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Ciccio 12-24-2003 12:55 PM

I see your point. One of the reasons I bought THIS computer so powerfull was because It would last longer (run new games for longer time)... though I can't run DoomIII here :'( Then I'll just buy a new Video Card and problem solved... IP mean, I didn't choose Pentium 4 because I thought winmine would run faster; I bought it because It's faster to process all the data (I Usually work... or at least used to work with huge files, about 1GB)

I'm just saying... I wouldn't spend over a hundred dollars just to be able to play a game... that I have to pay other hundred dollars more. Although... I might buy a new processor when the HT thechnology works well with linux... and when I can afford it AND an Asus mobo with the blue slot...

Kroppus 12-25-2003 10:12 AM

Hehehehehehehehe Me to Ciccio.
Mne is over two years old so i have to upgrade it later. For me it was the games though. Closely followed by the need to use Bryce, VuD'espirit, Maya, 3d-Max andPhotoshop. I can't play Doom3 aither... *sighs*
I'd rather use my PS2 for the games than buy a new pc JUST for games. But i use a lot of time playing games. And at the same time i know a lot of people that goes and buy a top-notch pc, for their kids. And then they come to me and wonder where they can find the latest games and stuff.
"I just bought this pc for my son/daughter to use for schoolwork, now i want some really good games to play on it." :)
Then the kids complain that dad is using the pc all the time.
I'm not that much into working with huge files unless it's in someting graphial or video/divx work. Still i got 1,5 gig ram on this one so that shouldn't really be a problem. Until i start to upgrade. :)

Ciccio 12-25-2003 11:16 AM

Yes.. I need more RAM ASAP. Though there are a few things I need to buy first... For example a new HDD, The Windows partition has just 1G of free space (it's 40GB) and Linux partition is good (it has about 15G free). Anyway, I also want to buy other things that come before the RAm (not computer-wise things, but still).

For now I'm playing Diablo II, I'm readying my character for a Player vs Player fight in january, I still have to gain another 25 Lvls. Lately I've only worked with text files, the most resource consuming soft I use is Diabli these days... or Quake3 last month.

Buying hardware Is one of my favorite things... though it's soooo expensive. I think I got good prices this time. A 120G Samsung HDD, for 103U$D, a pentium 4 2.8GHz w/ 800 MHz (bus) for 250 U$D. How are the prices over there? (perhaps this is a proper post for the hardware forum... or the general... but whatever)

LavaDevil94 12-25-2003 11:51 AM

i think that doom3 will be entirely worth an upgrade.

Ciccio 12-25-2003 12:16 PM

Agreed. I think I may actually Buy that game.

Kroppus 12-25-2003 07:22 PM

@ Ciccio
Yesss... i'm using a lot of time on Diablo2 too right now. *grins* I don't care to do the nvidia drivers yet,
I'm guessing that when i get a new place to live i'll be without the net, so i'll get some time to do it then.
Actually i promised myself that i wouldn't do it until i got a new place. Kind of a carrot to get out from this place in orher words. :)
My Bowazone is currently on level 64, so i've got a few levels to up her too :)

@ LavaDevil94
Yepps.. Doom3 is currently worth an upgrade/new pc. :)
And since i don't like the approach from Valve i'm not going to get HL2. I'm looking at the code for it and as far as i can see, the olny thing that's for linux is the servercode. One more time we get a game that's for windows and as a"kind" gesture will let us with Linux run dedicated servers for them........

Abe_the_Man 12-25-2003 07:44 PM

I told my parents that i was buying my computer for practical reasons, but deep down inside in knew it was for games.

And on another note MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!

mossy 12-26-2003 12:58 AM

good to see everyone still here. Work is kicking my ass. Man. Also been preparing for my Linux + exam which I plan to take soon. I will check out that blender tutorial. Thanks for that. Take Care guys and MERRY CHRISTMAS! and a Happy New Year too. :)

Nukem 12-26-2003 08:54 AM

Hey is it true that there is a Unreal Tournament version for Linux??????

