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lynch 05-28-2003 04:27 AM

Unless this person disabled e-mail notification in thier profile he/she must know the thread is pretty active:)

tcaptain 05-28-2003 10:39 AM


Originally posted by Back_Water_Tech
I am just curious. Is the noob still checking this thread to see what he/she stirred up?

You beat me to it, I was wondering the same thing....I'm thinking MAYBE...because the original sounds a bit like a whiner who craves attention so he should be pretty proud to have started a big active thread :D

bigstrawdog 05-28-2003 11:56 AM

I was just as disenchanted with my first kick at the penguin...but i didn't give up, just installed it in another computer. (turned out it was a hd problem, which ended up being the entertainment at a bullet festival). Now i'm running 2 machines on my home network both MD 9.1....

The good things in life r never easy to get......

Franklin 05-28-2003 12:24 PM


I am just curious. Is the noob still checking this thread to see what he/she stirred up?

Funny joke, Let's keep it going.

I'm with Crashed on this. Why tell us?
In fact, I think I posted almost the same comment some where else.

I just don't know what some people expect when they start with Linux.
Or why they bother in the first place.

I started last August and have spent that time trying multiple versions of 3 different distros. It wasn't untill last month that I finally settled on my choices. What's really amazing (to me anyway) is the amount of knowledge you absorb while searching for answers to your problems. For example, I was able, this past weekend to hack the configuration files in fluxbox so it would compile on SuSE 8.2. Took about six hours total. If someone told me I'd be able to do that back in August when I couldn't mount my windows partitions in RH 7.3 (fstab... what's that?) I would have laughed in their face.

This is is why part of me hopes that linux is never declared "ready for the average user". If it ever is, we'll be deluged with a never ending parade of posts like this.

Oh, Well......

tcaptain 05-28-2003 12:30 PM


Originally posted by Franklin
I just don't know what some people expect when they start with Linux.
Or why they bother in the first place.

Personally I think its because Linux has acquired a certain "Kewl" factor among the normal population and you get a lot of hackerwannabees who try it and get upset because its not as easy as winduhs.

At that point you see them revert to what they know best...badly spelled troll whinings...

Not that they are ALL like that...just a lot of them I see around...

The good side of this is that SOME of these new users DO stick it out and become happy and productive in the linux community..but those were the ones who either grew up or had maturity in the first place when they attempted the switch.

capetech 05-28-2003 12:46 PM

:D very very true. As sorry as i am to say that.

Satriani 05-28-2003 01:59 PM

Damn, You caught me! :cry:

I don't use linux at all, I don't even know what you guys are talking about anyway, but i thought i would be cool by joining this forum... :cool:

Now I have to find something else to be cool again...
I know: I will go and build my own ferrari, and start a forum about the troubles i run into... Please join me:

Mega Man X 05-28-2003 02:17 PM

arghhh.. cannot believe I clicked at Satriani's link :(. That's why I've got so many viruses with Winblows :). That, I don't fear anymore with virus and spywares and invasions of Univeristy Diplomas :). I click everywhere, lol

tcaptain 05-28-2003 02:26 PM

Oh sure, now go make me curious enough to click on the thing!


Argh, cant help myself...*click*


Mega Man X 05-28-2003 02:27 PM

haha :) lol

Satriani 05-28-2003 02:27 PM


Originally posted by Megaman X
arghhh.. cannot believe I clicked at Satriani's link :(. That's why I've got so many viruses with Winblows :). That, I don't fear anymore with virus and spywares and invasions of Univeristy Diplomas :). I click everywhere, lol

Whoehahahahahahaa!!! That's really cool.... Clickin that link, and not afraid to tell it!!! :D

Mega Man X 05-28-2003 02:31 PM

yeah, that qualifies me as a :newbie: again... I was so happy that Linux Question's forums switch my name from "Newbie" to "Member" after a couple of posts... clearly I don't deserved it... lol :).

tcaptain 05-28-2003 02:42 PM

Nah, don't beat yerself up...we're all newbies in one sense or'd be hard pressed to find someone who actually KNOWS everything :D

Besides....I clicked on the damn thing too after your post LOL

headshot 07-26-2003 06:58 PM

Didn't the one who started the thread say they quit after two days? Two days?? I'm not trying to be mean, but I spent at least two weeks trying to get my first Linux RH up and running a couple months ago. After failing miserably, I put it aside and let it clear out of my mind. The other day I decided to give RH7.3 another go, and here I am with a RH installation that is, so far, working pretty smoothly.

The most important thing that anyone trying desperately to get Linux to work is.....................:study: :study: :study:

Keep studyin and you will get it.

mydini 07-26-2003 11:50 PM

Here's my two cents worth. I have installed...screwed up..reformatted..reinstalled etc (you get the picture). And I am still loving it.
I would suggest that Jabbermacy delete linux. Then download Knoppix or similar. Then run for a while off a cd, then you can get the hang of things without screwing anything up. Then try a reinstall.

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