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sonasanam 06-06-2012 04:48 AM


any body know how to create highway scenario , need example, using SUMO

sonasanam 06-09-2012 04:25 AM

TIGER database

Hoe can get .dat format file from TIGER database to work with real map.
tried with this but it does not accept .txt file.
i need some map file in .dat format to use in SUMO traffic simulator.

i have attached example of .dat file. i need some other different file, please please help me

96033925_1 A64 460.775 96.8642 475.03 71.919

96033925_2 A64 475.03 71.919 460.775 96.8642

96033926_1 A41 486.166 116.464 460.775 96.8642

96033926_2 A41 460.775 96.8642 486.166 116.464

96033927_1 A15 486.166 116.464 508.438 71.919

96033927_2 A15 508.438 71.919 486.166 116.464

96033987_1 A41 1450.56 165.241 1455.01 172.145

96033987_2 A41 1455.01 172.145 1450.56 165.241

96034137_1 A41 1744.55 194.418 1455.01 172.145

96034137_2 A41 1455.01 172.145 1744.55 194.418

96034138_1 A41 1833.64 199.54 1744.55 194.418

96034138_2 A41 1744.55 194.418 1833.64 199.54

96033922_1 A64 537.169 74.8144 530.71 94.1915

96033922_2 A64 530.71 94.1915 537.169 74.8144

96033989_1 A41 1455.01 172.145 530.71 94.1915

96033989_2 A41 530.71 94.1915 1455.01 172.145

96033928_1 A41 530.71 94.1915 486.166 116.464

96033928_2 A41 486.166 116.464 530.71 94.1915

96033934_1 A64 541.846 60.7828 537.169 74.8144

96033934_2 A64 537.169 74.8144 541.846 60.7828

96033921_1 A64 441.621 161.009 460.775 96.8642

96033921_2 A64 460.775 96.8642 441.621 161.009

96140225_1 A64 441.621 161.009 196.625 216.69

96140225_2 A64 196.625 216.69 441.621 161.009

96353018_1 A25 385.94 406.007 96.3999 272.372

96353018_2 A25 96.3999 272.372 385.94 406.007

96033890_1 A63 196.625 216.69 385.94 406.007

96033890_2 A63 385.94 406.007 196.625 216.69

96033893_1 A15 486.166 417.143 475.03 372.598

96033893_2 A15 475.03 372.598 486.166 417.143

96033891_1 A63 475.03 372.598 385.94 406.007

96033891_2 A63 385.94 406.007 475.03 372.598

96352238_1 A25 486.166 417.143 385.94 406.007

96352238_2 A25 385.94 406.007 486.166 417.143

96033896_1 A63 475.03 372.598 441.621 161.009

96033896_2 A63 441.621 161.009 475.03 372.598

96033897_1 A15 475.03 372.598 486.166 116.464

96033897_2 A15 486.166 116.464 475.03 372.598

96146288_1 A41 48.6257 1184.88 50.6302 1120.29

96146288_2 A41 50.6302 1120.29 48.6257 1184.88

96146285_1 A41 41.7213 1408.94 48.6257 1184.88

96146285_2 A41 48.6257 1184.88 41.7213 1408.94

96033981_1 A64 1510.69 539.642 1822.51 517.369

96033981_2 A64 1822.51 517.369 1510.69 539.642

96033983_1 A63 1510.69 539.642 1544.1 573.05

96033983_2 A63 1544.1 573.05 1510.69 539.642

96033984_1 A25 1833.64 539.642 1544.1 573.05

96033984_2 A25 1544.1 573.05 1833.64 539.642

96033986_1 A41 1455.01 361.462 1455.01 172.145

96033986_2 A41 1455.01 172.145 1455.01 361.462

96033979_1 A41 1443.88 539.642 1455.01 361.462

96033979_2 A41 1455.01 361.462 1443.88 539.642

96033980_1 A64 1443.88 539.642 1510.69 539.642

96033980_2 A64 1510.69 539.642 1443.88 539.642

96033977_1 A41 1432.74 561.914 1443.88 539.642

96033977_2 A41 1443.88 539.642 1432.74 561.914

96033982_1 A25 1544.1 573.05 1432.74 561.914

96033982_2 A25 1432.74 561.914 1544.1 573.05

96033861_1 A41 1421.6 1129.86 1432.74 1029.64

