-   LQ Suggestions & Feedback (
-   -   You can now become a contributing member of (

jeremy 04-07-2002 02:25 PM

You can now become a contributing member of
Based on the feedback I received in this thread I am going to implement the contributing member idea. For $35 a year you will receive the following:
- Contributing Member will be added to your user title
- You will have the ability to turn the 468x60 banner ads on and off
- Private messaging will be enabled
- Most importantly you will get the warm and fuzzy feeling from knowing that you have helped what I hope you consider a great cause

There was some concern that adding contributing member to the users title may negatively impact the community spirit that we have achieved. If this becomes the case I will remove it. For now I think it is important to acknowledge those that have helped.

I would also like to reiterate a few things.
- Becoming a contributing member will in NO WAY entitle you to priority support.
- Anything you were able to do for free before this was implement you can still do for free!
- The majority of development on this site will remain focused on all users. Some additional contributing members only benefits may be added, but most new features will be for all.

I hope I have avoided the pitfalls that other sites have hit. As always your suggestions and opinions are not only welcome, they are encouraged. Let us know what you think - this is your site.

All that being said you can contribute via Credit Card or PayPal here:

Thanks again!

jeremy 04-07-2002 02:30 PM

Oh, one more thing. :o

If you appear on the donations page you will be made a contributing member regardless of how much you donated. These members donated and expected absolutely nothing in return. I really appreciate that!


drjimstuckinwin 04-09-2002 01:22 PM

Having made a donation last year, I guess that meansI'm a contributing member. Am feeling warm and fuzzy already!

liz242628 04-15-2002 03:58 PM

Money order please?
Please I would be glad to donate if I could send a money order!

jeremy 04-16-2002 07:52 AM

At this time I do not have any plans to accept money orders. You will soon be able to pay using your checking number however. I will look into other forms of payment.


abrakadabra 04-16-2002 05:11 PM

Hi all, I think this site is very helpful in finding answers or some sort of direction to problems we all post. I think is our duty to become a contributing member. For $35/year we can get a lot of our issues resolved. That is nothing compare to firms charging 100s of dollars per day for providing support. I challenge everyone of us to do our part so this site never goes away.

Thank you all and keep on posting.


jeremy 04-16-2002 05:12 PM

Thanks abrakadabra!

BTW, you can now pay by using you checking account.


tarballedtux 04-27-2002 10:27 AM

I slightly interested in giving a donation but I would prefer a money order. I don't believe in cheques.

acid_kewpie 04-27-2002 10:37 AM


Originally posted by tarballedtux
I slightly interested in giving a donation but I would prefer a money order. I don't believe in cheques.
no, i'm sorry, cheques definitely do exist! Not a unicorn / pixie / tooth fairy kind thing :D

jeremy 04-27-2002 10:48 AM

I do not have any near term plans to add the ability to pay via money order as it would just be too difficult to keep track of and administer. Right now you can pay via Credit Card, pay out of your checking account or use PayPal. I am still open to other suggestions.


jeremy 04-28-2002 12:35 PM

Just wanted to update everyone and let you know I added a new perk for the Contributing Members. You will get special Contributing Member only updates and early access to new features. To get the updates you need to have "Allow To Send You Email Notices?" set to yes in your profile. As always feedback is encouraged. Thanks.


sewer_monkey 05-14-2002 08:38 PM

My 2 cents...
Please don't get me wrong... but I find "selling" the ability to send private messages just a bit offensive... I think private messages of all things should be accessible to all members and could be very useful when resolving support issues one on one. A chatroom wouldn't hurt either (btw, if you want to start a chatroom, I know a nice, quiet IRC server and could even hook you up with an chatroom eggdrop bot if you want).

What would happen if the Linux documentation project started charging mandatory fees for HOWTO's in PDF format? Sounds ridiculous, doesn't it?

Again, don't get me wrong, I completely understand your situation, and I also understand that you've put a lot of effort into this web site, and that you need monetary support, but stripping this BBS of its features is just plain wrong... I just believe in the Open philosophy and volunteering, not "bait" to buy enhanced membership.