LavaDevil94 12-26-2003 10:40 AM

yes, the original, ut2003, and even unreal and unreal 2 (i think). theyre at these 2 places:

and if you already have the game, i think its possible to download the binaries from here:

Kroppus 12-26-2003 01:27 PM

ut2003 comes with it's own linux installer, hidden on disk 3 :)

Ciccio 12-26-2003 06:38 PM

Nice to know about UT2003. Now I can think of buying it... :)

@ Kroppus
I know what you mean. My ice sorceress is lvl65, and still there are things I can't kill (like those hiddeous imune to ice bastards... Anyway... my lvl 67 rouge takes care of them... Do you have any interesting item?? I have a nice moring star... for a paladin... if you want it we could just exchange items... :-) Or export them with jammela and send them through e-mail... ;)

Have fun...

an merry christmas to all

Kroppus 12-26-2003 08:01 PM

Ciccio I know that feeling.. I've gotten to HELL alone... But that's really hell. 've gone up two levels and i still haven't made it to the cemetary without dying a few times. :(
I can't remember what stuff i got, but i'll take the savegames and put them on my server before new year. *promises to do it*

UT2k3 was the best game i ever bought, tightly followed by Savage. :)
You get one game that has the nessescary files to install and run under both Linux and Windows? *grins*
Ok Savage get's one more point for actualy telling that it's a dual-os game :)

Ciccio 12-27-2003 02:35 PM

I am playing on hell now... I finally completed the set (NAtalya's Odium).... BTW, my assasin is called natalya... And I have a claw that gives me resistance to ALL and a few socketed things that give me plus maximum resistance... so I have 95% resistance to all... I died in hell, in stony field while trying to open the portal to tristram... Blood Raven was an easy kill for me... although not so much for my lvl 51 rouge who almost dies (saved her with a full rejuvenation potion) Killing baal in nightmare was the hardest things I did until now... I spent 20 town portals with him... and about 15 full rejuvenation potions... I don't know why... I was lvl 48 back then... Though... I'm using Ancestral Recall perhaps that's the problem...

Anyway... too off topic for this thread... should we continue via e-mail?

Thanks a lot

Kroppus 12-27-2003 03:42 PM

hehehehehehehe maybe that :) or on icq ?
the closest thing i get to a set is the arctic-fur (armour and belt)
I tend to go online in open battlenet when i get some good stuff and then some idiot comes, kills me and takes all the stuff he can carry.... *sighs*
That way my stuff got an average livingtime with me for maybe 2 weeks if i'm really careful :)
*hates PK's*

Ciccio 12-27-2003 04:49 PM

Never play on open battle net... My internet conection is not good enough... It's lik ea 56K modem.... Anyway... I have the full set and the claw, the helm and the armor have my name on them. So people don't steal them. And I have only one ear... (fought just once with another player) I will try to play on battle net... though I think I won't be able... Is there a good crack for it? I Can't find a place to buy the game and the expansion... :'( I think I might just buy them on the internet... Don't like the idea though....

Ciccio 12-27-2003 04:51 PM

Oh, btw, I don't use ICQ any more... but you can find me at my jabber or my MSN.

e-mail (check the prety button below)

Abe_the_Man 12-27-2003 05:01 PM

hmm..... What about us making a game like diablo?? Mayber a fully 3d frontend for nethack or Zangband?? Sorta like Falcons Eye??

LavaDevil94 12-27-2003 05:27 PM

dunno... i dont care much for falcon's eye...

Nukem 12-27-2003 05:48 PM

Guess what.....

Unreal Tournament 2004 is about to come out.... Most say that it will also support Linux, just like all the other versions. I saw this on

And oh yaaaa !!!!! THERE IS VEHICLES NOW !!!!! like some alien vehicles, alien planes rockets and stuff. Check out the trailer video on Planet Unreal

I still LOVE "strange glove - Rocket X" when playing Unreal Tournament G.O.T.Y CTF.....

Kroppus 12-27-2003 07:43 PM

Sorry there mate. You have to buy the game to play it on battlenet. The good thing is that it's allready on sale aas niceprice (or something like that) at least here in Norway. :) MSN???? *is shocked*
Isn't that some Microsoft thingy?

Falcon's Eye is ok in it's way, but there's something special with the Diablo way of doing it :)
Still i feel that making a copy of Diablo will be just that. :)

Yepps.. Atari said for a long time ago that they was going to put in BIG LETTERS on the package that it would include installation and all the files needed to install and play the game on LINUX.
*grins* I guess after UT2K3 they've learned that you dont hide Linux stuff on the game cd's :)

pilot1 12-27-2003 08:56 PM

I just found this thread, and would love to help in any way I can.
I'm just on page 22, so this may be irrelevant by the time I finish reading, but here's what I can do.