96033861_2 A41 1432.74 1029.64 1421.6 1129.86

96033859_1 A41 1432.74 1029.64 1210.02 996.228

96033859_2 A41 1210.02 996.228 1432.74 1029.64

96033850_1 A41 1154.34 1051.91 1210.02 996.228

96033850_2 A41 1210.02 996.228 1154.34 1051.91

96033860_1 A41 1421.6 1129.86 1154.34 1051.91

96033860_2 A41 1154.34 1051.91 1421.6 1129.86

96033955_1 A41 1276.83 918.274 1332.51 806.912

96033955_2 A41 1332.51 806.912 1276.83 918.274

96140246_1 A41 1332.51 806.912 1106.78 808.248

96140246_2 A41 1106.78 808.248 1332.51 806.912

96140245_1 A41 1276.83 918.274 1106.78 808.248

96140245_2 A41 1106.78 808.248 1276.83 918.274

96140247_1 A41 1106.78 808.248 942.748 806.912

96140247_2 A41 942.748 806.912 1106.78 808.248

96033943_1 A41 942.748 806.912 942.748 706.685

96033943_2 A41 942.748 706.685 942.748 806.912

96033958_1 A41 1332.51 806.912 1365.92 728.958

96033958_2 A41 1365.92 728.958 1332.51 806.912

96033960_1 A41 1365.92 728.958 942.748 706.685

96033960_2 A41 942.748 706.685 1365.92 728.958

96033906_1 A41 942.748 706.685 720.025 806.912

96033906_2 A41 720.025 806.912 942.748 706.685

96033905_1 A41 942.748 806.912 720.025 806.912

96033905_2 A41 720.025 806.912 942.748 806.912

96033862_1 A41 1432.74 1029.64 1421.6 951.683

96033862_2 A41 1421.6 951.683 1432.74 1029.64

96033953_1 A41 1421.6 951.683 1276.83 918.274

96033953_2 A41 1276.83 918.274 1421.6 951.683

96033947_1 A41 1210.02 996.228 1276.83 918.274

96033947_2 A41 1276.83 918.274 1210.02 996.228

96033856_1 A41 1421.6 1296.91 1421.6 1218.95

96033856_2 A41 1421.6 1218.95 1421.6 1296.91

96033857_1 A41 1421.6 1218.95 1087.52 1129.86

96033857_2 A41 1087.52 1129.86 1421.6 1218.95

96033844_1 A41 1020.7 1207.82 1087.52 1129.86

96033844_2 A41 1087.52 1129.86 1020.7 1207.82

96033847_1 A41 1232.29 1308.04 1020.7 1207.82

96033847_2 A41 1020.7 1207.82 1232.29 1308.04

96033848_1 A41 1421.6 1296.91 1232.29 1308.04

96033848_2 A41 1232.29 1308.04 1421.6 1296.91

96033843_1 A41 998.429 1285.77 1020.7 1207.82

96033843_2 A41 1020.7 1207.82 998.429 1285.77

96033833_1 A41 998.429 1386 998.429 1285.77

96033833_2 A41 998.429 1285.77 998.429 1386

96033840_1 A41 1232.29 1397.13 998.429 1386

96033840_2 A41 998.429 1386 1232.29 1397.13

96033841_1 A41 1232.29 1397.13 1232.29 1308.04

96033841_2 A41 1232.29 1308.04 1232.29 1397.13

96033858_1 A41 1421.6 1218.95 1421.6 1129.86

96033858_2 A41 1421.6 1129.86 1421.6 1218.95

96033846_1 A41 1087.52 1129.86 1154.34 1051.91

96033846_2 A41 1154.34 1051.91 1087.52 1129.86

96033961_1 A41 1365.92 728.958 1432.74 628.732

96033961_2 A41 1432.74 628.732 1365.92 728.958

96033970_1 A41 1432.74 628.732 953.885 606.459

96033970_2 A41 953.885 606.459 1432.74 628.732

96033944_1 A41 942.748 706.685 953.885 606.459

96033944_2 A41 953.885 606.459 942.748 706.685

96033909_1 A41 953.885 606.459 653.208 606.459

96033909_2 A41 653.208 606.459 953.885 606.459

96033903_1 A41 642.072 751.231 653.208 606.459

96033903_2 A41 653.208 606.459 642.072 751.231

96033904_1 A41 720.025 806.912 642.072 751.231

96033904_2 A41 642.072 751.231 720.025 806.912

96033895_1 A63 530.71 439.415 475.03 372.598

96033895_2 A63 475.03 372.598 530.71 439.415

96033894_1 A25 530.71 439.415 486.166 417.143

96033894_2 A25 486.166 417.143 530.71 439.415

