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lectraplayer 10-28-2003 08:25 PM


Originally posted by Thetargos
Wowowowow!!! Wait a sec! Is the Half-Life 1 for Linux?? and there is something I find a little bit odd... shouldn't Valve own the code for the Half-Life 1 game, instead of Sierra (the publisher)? In any case... I'd like to get my hands on that baby! (now with C++ skills improving fast!)
Where'd you see it? I haven't had a chance to look for it yet. Kirck McKusick (FreeBSD Daemon owner) told me that he thinks it's out.

LavaDevil94 10-29-2003 04:12 PM

i just did a search for halflife 1 engine download (i think).

lectraplayer 10-29-2003 09:21 PM

I think I saw it too. ...though Kirk McKusick told it needed WINe. He said he was wrong when he told me that there was one out. Dam.:mad: What I saw wasn't from Sierra or Value, though. It was somebody's project. Quake 2's out because we'll need to modify most of the files that come with it (so I hear). Right now, I guess it's down to UT2003 and Crystal Space. ...then again, if we make it for UT2003, maybe we can enter that Make Something Unreal cometition.:) I just fired off a mail to someone making a Half-Life client. Maybe I can work that into a game engine or something, though we'll need to work on the config scripts at its current status. I don't guess that's anything major, is it?

LavaDevil94 10-30-2003 03:15 PM

you said halflife going free was somebody's project? you mean a porting project? id like to see it. where is this project? btw, i couldnt download steam, unless i use bittorrent, and steam just for halflife is over 200MB (why the **** does it have to be so big?!?!). and thats just getting steam, that doesnt include the halflife data and exes and config and etc. etc. etc.

lectraplayer 10-30-2003 08:44 PM

The guy I'm talking about is at , but I have yet to get him to point me to a download or a status report on it. His mail seems to be disabled. I'm not sure if he's having any luck with it. A Google search seems to be yielding quite a bit more, but I have yet to check most of them out.

OT: I know this don't matter, but isn't that the Quake logo on the Mozilla Firebird browser? It sure looks like it up there in the top right corner.:)

mossy 11-01-2003 03:55 PM

hey guys im back.

LavaDevil94 - what ARE you talking about?? I think you missed the point of what "To echo LavaDevil94" means. Keyword echo. I was referring to your "like bird crap on a windshield or something" statement which I thought was really funny. I presumed you meant that in reference to the idea of someone trying to jack control of an open source project. If not - then sorry - apologies.

An on that topic - lectraplayer - Im not trying to steal your game. I would not have enough time to be the "leader" anyhow. :) I prefer the idea of a more collaborative project rather than a dominated one. One where the credit was dispersed as a team effort not "someones game" type thing. Your game may be really cool don't get me wrong anyhow you seem like you have plenty of people to get involved in it.
Any more info on "Sierra released the Half Life 1 engine to Linux" ?

Thetargos - is correct to stay focused.

Abe_the_Man - your game idea is pretty cool.

avram - I agree - How about SCO as the baddie since they are anti-GPL/Linux. I would rather not make fun of any Linux distro all at all. Even if they are trying to attract as many users as possible [Lindows].

Overall some interesting ideas.

LavaDevil94 11-01-2003 05:42 PM

i think crystal space would make a good engine. im getting my hands on blender3d so i can mess with it. btw, mossy, when i said bird crap on a windshield, i meant that the blood (if were going to put any in) in the game could splatter on your viewpoint like bird crap splatters on your windshield. it was a gameplay/graphics suggestion.

mossy 11-01-2003 06:22 PM

lol - I figured that one out. :D

lectraplayer 11-01-2003 07:42 PM


Originally posted by LavaDevil94
i think crystal space would make a good engine. im getting my hands on blender3d so i can mess with it. btw, mossy, when i said bird crap on a windshield, i meant that the blood (if were going to put any in) in the game could splatter on your viewpoint like bird crap splatters on your windshield. it was a gameplay/graphics suggestion.
Hmm... Good idea! However, that would blind you when you were hit and the game would quickly be no fun at all since you can't see. We'll need it to vanish quickly. when you're hit by the blood spray from where a teammate shot a Rashtar, that would be pretty cool. :) On the other hand, if you beheaded an attacking Lyx and you were bathed in its blood, you would be completely blind and the next Lyx would have you easy. :mad:

I need me a tutorial for Blender. I've downloaded a couple but found they were an unuseable collection of files (and I don't know what to do with them!). ...that or they were so vague that they were useless to me.

As far as it being "my" game, I was being funny. I'm throwing in a bunch of my ideas so I was calling it "my" game based on the flow of ideas. Did you see the :p smiley in that sentence?

I'm still liking the *nix Mascots vs. the Space Aliens idea that I threw out initially.

We also need a no blood option for those of us who have kids. Should we have the opponents go in a small explosion like we seen in our old videogames or have them fade away?

Should we also work on cutscenes? IE: FreeBSD Daemon gets captured, Rashtar are interigating him and then Daemon reaches up and snaps the head of a Rashtar off?

LavaDevil94 11-01-2003 08:33 PM

well, we should hvae custom violence options like in SOF2. the worst it can get is blood, gore, and maybe even dismemberment. the least violent it can get is when charactors are hit, they fall down and vanish. just my 2 cents.

Abe_the_Man 11-01-2003 11:32 PM

I think a custom violence setting is the way to go LavaDevil94.

Welcome back mossy! Glad your here again!

lectraplayer 11-02-2003 04:30 PM

As far as the violence settings, I thought of two things: full violence each time is the usual where blood flies and arms go spinning off the creature that's hit. The two nonviolent modes are what I'm having a hard time deciding on--one where the hit character flashes and (when killed) will disappear in like an explosion like what's seen on these older video games (not the FPS games). Another is where the hit character don't flash, but when killed will fall over and then flicker before vanishing for good. I like the first idea better though.

I have d/l'ed Crystal Space and am about to start looking at it. I am also still looking at Blender. The manual PDF don't tell a thing about the interphase. :mad:

Kroppus 11-03-2003 09:05 AM

I've been looking at blender too and i'm totally lost.
*sighs* Seems that i should install win95 and Imagine and start with that program, since that's one i know from the Amiga. That and Real 3D :)

Hava anyone managed to make a penguin model that actually looks like a penguin? All mine looks like sad snowmen around mid-summer. (or worse)

mossy 11-03-2003 02:00 PM

Thanks Abe! It is good to be back.
lectraplayer - I had some difficulty getting Blender figured out too. I will take a look at it agian over the next few days to see if I can get anything done. I had a problem installing the key - the options were not listed in the menu as stated in the manual.

From what I read, Blender is very good professional program however userability was not their aim [similiar to Linux huh]. It will most likely suffice for any of our needs - if we can learn the bloody thing!

LavaDevil94 11-03-2003 02:14 PM

yeah, i heard it has a steep learning curve. ill look for some other modelers, but ill try blender. i think maya is free for personal use, but i dont know if they want you to put models youve made with it into a GPL game.

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