I can provide webspace, an IRC server, and if needed a CVS server. Also if you do that with stats, I could run whatever server is nescessary for that. Shell accounts for anyone that needs them, and alot of webspace, at least a few gigs, with unlimited bandwidth. Server uptime is pretty good, it's usually down for 1-4 hours every 40-60 days (when the power goes out for longer than my UPS can keep the server up). Only problem is my upstream bandwidth, which is only about 40 kilobytes, so we'd need to use BitTorrent to download big files. I could run the tracker. Server is an XP 1800+, kernel 2.6.0, 512mb RAM. On a 2-3mbit down/~384 up line.

I'm also pretty good with the GIMP, although I'm not creative at all. I can't make anything complex from scratch, but I'm decent at editing.

I could also learn Blender if that would help out. Again, my creativity is a problem, but I'm sure I could improve on already existing models, or make models if I had something to start with. I'm just awful at starting from scratch.

As for programming, I know the basics of C++, and I can always learn more.

If you guys would like to use my server, let me know. I'll be happy to let you, and to help in any other way I can.
I'm also willing to dedicate myself to a long term project, as long as the others are.

lectraplayer 12-27-2003 10:18 PM


Originally posted by Abe_the_Man
DUDE!! I just found this link about on the crystal space site. It's a tutorial about making stuff using blender and crystal space. It recomends that you use 2.28c to follow the tutorials, and then upgrade to 2.3 when your ready. My linux box is having some distro switching pains right now so i can't try the tut yet. But by tommorow night i hope to be up and running.|outline

That's probably the best thing I've found. I guess that means I might can go ahead and try it.:D

Ciccio 12-28-2003 09:34 AM


Originally posted by Kroppus
Sorry there mate. You have to buy the game to play it on battlenet. The good thing is that it's allready on sale aas niceprice (or something like that) at least here in Norway. :) MSN???? *is shocked*
Isn't that some Microsoft thingy?

Thought so... well, I'll just buy it online... but not now... in january or february, once the holidays' overprices are gone...

Yes, but most of my friends use MSN... and since I have a free client (amsn) I don't mind THAT much using it... And to compensate I use Jabber!! :-)

Even If I asked, the wouldn't use ICQ... but I think it won't hurt if I install it... just to chat about Diablo with you I mean... :-)

I think Diablo will be my first game... I mean, the first one I actually own... because all my other games I copied from a friend (who bought the original)... but never tried to play online anyone...

happy new year

Kroppus 12-28-2003 10:26 AM

Diablo 2 is worth the money. :)
've bought a lot of games and for me the nly ones that i've paid for and actually played there's Diablo, Quake 1, Unreal 1+2, UT + UT2k3 and a few other games. One of the bad things with spending money o games is that they might look great (like Quake3) but the singleplayerpart sucks totally.
I've been on ICQ since they started, so i'm not giving that one up, specially now when people ask for my UIN and wonder why i only have 7 numbers in mine. *grins*

BTW, i've just registered a channel on Dalnet,

I'll be hanging around there too, probably just as slow to answer there as on the other places..

Ciccio 12-30-2003 03:11 PM

I know. Actually Diablo II is one of the few game I am willing to buy... it's among HAlf Life, Quake2 and Unreal Tournament 2.

I had 7 digits as well. though I forgot them.. I hardly ever connect to dalnet... but I'll try.

LavaDevil94 12-30-2003 04:29 PM

i think halflife is free via steam (and, if youre lucky, bittorrent) now. its around, say, 505mb (in a rar file).

Ciccio 12-30-2003 04:58 PM

yes, but not for internet Counter Strike.

lectraplayer 12-30-2003 08:57 PM


Originally posted by Thetargos
May be some of us could get together and work out a really good plot to follow up your original idea (I'm quite imaginative), but I'd also like to put some serousness to the matter and why not, plause-ability. Something like system shock or Deus Ex (somebody stop me dreaming!!!) and have a really good conspiracy theory about this whole Paladium passports thing, etc, etc. (Now I mean it, somebody stop me!!!). Maybe you play the role of a human being but get power-ups and stuff from Tux and friends in the effor to stop the global threat.... *I really have to shut up now*.
...but I was really wanting to have Tux and (especially) the FreeBSD Daemon running around doing the killing.:cry:

You can keep talking anyway. You might be on to something.:D

Kroppus 12-31-2003 06:49 AM

Just wanted to wsh you all a happy NEW LINUX YEAR!!!!