96033978_1 A64 1310.24 528.505 1443.88 539.642

96033978_2 A64 1443.88 539.642 1310.24 528.505

96033951_1 A63 1254.56 561.914 1310.24 528.505

96033951_2 A63 1310.24 528.505 1254.56 561.914

96033952_1 A25 1432.74 561.914 1254.56 561.914

96033952_2 A25 1254.56 561.914 1432.74 561.914

96556913_1 A64 530.71 94.1915 697.307 416.363

96556913_2 A64 697.307 416.363 530.71 94.1915

96159576_1 A64 872.702 499.44 1310.24 528.505

96159576_2 A64 1310.24 528.505 872.702 499.44

96033985_1 A41 1455.01 361.462 1065.25 339.189

96033985_2 A41 1065.25 339.189 1455.01 361.462

96033923_1 A63 486.166 116.464 530.71 272.372

96033923_2 A63 530.71 272.372 486.166 116.464

96033911_1 A63 530.71 272.372 664.344 439.415

96033911_2 A63 664.344 439.415 530.71 272.372

96033914_1 A63 664.344 439.415 853.659 528.505

96033914_2 A63 853.659 528.505 664.344 439.415

96033950_1 A25 1254.56 561.914 853.659 528.505

96033950_2 A25 853.659 528.505 1254.56 561.914

96033910_1 A63 530.71 439.415 664.344 439.415

96033910_2 A63 664.344 439.415 530.71 439.415

96033912_1 A25 853.659 528.505 530.71 439.415

96033912_2 A25 530.71 439.415 853.659 528.505

96033898_1 A63 530.71 272.372 475.03 372.598

96033898_2 A63 475.03 372.598 530.71 272.372

96352237_1 A15 475.03 506.233 486.166 417.143

96352237_2 A15 486.166 417.143 475.03 506.233

96033885_1 A63 385.94 406.007 475.03 506.233

96033885_2 A63 475.03 506.233 385.94 406.007

96033288_1 A41 7.31056 728.958 29.5829 283.508

96033288_2 A41 29.5829 283.508 7.31056 728.958

96140228_1 A64 419.349 740.094 29.5829 283.508

96140228_2 A64 29.5829 283.508 419.349 740.094

96033870_1 A41 419.349 740.094 7.31056 728.958

96033870_2 A41 7.31056 728.958 419.349 740.094

96033873_1 A63 452.757 740.094 430.485 595.323

96033873_2 A63 430.485 595.323 452.757 740.094

96033882_1 A63 430.485 595.323 196.625 372.598

96033882_2 A63 196.625 372.598 430.485 595.323

96033289_1 A63 196.625 372.598 96.3999 272.372

96033289_2 A63 96.3999 272.372 196.625 372.598

96033871_1 A41 452.757 740.094 419.349 740.094

96033871_2 A41 419.349 740.094 452.757 740.094

96352236_1 A15 475.03 751.231 475.03 506.233

96352236_2 A15 475.03 506.233 475.03 751.231

96033883_1 A63 430.485 595.323 475.03 506.233

96033883_2 A63 475.03 506.233 430.485 595.323

96033876_1 A41 475.03 751.231 452.757 740.094

96033876_2 A41 452.757 740.094 475.03 751.231

96033888_1 A63 385.94 406.007 196.625 372.598

96033888_2 A63 196.625 372.598 385.94 406.007

96033760_1 A41 419.349 1731.22 408.213 1397.13

96033760_2 A41 408.213 1397.13 419.349 1731.22

96146282_1 A41 408.213 1397.13 41.7213 1408.94

96146282_2 A41 41.7213 1408.94 408.213 1397.13

96033759_1 A45 419.349 1731.22 29.5829 1708.95

96033759_2 A45 29.5829 1708.95 419.349 1731.22

96033868_1 A41 430.485 896.002 419.349 740.094

96033868_2 A41 419.349 740.094 430.485 896.002

96146287_1 A41 412.89 1133.09 50.6302 1120.29

96146287_2 A41 50.6302 1120.29 412.89 1133.09

96127827_1 A41 412.89 1133.09 430.485 896.002

96127827_2 A41 430.485 896.002 412.89 1133.09

96033769_1 A41 408.213 1196.68 412.89 1133.09

96033769_2 A41 412.89 1133.09 408.213 1196.68

96033766_1 A41 408.213 1397.13 408.213 1196.68

96033766_2 A41 408.213 1196.68 408.213 1397.13

96033975_1 A63 1544.1 573.05 1432.74 606.459

