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alred 03-21-2005 06:44 AM

wow .......

that is maths sheds off it pretensions.i love that.

rjlee 04-10-2005 09:16 AM


Originally posted by amosf
1 + 1 = 10
But only in Binary. As my lecturers used to say

1+1=2 for high values of 1
Just for fun, let's prove this in octal:

1.3 + 1.3 = 2.6 for exact values of 1.3
To one octal place:
1 + 1 = 3 (2.6 rounds to 3 because octal skips out digits 8 and 9)

Because in the real world, there are no exact numbers, and base 10 is just a convention :)

jschiwal 04-10-2005 10:31 AM

Why is everyone using 'Maths' instead of 'Math'?

But then it's been so long since I've been in school, maybe its the "new" new math. I had even forgotten how to calculate square roots. I didn't have a 3rd grade math book handy (who does), so I had to re-invent the wheel. If newton's approximation method interests you, you might like to see how the arithmetic for calculating square roots the regular way works!

You start out with a number A which is less then the right answer, which you get by looking at the number. In other words, your final answer should be some A+B. Well lets see what happens if you square these terms. You get (A^2 + 2AB + B^2). If you subtract A^2 from the original number N, you are left with (2AB + B^2). Factor out the B gives B(2A + B).
Let's rearrange it a little bit.

2A + B
x B

So that's the part that I couldn't remember. Since we subtracted A^2 and then 2A+B, these terms equal some number squared, so we can continue on with the second step getting closer to the answer.

I am a bit fascinated by the Pythagoreans. They were not just a philosophy school, but more like a religious cult. One of their members revealed the secrets of of the octahedron to the outside world. He was stoned to death. A similar fate (drowning) awaited a member who discovered the existence of irrational numbers. This turned their entire existence on its head.

Anyway, this topic has prompted my to change my sig.

alred 04-10-2005 10:55 AM


by rjlee
Because in the real world, there are no exact numbers, and base 10 is just a convention
forgive me for being silly infront of you and just for the fun of it ......

although i totally don't understand what you had done above , but i do know that it's a kind of maths that looks zulu for me.:p , and i trust you with that because there always be a way for you to "caculate" or to "define" when everything exist .
For someone like me , the more it looks zulu to me the more it is maths ,
so maybe you can explain to me what is zero or 0 in maths , what is 0 , zero not as a usage or "helping tool" to proof other , but simply a zero which does not exists ? if possible do it in a way that i can graps , if it not possible it still doesn't matter .:)

nothing much , just for the fun of it , hopes you don't get offended by my silly question ......

thanks in advance

jschiwal 04-11-2005 06:53 AM

That may be more of a historic question then a mathematical one. The Greeks didn't have the concept of zero begin a number, or of negative numbers. They worked out their mathematical proofs geometrically, and used rational numbers. That is their numbers were expressed as ratios. They didn't have a decimal notation. In the western world, the number 0 wasn't discovered until after the first crusades. The concept of zero came from India, and was adopted by the arabs. In the west, roman numerals were used for centuries after the east started using arabic numerals. This was by order of the Pope of Rome because business men and traders found it easier to fudge their books by altering one number into another. Imagine being in school and using Roman numerals for multiplication or addition.
Zero is the natural number with represents the absence of an object. Think of it as the 'no' number. There are 'no' apples or there are 'no' cookies. It is also an identity number when it comes to addition. M + 0 = M. This equation is known as the 'additive identity law'.
Division by zero is undefined. It doesn't make sense to say that you are dividing something into groups of zero.

Zero shows up 3 times in the 7 axioms developed during the 19th century.
4. For all n: n+0=n (additive identity law)
6. For all n, there is a number k such that n+k=0 (additive inverse law)
7. For all m,n, k, where k does not equal 0: if km = kn, then m = n (the cancellation law)
Although the mention in no. 7 is just to avoid division by zero.

Don't confuse zero with an empty set in set theory. The set {0} contains one member. The empty set {}, or NILL is represented by a similar symbol. A circle with a slash through it.

I hope this helps. I can't wait until you start pondering infinity.

alred 04-11-2005 08:50 AM

very well said and appreciate your trouble in answering my doubt .....

except for those maths part at the bottom which is my fault for not knowing any , all in all , i can graps what you are trying to tell me , thanks a lot .......

yup , as for the Infinity that you mentioned , it's still better than mentioning god or the inexplicable , if not we shall see a very different kind of stone pelting and drowning ..........

thanks again

rjlee 04-11-2005 01:03 PM


Originally posted by jschiwal
Why is everyone using 'Maths' instead of 'Math'?
I am English, so I say “maths”, sort for “mathematics” (and use double-quotes rather than single ones).

Sorry if this is getting too off-topic!

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