I think you need to rethink the whole membership system... That's just my two cents.

finegan 05-14-2002 09:05 PM

Re: My 2 cents...

Originally posted by sewer_monkey
What would happen if the Linux documentation project started charging mandatory fees for HOWTO's in PDF format? Sounds ridiculous, doesn't it?
Uh, erhm, None of the donation stuff is mandatory, nor is it really very hard pressed, unlike a lot of user sites I've visited in the past. This was just the only way Jeremy could come up with to replace the dying machine LQ lives on now.


Originally posted by sewer_monkey
but stripping this BBS of its features is just plain wrong... I just believe in the Open philosophy and volunteering, not "bait" to buy enhanced membership.

It actually went the other way round, the features Jeremy added were after the fact for contributors, not taken away from non-contributors. Offhand, the PM stuff isn't all that useful. If it were needed to resolve a user's issue, Jeremy's one-way blind email system more than suffices. After that what extra do donators get? Rid of the ad-bar, another line of text under their name, whopdedo. The extra stuff isn't all that much, actually, its next to nothing, which is the way I prefer it too :P



trickykid 05-14-2002 09:38 PM

I just have several things to say on this matter, I am sure Jeremy will have some as well but here goes:

The contributions you make to have these extra services aren't really for the extra services. Its more of a contribution to the site since the main focus of the site is free. Anyone can sign up, post and answer others for free.

One reason there is no PM or Chat for mainstream helping of others is that we like to keep most or the majority of the questions on the forums as it serves as backup and can make it easier for members to search for answers that might already be answered with their specific problems they may have.

We wouldn't want everyone PM'ing each other to solve problems as it wouldn't be accessible to everyone else.
Chatroom, the machine can't handle one and again, then if everyone solved their problems that way, then the forums would be pointless, plus anyone can answer on the forums, even from days ago or years. With chat they could only answer if that person was online chatting in real time.

Plus, the contributing member is going to a good cause to help this site stay alive and its really not that much if you think about it. Some even donated money before the contribution option, just because they support the site and its cause.

I guess that is all I have to say.

jeremy 05-14-2002 09:39 PM

finegan is 100% correct. I did not strip the board of anything. To be honest I don't think I would have enabled PM's any other way. They are a fairly big drain on the system and I fear that people may use them instead of posting in the forum - which I would prefer not happen. I want members to contribute because they think the site is worth supporting - the extra features should be icing on the cake. I was hoping the ability to turn off ads would entice more people, but it doesn't seem to have. I am still very open to suggestions. What feature/benefits would you like to see? How do you think the system could be improved? Thanks for the feedback.


Chooco 05-31-2002 02:28 AM


Originally posted by jeremy
you can now pay by using you checking account.
how are you supposed to use a checking account number? most banks will think you are a thief trying to commit fraud if you just come into a bank with a list of bank account numbers and start asking for money........

Linuxidiot 05-31-2002 06:54 AM

I believe he means by electronic debit not by just going into his bank with a bunch of account numbers and asking for cash. for example if my checking account number on my checks is 1234567899 and routing is 123456789 I would fill out the form he has for signing up with this info in the correct area and then where he runs his transactions through would debit said account number. :D

jeremy 05-31-2002 08:00 AM

Linuxidiot is correct. You can use your checking account to create an "e-check". I am not going to run around with a list of checking accounts on a post-it. ;)


Chooco 05-31-2002 02:57 PM

that seems extremely dangerous, seems as bad that as giving somebody your credit card number. there is not a chance in hell i would ever give somebody my checking account number, access to my bank account or credit card bill.

admin guy you should take normal checks, they are probably the safest way for these guys to send you money.......things like money orders cost like 10 bucks just to fill out!