96033975_2 A63 1432.74 606.459 1544.1 573.05

96033974_1 A41 1432.74 606.459 1432.74 561.914

96033974_2 A41 1432.74 561.914 1432.74 606.459

96033976_1 A64 1822.51 573.05 1432.74 606.459

96033976_2 A64 1432.74 606.459 1822.51 573.05

96033971_1 A41 1432.74 628.732 1432.74 606.459

96033971_2 A41 1432.74 606.459 1432.74 628.732

96124570_1 A41 1633.19 628.732 1432.74 628.732

96124570_2 A41 1432.74 628.732 1633.19 628.732

96033972_1 A41 1644.33 628.732 1633.19 628.732

96033972_2 A41 1633.19 628.732 1644.33 628.732

96033966_1 A41 1633.19 706.685 1488.42 795.776

96033966_2 A41 1488.42 795.776 1633.19 706.685

96033964_1 A41 1521.83 784.639 1488.42 795.776

96033964_2 A41 1488.42 795.776 1521.83 784.639

96033965_1 A41 1811.37 784.639 1521.83 784.639

96033965_2 A41 1521.83 784.639 1811.37 784.639

96124568_1 A41 1421.6 806.912 1332.51 806.912

96124568_2 A41 1332.51 806.912 1421.6 806.912

96033959_1 A41 1488.42 795.776 1421.6 806.912

96033959_2 A41 1421.6 806.912 1488.42 795.776

96034100_1 A41 1532.97 962.819 1532.97 873.729

96034100_2 A41 1532.97 873.729 1532.97 962.819

96033962_1 A41 1532.97 962.819 1532.97 873.729

96033962_2 A41 1532.97 873.729 1532.97 962.819

96033867_1 A41 1544.1 1118.73 1532.97 1040.77

96033867_2 A41 1532.97 1040.77 1544.1 1118.73

96033866_1 A41 1544.1 1118.73 1532.97 1040.77

96033866_2 A41 1532.97 1040.77 1544.1 1118.73

96034037_1 A41 1555.24 1296.91 1544.1 1207.82

96034037_2 A41 1544.1 1207.82 1555.24 1296.91

96033863_1 A41 1555.24 1296.91 1544.1 1207.82

96033863_2 A41 1544.1 1207.82 1555.24 1296.91

96033956_1 A41 1421.6 951.683 1421.6 896.002

96033956_2 A41 1421.6 896.002 1421.6 951.683

96033842_1 A41 1588.65 1397.13 1232.29 1397.13

96033842_2 A41 1232.29 1397.13 1588.65 1397.13

96033854_1 A41 1588.65 1397.13 1555.24 1296.91

96033854_2 A41 1555.24 1296.91 1588.65 1397.13

96033864_1 A41 1544.1 1207.82 1544.1 1118.73

96033864_2 A41 1544.1 1118.73 1544.1 1207.82

96033865_1 A41 1532.97 1040.77 1532.97 962.819

96033865_2 A41 1532.97 962.819 1532.97 1040.77

96033963_1 A41 1532.97 873.729 1521.83 784.639

96033963_2 A41 1521.83 784.639 1532.97 873.729

96033839_1 A41 1232.29 1486.22 1232.29 1397.13

96033839_2 A41 1232.29 1397.13 1232.29 1486.22

96033832_1 A41 998.429 1386 708.889 1363.72

96033832_2 A41 708.889 1363.72 998.429 1386

96033785_1 A41 720.025 1452.81 708.889 1363.72

96033785_2 A41 708.889 1363.72 720.025 1452.81

96033838_1 A41 1232.29 1486.22 720.025 1452.81

96033838_2 A41 720.025 1452.81 1232.29 1486.22

96033796_1 A41 998.429 1285.77 887.068 1285.77

96033796_2 A41 887.068 1285.77 998.429 1285.77

96033790_1 A41 887.068 1285.77 720.025 1285.77

96033790_2 A41 720.025 1285.77 887.068 1285.77

96033788_1 A41 708.889 1363.72 720.025 1285.77

96033788_2 A41 720.025 1285.77 708.889 1363.72

96033946_1 A41 1210.02 996.228 708.889 929.411

96033946_2 A41 708.889 929.411 1210.02 996.228

96033794_1 A41 720.025 1018.5 708.889 929.411

96033794_2 A41 708.889 929.411 720.025 1018.5

96033849_1 A41 1154.34 1051.91 720.025 1018.5

96033849_2 A41 720.025 1018.5 1154.34 1051.91

96033901_1 A41 708.889 862.593 720.025 806.912

96033901_2 A41 720.025 806.912 708.889 862.593

96033899_1 A41 708.889 929.411 708.889 862.593

96033899_2 A41 708.889 862.593 708.889 929.411

