. It is kind of bothersome though, that it wasn't really the Iraqi's pushing for his death but everyone with any type of common sense the U.S. Government played a big role in speeding up such process.

Funny how he was tried and convicted for killing 148 people in the Dujail massacre, a town that made an attempt of an assassination on him. Did 148 people in that town need to die? Probably not, some or most were probably innocent bystanders. Did Saddam deserve to die, probably not, his day was coming anyways. Could one say that Bush is no better since the War he started and the invasion of Iraq has caused over 655,000 deaths? I think Bush is trying to overtake Hitler in deathcounts under his belt..


Originally Posted by snowtigger
What about the rights of the people that he killed.

Same could be said about every leader in the world, whether it's a war they start, a bill they pass that might prevent new drugs that could save people's lives, a bill that allows corporations to pollute our communities and the planet we live on and need to survive.. the list goes on and on..

masonm 12-30-2006 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by introuble
I can't wait to see where this thread will go to (unless a moderator closes it).

It's taking the most predictable path just like all threads of this nature eventually do.

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