Have a fun night either you actually get out or you spend it front of the pc. :)
Fireworks on the pc can be nice too :)

Abe_the_Man 12-31-2003 11:04 AM


Originally posted by Kroppus
Just wanted to wsh you all a happy NEW LINUX YEAR!!!!

Have a fun night either you actually get out or you spend it front of the pc. :)
Fireworks on the pc can be nice too :)

True dat brotha! Here's to an even better year of growth for linux!! :D ;) :p

Kroppus 12-31-2003 12:23 PM

*raises his glass*
For the year that endes with none of us needing widows to run any program at all...
And to Transgaming for removing the need to have a bloated windows installation, just to play Diablo2 and other games. *grins* Somehow GTA3 ran better under winex than under XP.

Cheers folks...

Ciccio 12-31-2003 02:07 PM

There used to be a Microsoft screensaver with 'fireworks'... It sucked... I think it was a Win95 screensaver.

Happy new year, live long and prosper \V/

lectraplayer 12-31-2003 09:00 PM


Originally posted by Kroppus

Fireworks on the pc can be nice too :)

I've been very disapointed in virtual fireworks. I prefer the real thing. ...and I like to shoot 'em off myself as well.:p


Originally posted by Kroppus
*raises his glass*
For the year that endes with none of us needing widows to run any program at all...
And to Transgaming for removing the need to have a bloated windows installation, just to play Diablo2 and other games. *grins* Somehow GTA3 ran better under winex than under XP.

Cheers folks...

I have heard about that. I guess Linux, with all its daemons and modules, still takes less processor to work, so "heavy" software such as games are easier for your computer to carry. Unreal gets better frame rates.:)

Ciccio 01-01-2004 02:55 AM

Goopd to know. Will install winex asap and start trying games under winex

Kroppus 01-01-2004 12:31 PM

I wasn't thinking about those screensavers that came with Windows... That was one of the first thing i removed from any system i had :)
What i thought about was the ones that came with the OpenGL SDK. There was some good sourcecode for creating particles there and also one "ready-built" screensaver. Where you just had to change the code in one file to change the density etc.. Quite nce..

Nothing beats the real thing. Expect when you make one hel of a rocket out of blackpowder, plenty of parts from other rockets and combine that into one large one... For then to send it up and you suddenly has to dive behind cover 'cause the rocket turns in the air and comes back to you. *have done that one time to many* The last time we forgot to close the balcony door and the bastard went right through it and into the livingroom. Luckilly my parents was away and we managed to get it outside before it exploded......
*haven't made rockets out of metaltubes after that*

lectraplayer 01-01-2004 07:21 PM


Originally posted by Kroppus

Nothing beats the real thing. Expect when you make one hel of a rocket out of blackpowder, plenty of parts from other rockets and combine that into one large one... For then to send it up and you suddenly has to dive behind cover 'cause the rocket turns in the air and comes back to you. *have done that one time to many* The last time we forgot to close the balcony door and the bastard went right through it and into the livingroom. Luckilly my parents was away and we managed to get it outside before it exploded......
*haven't made rockets out of metaltubes after that*

FIRE IN THE HOLE!:p Metal tubes are too heavy anyway.

Also, I have been trying to install WINe for two years now (off and on) and have had no luck whatsoever. Am I doing something wrong?:scratch:

Ciccio 01-02-2004 05:23 AM


Wine is a bit nasty to configure... I had to go through the documentation as well as the config file over three times to get it right... and still there are SOME things I missed. A great source for help is the mailing list. try that.

or IRC channel #winehq (on I think, or dalnet) or the #winex channnel as well

Kroppus 01-02-2004 05:51 AM

Wine's like nvidia drivers... Either you get it on the first attempt, or you are in for a long time trying to get it to work.