Linuxidiot 05-31-2002 03:11 PM

hahah your funny, checks are not the safest....believe me I work for a bank and i hear the legal dept always talking bout people who make fraudulent checks, all he would need is the draft id and the routing number a good printer and some blank printable checks and he could print his own checks and take ur money...heh only safest way is pure cash or paypal as far as i know is pretty safe.....but either way there is always a way for someone to get your info *example* i dun use my debit card or credit card alot but go figure i have been the victim of credit card fraud and debit card fraud....and i work at the place i have that account through...if i wanted i could get hundreds of peoples account numbers and go on a check writing pointless though only get to enjoy all the computers i would build for a couple of days before they narrowed down who had been looking in that account anyways...& on a side note i dun know where u get your money orders from but here they are like a buck a piece first one is free for members. but then again depends on how much that company wants to charge. oops another edit :rolleyes:
One suggestion could be if you wanna contribute ask jeremy something he needs in the way of something hardware like heh go buy him a processor that should leave u good for bout two years *just a guess* or something small and have it shipped to a P.O. box if he has one that way he could save some of his anonymity. sure he wouldnt mind getting some books for his linux needs or something else well its a thought albeit a safe one ;-) but then again u have shipping charges ahhhh blah that sucks.....any other ideas of other forms of payment for security conscious folks?

trickykid 05-31-2002 04:19 PM


Originally posted by Chooco
that seems extremely dangerous, seems as bad that as giving somebody your credit card number. there is not a chance in hell i would ever give somebody my checking account number, access to my bank account or credit card bill.
So whats the difference in writing a check, it has your bank account, routing number..etc..etc, right on the check itself. So everytime you write a check your already giving that info away. How is it so different than paying by some sort of echeck online... giving away credit card info is totally different though.

just my two cents.

Chooco 05-31-2002 08:51 PM

it's not just giving the number alone, it also includes authorizing the use of that number to the second party. if you could just charge to a number, every company in the world would start collecting numbers then just start billing people for stuff they never buddy the linux guy is getting screwed by his old dialup ISP because they used to have access to the checking account, they charged 2 full years accidentaly and they won't uncharge it.....friggin bastards should be killed for pullin that sh!t.

Linuxidiot 06-01-2002 01:04 AM

heh oh well that shit happens all the time nothing can be done really if he never told them to cancel then there is no reason for them to give him his money back...sounds like there is something other than an accidental charging going on though....more like your friend forgetting to tell them hey dun charge my account any longer but then again he prolly was using AOL they are the only people i know that seem to have a problem with cancelling peoples auto debits

Chooco 06-01-2002 01:20 AM

he goes down to the office every day and YELLS a LOT and scares the sh!t out of all the tellers because he KNOWS they can easily just charge -$ and it the problem will go away but they won't because they are @$$holes. threatening legal action is what is going down now, it would be nice to sue this place for the price of the stuff plus maybe a few hundred as claimed legal fees.

bkeating 06-07-2002 04:56 PM

does donating help gaurentee this site will remain up and running? My concerns are based on stability and availabillity. If money helps you keep this up and running, I will donate as much as my unemployed a$$ has to give.

Not questioning YOU but more so asking what it looks like on your side of the operations. Im a freak with availabillity, I also get paranoid about good things dropping n such. :\ being paranoid with that sucks.

Last year, I was afraid Mandrake was going to go out of biz. I gotta stop that ;)

rockin chair 06-17-2002 06:51 AM


AS a linux newbie, I love this format. It allows me the opportunity to receie feedback from questions that I have that I'm seeking answers to. Until I became involved in Linux, I had awful experiences dealing with questions involving the other operating system (M$). Most of my experiences involved people not wanting to really assist you in your quest to gain knowledge. I always seem to get the impression ther were jeporadizing their position, if they helped me one iota! I find myself helping people all the time, whether I'm involved with some linux question or M$. Thank you for your forum.

I'm not able to participate as much in your format, now that I am working on the road and am gone from home months at a time. Most of my experience comes from having to use M$, but I love linux and I am trying to pursue more education in Linux.

Again, Thank you for your format. It has been a life saver to me.

Rockin Chair
David M. Parson

bkeating 06-17-2002 12:36 PM

I think he loves us :)

Jalorathalis 06-25-2002 09:19 AM

what currency is that in, Aussie dollars dont buy many US dollars.

anyway, if i could afford it, i would do it.