96033900_1 A41 708.889 862.593 642.072 751.231

96033900_2 A41 642.072 751.231 708.889 862.593

96033795_1 A41 887.068 1285.77 720.025 1218.95

96033795_2 A41 720.025 1218.95 887.068 1285.77

96033791_1 A41 708.889 1263.5 720.025 1218.95

96033791_2 A41 720.025 1218.95 708.889 1263.5

96033789_1 A41 720.025 1285.77 708.889 1263.5

96033789_2 A41 708.889 1263.5 720.025 1285.77

96033845_1 A41 1087.52 1129.86 720.025 1107.59

96033845_2 A41 720.025 1107.59 1087.52 1129.86

96033792_1 A41 720.025 1218.95 720.025 1107.59

96033792_2 A41 720.025 1107.59 720.025 1218.95

96033793_1 A41 720.025 1107.59 720.025 1018.5

96033793_2 A41 720.025 1018.5 720.025 1107.59

96033913_1 A63 853.659 528.505 642.072 517.369

96033913_2 A63 642.072 517.369 853.659 528.505

96033908_1 A63 642.072 517.369 530.71 439.415

96033908_2 A63 530.71 439.415 642.072 517.369

96033887_1 A63 475.03 506.233 530.71 439.415

96033887_2 A63 530.71 439.415 475.03 506.233

96033884_1 A63 475.03 506.233 530.71 617.595

96033884_2 A63 530.71 617.595 475.03 506.233

96033907_1 A63 642.072 517.369 530.71 617.595

96033907_2 A63 530.71 617.595 642.072 517.369

96033878_1 A63 530.71 617.595 475.03 751.231

96033878_2 A63 475.03 751.231 530.71 617.595

96033948_1 A41 953.885 606.459 953.885 573.05

96033948_2 A41 953.885 573.05 953.885 606.459

96033949_1 A64 953.885 573.05 630.936 539.642

96033949_2 A64 630.936 539.642 953.885 573.05

96033880_1 A64 552.983 728.958 630.936 539.642

96033880_2 A64 630.936 539.642 552.983 728.958

96033902_1 A41 642.072 751.231 552.983 728.958

96033902_2 A41 552.983 728.958 642.072 751.231

96033973_1 A64 1432.74 606.459 1343.65 595.323

96033973_2 A64 1343.65 595.323 1432.74 606.459

96033967_1 A64 1343.65 595.323 953.885 573.05

96033967_2 A64 953.885 573.05 1343.65 595.323

96033968_1 A63 1343.65 595.323 1254.56 561.914

96033968_2 A63 1254.56 561.914 1343.65 595.323

96033877_1 A41 552.983 728.958 475.03 751.231

96033877_2 A41 475.03 751.231 552.983 728.958

96353021_1 A15 475.03 773.503 475.03 751.231

96353021_2 A15 475.03 751.231 475.03 773.503

96033874_1 A63 475.03 773.503 452.757 740.094

96033874_2 A63 452.757 740.094 475.03 773.503

96353020_1 A15 530.71 1118.73 475.03 773.503

96353020_2 A15 475.03 773.503 530.71 1118.73

96033773_1 A64 475.03 1051.91 430.485 896.002

96033773_2 A64 430.485 896.002 475.03 1051.91

96033770_1 A63 530.71 1118.73 475.03 1051.91

96033770_2 A63 475.03 1051.91 530.71 1118.73

96140201_1 A45 683.499 1741.36 419.349 1731.22

96140201_2 A45 419.349 1731.22 683.499 1741.36

96140214_1 A64 683.387 1735.34 683.499 1741.36

96140214_2 A64 683.499 1741.36 683.387 1735.34

96140212_1 A64 683.387 1735.34 608.663 1497.36

96140212_2 A64 608.663 1497.36 683.387 1735.34

96033775_1 A64 608.663 1497.36 564.119 1397.13

96033775_2 A64 564.119 1397.13 608.663 1497.36

96033767_1 A41 564.119 1397.13 408.213 1397.13

96033767_2 A41 408.213 1397.13 564.119 1397.13

96033777_1 A64 564.119 1397.13 475.03 1051.91

96033777_2 A64 475.03 1051.91 564.119 1397.13

96352233_1 A15 619.8 1452.81 530.71 1118.73

96352233_2 A15 530.71 1118.73 619.8 1452.81

96033776_1 A63 608.663 1497.36 619.8 1452.81

96033776_2 A63 619.8 1452.81 608.663 1497.36

96352232_1 A15 708.889 1742.36 619.8 1452.81

96352232_2 A15 619.8 1452.81 708.889 1742.36