Anyway.. Copertubes(waterpipe) does actually work.. It's a bit slow in the beginning. Like real rockets,,, But then??
Woooppps.... The problem is when you close the top of the tube. How to get the weight balanced so that there's not too much on one side. What we probably did wrong the last time.
*have gone back to blowing up bikes after that*
Heheheheheh JOKING

CrazyPilot 01-02-2004 11:44 AM

My experience with wine and winex has been a nightmare to say the least.
I've probably spent 48 hours of my time trying to get it to run bigger games like BF1942. It is anything but easy to work with.

however i am persistent and keep researching and trying new things.:study:

CrazyPilot 01-02-2004 11:46 AM

i still haven't got anywhere

Kroppus 01-02-2004 12:19 PM

What distro are you using? What version etc. of wine or winex are you trying to run?
What's the errors you get? and so on....

I'm on debian and i haven't had any problems with the deb-packages from transgaming. Not even the short time i had gentoo on this box i had problems with the src files.
I'm a subscribing member....

gch3 01-02-2004 02:14 PM

Back to the original post on gaming. I am not a programmer or a total newbie to linux. I've used several distros an gotten them all to work within reason. I am a business professional and have worked with the public for over 25 years. The world of wealth and needs has been developed through timing. Gates did that with MS and a little help fron his friends. Linux is now to the point where it can be fairly understood by the masses thanks to the hard work and generosity of freelance developers and is infringing on that market much to the distain of MS.
There is a gold mine in gaming waiting to be developed between the new 64 bit programing sector and the game card industry. It is the new frontier and right on the doorstep right now. The processor industry has presented the base and MS and the vid card industry are a little reluctant to broche the issue because of driver and card issues at hand still with 32-bit structure. Who ever reaches the first stable platform first will have the vehicle to mass the market in no time.
Just a thought for those programmers out there looking for a new challenge, and possibly some big time recognition.


CrazyPilot 01-02-2004 07:47 PM

i'm using Fedora Core
I just refomated my hd and don't recall what wine version but i know that the winex was v3.2.1

the wine had no problems with regular apps like M$ word

but games with winex,
the eror came in the form of a blank, white screen that never goes away until i reset the computer.

since i reinstalled Fedora and got the winex rpm from a different website i have had much better luck.;)

lectraplayer 01-02-2004 08:31 PM

I finally got WineHQ WINe to run a Windows program--two in a row! It was slow as Christmas, but much better than my previous attempts. Also, running it in a terminal would produce a string of Fixme and Error lines, but at least the programs would run with no major flaws. I tried SNES9x 1.41-1 (Win32) and a Unreal patch. Both ran well. However, I see I got a lot of tuning to do. I guess the question now is "How do I make it go faster?" It takes two whole minutes to get a program window up, but beyond that, it runs at (I'd guess) 50% of what it does under Windows 98. Nevertheless, I am very happy just to get something to run right.

Kroppus 01-02-2004 08:32 PM

ok... rpm and deb are still the easiest ways to go

i had some problems like that with Counterstrike
No sound at all. and either shitty graphics or no mouse.... really funny.
i'm just using it for Diablo 2 now. *smiles* so ar therer's no nvidia drivers for the mentally unstable ones ;)
*have to be that trying to run servers on debian unstable*


yes i am and i'm proud of the fact that i got a paper proving it..
*laughs* No millitary service for me
*totally mad professor laugh*

Kroppus 01-02-2004 09:52 PM

Get the point2play program and install that (from transgaming)
It's a really good frontend for winex and it' includes some test for checking the system.
At least the test's can give you an idea what might be the problem.
Just don't believe the cd-rom tests.. :)
My 16xDVD came up as a 52x dvd and the d-recorder as a 16x

Good luck :)

CrazyPilot 01-02-2004 11:41 PM


it is my uderstanding that 16xDVD has the same speed in kbits per second as 52xCD

mabie the program has the transfer rate directly tied to the #x

just a thought:D

opensource 01-02-2004 11:52 PM

I am learning about 3D graphics, and I want to start a 3D game project (either a FPS or an RPG). Is anybody interested is helping add one more awesome Linux game to the many awesome Linux games already out there? please let me know. Feel free to email me at


Ciccio 01-03-2004 12:47 PM

opensource. I'd love to join you in the RPG, I have a few ideas for a story.... though no quiet the programming skills to do it.

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