If there is anything an Aussie can do for LQ, then let me know please Jeremy.

I have found great enjoyment and education (and confusion) through LQ, and i would like to do what i can to ensure it continues - if only to confound GATES's monolopy

bigjohn 06-25-2002 01:34 PM

donations and stuff
If I had an address, I could probably donate as many sheets of xerox paper as I could get into an envelope for the price of a standard international delivery. But I should think that Jeremy would get mega pissed off receiving 10 sheets of paper every day for the next year.

And if I ran out of a4 envelopes, he would need a very understanding printer that can smooth out the creases from a5 or DL envelopes

Is ther the cyber equivalent of a tambourine and charity tin - or perhaps he would look super in one of the bonnets that the "Sally Anne" wear when they sing the hymns in the park on sundays!!!

mickboda 07-30-2002 10:49 AM

I don't want to be pedantic, but I live downunder and i assume that your forum is based in America... $35.00 is fine, but with the exchange rate I'm looking at over $70.00(AU) .. which is a bit steep.

Any suggestions for your "international" guests/

jeremy 07-30-2002 04:31 PM

Unfortunately I have not found a good solution for those of you outside the US (although I do continue to look). For other ways to contribute see the following post:


glitch 08-03-2002 06:04 AM

Hi. I just signed up today at this site. I am new to linux and have lots of questions and learning. I think this is a great site and would hate to see it go away. I have looked hard for good linux support and FAQ's. This site has made it easy for me to look at other peoples problems and in turn... learn. I will contribute what I can as soon as possible! =)

masinick 08-04-2002 03:38 PM

I've written a message over in Ziff Davis Media's Extreme Tech Forum in the Linux and UNIX section about joining this forum. I also encourage people to look at the OS discussions over at and in the forums around that location.

NGraphiX 08-05-2002 06:33 AM

I don't think people really mind the ads .

bigjohn 08-06-2002 02:50 AM

contributing membership?
NGraphiX is probably correct, most of the members aren't fussed about the ad's. I am amongst the lucky percentage that enjoys an adsl connection, and hence the ad's represent minimal loss of bandwidth (i think thats right ??). On reading the posts about the adverts, I had to scroll back up to the top of the page to see what ad's were being refered too. " oh, those ad's", was the thought that came to mind.

I (for the blokes amongst you) have a bigger draw to becoming a contributing member. That drawback is called

She who shall be obeyed, aka 'er indoors!!!!!

I have every intention of trying to get a contribution in, though I will have to pick my time carefully to be able to slip it passed her on a credit card statement (it should be soon as I am planning a diversion by boxing in the boiler, hardboarding the floor, tiling the bathroom from floor to ceiling and re-installing the bath/shower. That should blind her temporarily - good ploy eh!).

As Jeremy points out the relative difficulty of handling the non US donations/contributions. It's a shame that the forum status couldn't become that of a registered charity - for under priviledged computer enthusiasts or somesuch. Not sure about the US but in the UK that would probably attract some government funding i.e. every pound donated can attract an additional 20% from gov for the charity. Though there has to be total accounting/assets etc etc so such a scheme could also not necessarily be worthwhile! (yes I know that the idea is a little "tounge in cheek" but you never know, even idiots like me can have good idea's sometimes).

keep up the good work


GT I.N.C 08-11-2002 05:57 AM

i would really LOVE to contribute to LQ, but 1. yes im outside of the US (australia) and i'm 14 so i don't think i can donate any money thorugh credit card and stuff, i got a key card with savings and stuff but will that work, but again i am outside of the U.S, but jeremy, when you have found a way for us out of the U.S and maybe even younger guys like me, i don't know if there is anyone else under 18 or so but if you do find a way i would love to contribute in any way shape or form...

jeremy 08-11-2002 11:44 AM

It looks like paypal is now setup for countries outside the US.


In addition to the U.S., PayPal is now available in the following countries:

Costa Rica
Dominican Republic
Hong Kong
New Zealand
South Korea
United Kingdom
Hope this helps some.


bkeating 11-21-2002 03:07 PM

Forgive me for not searching the details, im at work at pretty busy... but i need to ask...