96140202_1 A45 708.889 1742.36 683.499 1741.36

96140202_2 A45 683.499 1741.36 708.889 1742.36

96034035_1 A41 1855.91 1419.41 1855.91 1330.32

96034035_2 A41 1855.91 1330.32 1855.91 1419.41

96034038_1 A41 1855.91 1330.32 1867.05 1241.23

96034038_2 A41 1867.05 1241.23 1855.91 1330.32

96034039_1 A41 1867.05 1241.23 1867.05 1152.14

96034039_2 A41 1867.05 1152.14 1867.05 1241.23

96034041_1 A41 1867.05 1152.14 1867.05 1074.18

96034041_2 A41 1867.05 1074.18 1867.05 1152.14

96034043_1 A41 1867.05 1074.18 1867.05 985.092

96034043_2 A41 1867.05 985.092 1867.05 1074.18

96034101_1 A41 1867.05 985.092 1878.19 896.002

96034101_2 A41 1878.19 896.002 1867.05 985.092

96033855_1 A41 1711.14 1397.13 1588.65 1397.13

96033855_2 A41 1588.65 1397.13 1711.14 1397.13

96034029_1 A41 1800.23 1419.41 1711.14 1397.13

96034029_2 A41 1711.14 1397.13 1800.23 1419.41

96033830_1 A41 1599.78 1742.36 1588.65 1397.13

96033830_2 A41 1588.65 1397.13 1599.78 1742.36

96033831_1 A41 1599.78 1742.36 1711.14 1397.13

96033831_2 A41 1711.14 1397.13 1599.78 1742.36

96033853_1 A41 1488.42 1497.36 1232.29 1486.22

96033853_2 A41 1232.29 1486.22 1488.42 1497.36

96033837_1 A41 1210.02 1597.59 1232.29 1486.22

96033837_2 A41 1232.29 1486.22 1210.02 1597.59

96033852_1 A41 1466.15 1619.86 1210.02 1597.59

96033852_2 A41 1210.02 1597.59 1466.15 1619.86

96033835_1 A41 1232.29 1697.81 1210.02 1597.59

96033835_2 A41 1210.02 1597.59 1232.29 1697.81

96033851_1 A41 1477.28 1720.09 1232.29 1697.81

96033851_2 A41 1232.29 1697.81 1477.28 1720.09

96033812_1 A41 1232.29 1764.63 1232.29 1697.81

96033812_2 A41 1232.29 1697.81 1232.29 1764.63

96353027_1 A45 1499.56 1786.9 1232.29 1764.63

96353027_2 A45 1232.29 1764.63 1499.56 1786.9

96353026_1 A45 1577.51 1786.9 1499.56 1786.9

96353026_2 A45 1499.56 1786.9 1577.51 1786.9

96033829_1 A41 1577.51 1786.9 1599.78 1742.36

96033829_2 A41 1599.78 1742.36 1577.51 1786.9

96033771_1 A63 552.983 1007.36 530.71 1118.73

96033771_2 A63 530.71 1118.73 552.983 1007.36

96033869_1 A64 552.983 1007.36 552.983 728.958

96033869_2 A64 552.983 728.958 552.983 1007.36

96033787_1 A64 630.936 1263.5 552.983 1007.36

96033787_2 A64 552.983 1007.36 630.936 1263.5

96033786_1 A41 708.889 1263.5 630.936 1263.5

96033786_2 A41 630.936 1263.5 708.889 1263.5

96033781_1 A64 675.48 1386 630.936 1263.5

96033781_2 A64 630.936 1263.5 675.48 1386

96033782_1 A41 708.889 1363.72 675.48 1386

96033782_2 A41 675.48 1386 708.889 1363.72

96033783_1 A64 697.753 1452.81 675.48 1386

96033783_2 A64 675.48 1386 697.753 1452.81

96033784_1 A41 720.025 1452.81 697.753 1452.81

96033784_2 A41 697.753 1452.81 720.025 1452.81

96033765_1 A64 742.297 1731.22 697.753 1586.45

96033765_2 A64 697.753 1586.45 742.297 1731.22

96033774_1 A64 697.753 1586.45 686.617 1475.09

96033774_2 A64 686.617 1475.09 697.753 1586.45

96033779_1 A63 619.8 1452.81 686.617 1475.09

96033779_2 A63 686.617 1475.09 619.8 1452.81

96352231_1 A45 742.297 1731.22 708.889 1742.36

96352231_2 A45 708.889 1742.36 742.297 1731.22

96033836_1 A41 1210.02 1597.59 697.753 1586.45

96033836_2 A41 697.753 1586.45 1210.02 1597.59

96552260_1 A45 1120.93 1764.63 742.297 1731.22

96552260_2 A45 742.297 1731.22 1120.93 1764.63

96353024_1 A45 1232.29 1764.63 1120.93 1764.63

