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Chaos5462 11-16-2017 05:34 PM

Don't work
I changed my them to chrome os and it stopped me form changing back i couldn't even enter system settings now my desktop is empty and my panel is gone if I sleep it my password entered just goes back too screen saver and I can't do anything to fix it

Keith Hedger 11-16-2017 07:29 PM

Please at least read this:

We have no idea what distro you are using what desktop etc, you need to give a lot more i fo before anyone here can help properly.

JJJCR 11-16-2017 07:45 PM

As Keith suggested need more info. But it is a chrome book? It's a laptop? If it's a laptop try removing the battery wait for a few seconds and try checking it out if it works or not.

Good luck and Welcome to LQ!

Chaos5462 11-16-2017 07:59 PM

No it's Linux mint 17.3 Rosa and I fixed the panel now I can't enter system settings at all opens window and then closes on it's own and
will not update

!!! 11-16-2017 11:58 PM

@Chaos5462, yes, welcome to LQ, but could you click 'Edit' *on #1* original post,
then 'Go Advanced', where you can edit the Title to something more descriptive,
like maybe: Mint 17.3 changed theme; panel recovered, but now SystemSettings just immediately exits
("Don't work" is like: running thru the streets, screaming just: "BROKEN!!!")
Also, change "them" to "theme". Thanks!

What exactly did you do, to "fix the panel"? This?

This has some ideas, but I'm not sure whether I'm on the right track here.

What you might try doing is: pick a handful of keywords for a web-search,
then remove the words that don't apply, add new ones you find that might
direct the search 'down the right track'. You might also find new keywords
that focus in (narrow) the seach. (Sorry, I mostly do CLI, so Idk GUI keywords)

Best wishes; let us know!!!

!!! 11-17-2017 05:46 PM

See post #7!!! :doh: :D
Hi again @Chaos5462; I see (from clicking username at upper left, 'View Public Profile')
that you were on LQ today, so I'll post a bit more (rather than my usual editing if unvisited)
(I just learned a lot here :shake:, reading ch.2, in "Linux Bible" old 8th ed. Book)

I'd suggest this search: (including your distro, DE/WM might narrow, or otoh, exclude relevent general, results)
Linux System Settings missing|gone|lost ( | is 'OR' here, and might be done automagically by search engine)

There seems to be lots of possible reasons, so that web-research should provide things to check,
to collect more problem data to post. (Other, more GUI-experienced, LQ'ers advice welcome here)
And, as I mentioned prior, it will likely lead to more specfic keywords, to narrow search & config info checks.

Let us know what you find, esp. to help future searches (with this problem)!!!

p.s. Additional (tho more complex) idea, to see precisely why it exits,
strace [ -f -o mystrc] 'it' from CLI; to find its cli pgm name:

snowday 11-17-2017 06:33 PM

Welcome to the forums! A good troubleshooting steps is to create a new user and then log in to that new user account. Does the new user have the same problem, or is the problem confined to your original user only?

If the problem is specific to one user, you could try renaming that user's ~/.config folder, for example to ~/.config.old then log out and back in again. :)

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