I've used this site for a while now and FINALLY have some extra cash (im a $8.50hr sysadmin/software engineer :(.. sucks) but ya, i would like to donate some money.

Do you have a paypal account? or... can I send you a check? please get back to me jeremy! :)

trickykid 11-21-2002 03:57 PM

If you go to the very first link on this thread or click on the donations link at the bottom of every page, it'll take you to the page where it links you to paypal to pay that way if you prefer.

Ciccio 12-01-2002 08:14 PM

I support this site by telling everyone this is the best forum ever (which I think is true) but still I'm not sure about donating money... I think it is a great resource and I would love to help, but in other ways... like answering questions and asking questions in an understandable way so it can be easyer to find the answers. anyway I'm underage and I have no incommings so I can't donate yet... I hope to be able when the time comes.

markarnold 12-03-2002 12:53 PM

Re: You can now become a contributing member of

Originally posted by jeremy
Based on the feedback I received in this thread I am going to implement the contributing member idea. For $35 a year you will receive the following:
- Contributing Member will be added to your user title
- You will have the ability to turn the 468x60 banner ads on and off
- Private messaging will be enabled
- Most importantly you will get the warm and fuzzy feeling from knowing that you have helped what I hope you consider a great cause

There was some concern that adding contributing member to the users title may negatively impact the community spirit that we have achieved. If this becomes the case I will remove it. For now I think it is important to acknowledge those that have helped.

I would also like to reiterate a few things.
- Becoming a contributing member will in NO WAY entitle you to priority support.
- Anything you were able to do for free before this was implement you can still do for free!
- The majority of development on this site will remain focused on all users. Some additional contributing members only benefits may be added, but most new features will be for all.

I hope I have avoided the pitfalls that other sites have hit. As always your suggestions and opinions are not only welcome, they are encouraged. Let us know what you think - this is your site.

All that being said you can contribute via Credit Card or PayPal here:

Thanks again!

markarnold 12-03-2002 12:57 PM

hi mate looking for help u seam to no your stuf.i am a new user to linux and haveing loads of trouble getting linux to load.when installing it gets has far as probing hardwere and just lock up.
can u help

bulliver 12-25-2002 06:26 PM

Turn off banner ads? What ads? I don't think in the entire time i've been visiting this site (4-5 months) I have ever seen an ad. What gives?

jeremy 12-25-2002 11:38 PM

What browser/OS do you use?


Ciccio 12-26-2002 10:09 AM

I'm using XP with IE6... the king of ads/banners... and I havent seen anyone... I've entered with netscape (both, for linux and windows) and mozilla and still didnt get banners or adds.

trickykid 12-26-2002 10:19 AM

Unless your ISP or something is blocking the site to load the ads from. Can you give us a screenshot of the main LQ page to take a look at it.... Cause your only going to see ads at the top of each forum page under the main logo and main links at the top of each page.

Ciccio 12-26-2002 01:08 PM

uh... that's right... I thought about real banners (the top page ones, with a lot of collors, thisone is just white with a few words.) Anyway, the ads are pop-ups in general and the banner-ads are those ugly things that take 90% of your screen... that is a little advertising piece on a non-profit web it isn't much and it does not bother... If you want people to want to block them you need to set up bigger and uglyer banners... :p

trickykid 12-26-2002 01:20 PM

Yeah this site prohibits pop-up ads, so if you ever get one cause they sneak them past Jeremy every so often, get the description of the ad and report it so Jeremy can remove it.

bulliver 12-26-2002 02:04 PM


What browser/OS do you use?
Usually I use Konqeror with RH8, but sometimes Mozilla, and sometimes Lynx. I don't use privoxy or anything like that. I will post a screenshot in a few minutes...

Ok, here is the main page:

and here is a page with the post listings:

jeremy 12-26-2002 03:18 PM

The LQ homepage does not have a banner ad at the top. The second page however should. Can you copy/paste a view source and email it to me? Do you have JavaScript enabled or disabled? Thanks.


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