96353024_2 A45 1120.93 1764.63 1232.29 1764.63

96033834_1 A41 1232.29 1697.81 976.157 1675.54

96033834_2 A41 976.157 1675.54 1232.29 1697.81

96033780_1 A64 686.617 1475.09 697.753 1452.81

96033780_2 A64 697.753 1452.81 686.617 1475.09

96034009_1 A41 1889.32 1820.31 1889.32 1664.4

96034009_2 A41 1889.32 1664.4 1889.32 1820.31

96034032_1 A41 1889.32 1664.4 1855.91 1586.45

96034032_2 A41 1855.91 1586.45 1889.32 1664.4

96034033_1 A41 1855.91 1586.45 1867.05 1497.36

96034033_2 A41 1867.05 1497.36 1855.91 1586.45

96034034_1 A41 1867.05 1497.36 1855.91 1419.41

96034034_2 A41 1855.91 1419.41 1867.05 1497.36

96034030_1 A41 1855.91 1419.41 1800.23 1419.41

96034030_2 A41 1800.23 1419.41 1855.91 1419.41

96034103_1 A41 1878.19 896.002 1878.19 873.729

96034103_2 A41 1878.19 873.729 1878.19 896.002

96352225_1 A45 1789.1 1809.18 1577.51 1786.9

96352225_2 A45 1577.51 1786.9 1789.1 1809.18

96034008_1 A45 1889.32 1820.31 1789.1 1809.18

96034008_2 A45 1789.1 1809.18 1889.32 1820.31

96556914_1 A64 697.307 416.363 872.702 499.44

96556914_2 A64 872.702 499.44 697.307 416.363

mrhuy_1708 07-29-2012 11:45 PM

hi everybody.

i installed SUMO and MOVE with #2 and #9 (thank sir)
i run MOVE and set "Node, Edge, Configuration" but when i set Create Map is have a problem.

Loading configuration...
Warning: Please note that 'xml-node-files' is deprecated.
Use 'node-files' instead.
Warning: Please note that 'xml-edge-files' is deprecated.
Use 'edge-files' instead.
Error: No option with the name 'type' exists.
Warning: Please note that 'lanenumber' is deprecated.
Use 'default.lanenumber' instead.
Warning: Please note that 'speed' is deprecated.
Use 'default.speed' instead.
Warning: Please note that 'priority' is deprecated.
Use 'default.priority' instead.
Warning: Please note that 'remove-geometry' is deprecated.
Use 'geometry.remove' instead.
Warning: Please note that 'remove-isolated' is deprecated.
Use 'remove-edges.isolated' instead.
Error: Could not load configuration '/home/shahid/MOVE/ex_Map.netc.cfg'.
Quitting (on error).

who can help me ? i'm panicking because my project have to give my teacher on next week

mousumipaul 07-30-2012 06:04 AM

Please anybody tell me in a simple step by step that how to install SUMO and MOVE in fedora 16.

nadeempitafi 11-22-2012 11:45 AM

Need help for SUMO and MOVE simulators in ubuntu for vanet simulation
Dear users,

please tell me the simple n jump start way to installation of SUMO n MOVE simulators.


knudfl 11-22-2012 12:19 PM

Post # 35, @nadeempitafi : Welcome to LQ.

Which version of sumo ? And which OS are you using ? Name and version, please.

MOVE is a "jar file". No install. Starts with : $ java -jar MOVE.jar


nadeempitafi 11-22-2012 01:32 PM

thanks for quick response,

I have Ubuntu 12.04 -rev266.

I need the Simulators SUMO and MOVE with integrity of NS2. I just wanna have simplest way to achieve my target.

thanks in advance.

nadeempitafi 11-22-2012 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by knudfl (Post 4834955)
Post # 35, @nadeempitafi : Welcome to LQ.

Which version of sumo ? And which OS are you using ? Name and version, please.

MOVE is a "jar file". No install. Starts with : $ java -jar MOVE.jar


thanks for quick response,

I have Ubuntu 12.04 -rev266.

