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Brane Ded 09-29-2004 10:50 PM

I've seen better. It looks more like an ill-conceived joke than an attempt at trolling.

Come on, how can you expect to spark a flame war with such low grade fuel?

SciYro 09-29-2004 10:53 PM


He added that, in the case of a "loosely coupled" environment such as Linux, users have to spend more to cope with integration issues, in contrast to Microsoft's more "tightly coupled" environment.
i agree, it would cost me thousands to hire software engineers to integrate firefox into the kernel so i could have as many vulnerabilities as windows :scratch:

some things are left better loosely knit, i could replace a window manager easily without f*king up my system , i could replace the file manager, audio player, video player, or even some core system programs (lilo/grub, glibc, gcc, .. and in some cases the kernel (tho it cant be called linux then) and it goes on and on) , i can even add patch's to the kernel to get things like a picture for a background on the frame buffer, better security, or make it work a bit different .... all without to much panic from other programs ......... in windows you can even totally replace the web browser ..........

(ok, granted in kde/gnome where things are to tightly knit, taking something away can pretty much ruin how it works ..... but I'm talking installed and setting up programs separately here ..)

nuka_t 09-29-2004 11:08 PM

i like how "loose" linux is. if i dont like konquerer, i can delete it. probably not hte smartest thing to do but...

vharishankar 09-29-2004 11:14 PM

I think that tightly integrated, loosely-knit and all those are just buzzwords to dazzle the poor non-techie into buying Microsoft products. But that argument is growing a bit old.

Hey, Microsoft, can't you think up of something new to attack Linux with?

RazorKnight 09-29-2004 11:18 PM

as for multimedia capabilities, the Matrix was done on a Unix farm... all the professionals use Unix. Granted, Solaris is not Linux but it sure ain't M$ either.

auditek747 09-29-2004 11:32 PM


Originally posted by vectordrake
For some reason that statement reminded me of a movie I used to watch every New Year's day called "Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid". i can't remember much of it, but it'd be sure cute if someone made a tux picture wearing a plaid jacket. or, am I just a bit too twisted.......

Yes...You're a bit too twisted!

"Dead Penguins Don't Wear Plaid"

Stack 09-30-2004 12:22 AM


I think that tightly integrated, loosely-knit and all those are just buzzwords to dazzle the poor non-techie into buying Microsoft products. But that argument is growing a bit old.

Hey, Microsoft, can't you think up of something new to attack Linux with?
You might complain about windows integrating the GUI into the kernel and IE but I want you to show me a faster browser or GUI. Speed it is really is the only thing that matters to desktop users and you can bet that IE will start faster than any other browser in existence on windows.


Originally posted by Harishankar
Microsoft can try all they want. They can learn from their enemies, but they can never overcome them. No matter what, the GNU GPL will stand good in any court of law against any attempts by Microsoft to turn the open technologies into Bill Gates' personal property.

So far from doing in Linux, Microsoft will only be helping the open-source community if they steal the ideas. Remember, the GPL says that any modifications done to the GPLed source code should be released to the general public.

If the GPL is held good in any court of Law, then Microsoft will think ten times before using open-source code in their operating systems.

Umm... You really don't have a clue... Newsflash! Ideas are not protected by a software license.

PS: If you delete konqueror you will screw your KDE.

nuka_t 09-30-2004 12:24 AM

i know, iknow, just an example.

BUT, firefox starts faster than konq for me in linux, which is tightly woven in. but really, the fastest browser in windows is firefox in a linux install in vmware :P

SciYro 09-30-2004 12:34 AM

i wont disagree that IE starts up WAY faster, but its WAY more insecure, and slow at loading pages, and crashes so often the fast startup cancels itself out

vectordrake 09-30-2004 12:47 AM


Originally posted by auditek747
Yes...You're a bit too twisted!

"Dead Penguins Don't Wear Plaid"

Well that one doesn't look too dead;)But I'm still likely a bit too twisted...

BajaNick 09-30-2004 01:06 AM


Originally posted by Brane Ded
I've seen better. It looks more like an ill-conceived joke than an attempt at trolling.

Come on, how can you expect to spark a flame war with such low grade fuel?

LMAO. Thats a great response :p

vharishankar 09-30-2004 04:44 AM


Originally posted by Stack
You might complain about windows integrating the GUI into the kernel and IE but I want you to show me a faster browser or GUI. Speed it is really is the only thing that matters to desktop users and you can bet that IE will start faster than any other browser in existence on windows.

Umm... You really don't have a clue... Newsflash! Ideas are not protected by a software license.

PS: If you delete konqueror you will screw your KDE.

But the open-source code will be protected. If they could have stolen the source-code and patented them from the open-source community, do you think that Linux would still exist? Microsoft would have finished them off in the beginning long before Linux had a chance to compete. I believe a lot of the source code has remained open only because of the GNU GPL and the commitment of the community to open source.

IE is faster in Windows than Firefox in Linux? That's not a very true or smart statement. IE C.R.A.W.L.S even on my fast machine while Firefox just flies in KDE or Gnome.

Please don't argue just for the sake of arguing. Windows and Speed? The two don't even go together.

stabile007 09-30-2004 07:18 AM

You know what is funny....the fact that what really holds back linux is the community.

Think about it you all desperately jump at ever shadow that shows its face outside of linux and bash on it for several pages and talk about how high and mighty linux is. You then go ahead and insult people who use Windows implying that they are fools just for using the OS they want to and even suggest at times that they are computer incompetents just for using Windows. On top of that if anyone tries to defend Windows as their choice OS they are over and over how bad their OS is whether or not its true. it comes from MS so this automatically implies that its bad or something stupid like that.

And also there are viruses and Internet attacks that are clearly done just to spite MS and other enemies of the linux community. You attack people for using the OS they want tell them that Linux is the only way to go, you tell them only neophytes use Windows whether or not its true, you tell them that its buggy and crashes all the time despite the fact that this argument has been rebuked over and over again.

You go out of your way to point out how evil everything that comes of MS mouth and for the much fewer incidents of MS or Window supporters for lashing out linux you all freak out like "OMG THEY ARE INSULTING US QUICK INSULT BACK!" despite that you all do it day in and day out.

I frankly think the weakest point of the open source community is how rabid the fans are of it. I mean I have seen fanboys for nvidia vs. ATi and intel vs. AMD but at least they don't go around blowing up processor plants or hacking the websites just to let the world know of their opinion of a certain company. Quite unlike the linux community. And then you wonder why people don't want to switch.

Anyways thats my rant. I have no personal vendetta with linux as software but I think you guys need to cool your jets on the whole "Lets bash MS and use the stupid ass M$ and microsucks and microshaft or windoze comments like usual"

vharishankar 09-30-2004 07:20 AM

Hi stabile! Just wondering when you would get into the fray!
:D :D

You seem to love to hate these MS vs. Linux threads!! ;)

No offense meant.

vharishankar 09-30-2004 07:25 AM

Seriously you know. I feel just like what stabile mentioned in his post.

This MS vs. Linux thing is growing old...

There are insults coming from both sides and it'd be nice if people were more level headed while approaching this rather than treating their OS as a religion.

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