I need the Simulators SUMO and MOVE with integrity of NS2. I just wanna have simplest way to achieve my target.

thanks in advance.

knudfl 11-22-2012 02:00 PM

# 38 : Seems it is to be sumo 0.12.3 for MOVE.

sudo apt-get install libfox-1.6.0 libproj0 libxerces-c28 libgdal1-1.7.0
( You will need sun-java6-jre too, to run MOVE.)

Sumo package : sumo-bin-0.12.3-u1110_i386.deb
sudo dpkg -i sumo-bin-0.12.3-u1110_i386.deb
.. Start command : $ sumo-gui
And : 'dpkg -L sumo-bin' will list all sumo commands.


nadeempitafi 11-22-2012 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by knudfl (Post 4835026)
# 38 : Seems it is to be sumo 0.12.3 for MOVE.

sudo apt-get install libfox-1.6.0 libproj0 libxerces-c28 libgdal1-1.7.0
( You will need sun-java6-jre too, to run MOVE.)

Sumo package : sumo-bin-0.12.3-u1110_i386.deb
sudo dpkg -i sumo-bin-0.12.3-u1110_i386.deb
.. Start command : $ sumo-gui
And : 'dpkg -L sumo-bin' will list all sumo commands.


Dear bro, God bless you! thaks for your quick replies,

I wanna clearify you few things then you can help me in a better way
I am very new to ubuntu and NS2 MOVE etc.

I have just installed Ubuntu and NS2.

now i want to perform simulation of VANETs. for this i googled and found MOVE/SUMO are helpful, the notes are quit lenghtly i joined this forum. I just need to run VANET simulation and aquire results. so please tell me what is needed and how may i get all those e.g move/sumo their intergity with NS2. TraCI_package_by_CMC .

thanks bro!

nadeempitafi 11-22-2012 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by knudfl (Post 4835026)
# 38 : Seems it is to be sumo 0.12.3 for MOVE.

sudo apt-get install libfox-1.6.0 libproj0 libxerces-c28 libgdal1-1.7.0
( You will need sun-java6-jre too, to run MOVE.)

Sumo package : sumo-bin-0.12.3-u1110_i386.deb
sudo dpkg -i sumo-bin-0.12.3-u1110_i386.deb
.. Start command : $ sumo-gui
And : 'dpkg -L sumo-bin' will list all sumo commands.


Hi, i have done all but,

after installation of sumo when i executed the command $ sumo-gui
i got this message
bash: /usr/local/bin/sumo-gui: No such file or directory

can you please tell me what is missing??


nadeempitafi 11-28-2012 12:26 AM

i run MOVE and set "Node, Edge, Configuration" but when i set Create Map is have a problem.
Dear all!

HELP ME please in MOVE! setting the parameters of Edge.

i run MOVE and set "Node, Edge, Configuration" but when i set Create Map is have a problem.

Loading configuration...
Warning: Please note that 'xml-node-files' is deprecated.
Use 'node-files' instead.
Warning: Please note that 'xml-edge-files' is deprecated.
Use 'edge-files' instead.
Error: No option with the name 'type' exists.
Warning: Please note that 'lanenumber' is deprecated.
Use 'default.lanenumber' instead.
Warning: Please note that 'speed' is deprecated.
Use 'default.speed' instead.
Warning: Please note that 'priority' is deprecated.
Use 'default.priority' instead.
Warning: Please note that 'remove-geometry' is deprecated.
Use 'geometry.remove' instead.
Warning: Please note that 'remove-isolated' is deprecated.
Use 'remove-edges.isolated' instead.
Error: Could not load configuration '/home/shahid/MOVE/ex_Map.netc.cfg'.
Quitting (on error).

please reply me as soon as possible.

knudfl 11-28-2012 04:12 AM

# 42 : The file "ex_Map.netc.cfg" must be generated.
→ → page 14 in the pdf.

nadeempitafi 11-28-2012 10:26 AM

thanks knudfl

I went through it! but i dont know whats wrong every time it generates the error.

knudfl 11-29-2012 05:07 AM

# 44

Suggest a folder MOVE/* :
mkdir -p /home/shahid/MOVE/ex_Map

And with 3 copies of the file ex_Map.netc.cfg ( 3 different file names ) :
ex_Map.netc.cfg, .netc.cfg, netc.cfg
.. in both /home/shahid/MOVE/ and /home/shahid/MOVE/ex_Map/

I.e. /home/shahid/MOVE/ ex_Map.netc.cfg .netc.cfg netc.cfg
And /home/shahid/MOVE/ex_Map/ ex_Map.netc.cfg .netc.cfg netc.cfg

.. Then all possible combinations should be covered.


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