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jamison20000e 07-12-2017 01:37 PM

Correction you reinforce the fairy tales, demons and all; I'm telling you you've been lied to or are a liar.

jamison20000e 07-12-2017 01:43 PM

And, this comes from common sense if you'd lift your blindfold... oh wait that's right I'm the one wearing it because I don't believe in your opinions of truth,,, stop eating and drinking then tell us what happens in 7 days again? (Don't really tho and stay away from that k☠☠laid too!)

jamison20000e 07-12-2017 01:47 PM

Seances aren't real so we'd never hear it anyway...

BW-userx 07-12-2017 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by jamison20000e (Post 5733824)
Stand up for Truth even it means... it's made up and you're too blind to care!

Don't eat meat, die if you must pig!!! Or, if you can evolve?

"almost always" unless educated otherwise...

Quots are almost always opinions or others facts whereas facts are almost always facts. ;)

Before you die be glutinous like religion.

forgetting that facts too can be quoted.

BW-userx 07-12-2017 02:04 PM

Correction you reinforce the fairy tales, demons and all; I'm telling you you've been lied to or are a liar.

I do not reinforce anything -
to reinforce: strengthen or support (an object or substance), especially with additional material.

on the country you are the one that is reinforcing your beliefs to the point of contradiction to try and explain it away.

I merely try to explain it as it is.

"I'm telling you you've been lied to"
if you've been lied to then be mad at the one that lied to you, not about that in which he lied about.

as the saying goes be careful about the things you hate lest you maybe come that in which you hate.

"...or are a liar."

you have a mind that can think and discern in order to shuffle through all of the mucky muck to get to the substance that you seek.

instead of clumping everything into one pile then taking that as a whole truth when it cannot be by no means a whole truth made up of many different beliefs.

if you take a truth and add a lie to it that truth now tainted and no longer what it use to be.

then this is perhaps what has happened to you as you stated you've been lied to, and taken that lie as a truth.

it caused pain - the removal of pleasure.

denial now keeps you a bay from ever having to experience that again.

so you choose to pick something else to believe in because everyone has to believe in something then reinforce that something with anything you can by any means possible to keep yourself from having to experience that feeling again. so denial keeps you away ... it becomes a cycle the more you hear other wise the more you deny then come up with schemes to reinforce this denial to keep you in a state of denial -- then the minds gets so caught up in its own lies it tells it cannot keep up it them and everything starts becoming chaos contradictions.

the ability to use logic properly is loosing because of the emotions that sprout up even on a subconscious level that take over and then rationalization helps to come up with ways to justify the denial and reinforce what is being denied by replacing a truth with a lie.

because it can only be one or the other that is stored into ones belief system. if a lie is replaced by the truth that is suppose to be there then that just throws off everything that comes after words pertaining to that in which that lie states about the subject matter it references.

I do not think you need examples.

jamison20000e 07-12-2017 02:30 PM

Are you talking to me? I do not lie when I tell you religion's one or another, are, along with the good and bad in them all.

If the entire world had a say in your beliefs what do you (IF YOU CAN: unbiasedly and curtains opened) think they'd be?

BW-userx 07-12-2017 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by jamison20000e (Post 5734055)
Correction you reinforce the fairy tales, demons and all; I'm telling you you've been lied too or are a liar.

that statement says that you believe that you have been lied to or it is you that are the lair. I did not say that but you did.

furthermore that statement too shows that you have no idea which. which indicates strongly confusion within your own mind about the subject in which you speak of.

again you clump everything in to one pot and call it the same thing when it is not.

they are all different believes not the same beliefs not all of them even a Religion

because of slot to make it easier then shuffling through all f the mucky muck to straighten out your room you just leave your room a mess.

BW-userx 07-12-2017 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by jamison20000e (Post 5734077)
Are you talking to me? I do not lie when I tell you religion's one or another, are, along with the good and bad in them all.

If the entire world had a say in your beliefs what do you (IF YOU CAN: unbiasedly and curtains opened) think they'd be?

I do not believe you talk about it rightly. you just clump everything into one pot and use contradictions or pointless babble to try and make a point.

I do not believe that you've even have an example to show me what you are talking about, even if you did, it'd be askew

two their are not as many religions out there then I think your think are. you are taking belief systems of one kind or another minus yours and crumbing them all into one big pot. surely do you not know when you mix substance you loose something in the mix?

jamison20000e 07-12-2017 04:49 PM

When I say you that means I'm taking about you, key word you.

I ignored half of what Sunday school tried to make me believe because we all know santa claus is not real. Ah duu...

BW-userx 07-12-2017 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by jamison20000e (Post 5734135)
When I say you that means I'm taking about you, key word you.

I ignored half of what Sunday school tried to make me believe because we all know santa claus is not real. Ah duu...

santa claus was fashioned off a read person know your history. Ah duu...

so you deny santa for deprive all of the little children of happiness one day out of the year.

Go and tell the masses - put a stop to capitalism that took a truth and used it to make money.

jamison20000e 07-12-2017 05:28 PM

Besides my obvious point (like the easter bunny and afterlife) used to (give gold and) trick kids into getting buggered by preachers who believe they'r then forgiven. :rolleyes:

BW-userx 07-12-2017 05:30 PM

so now you don't believe in forgiveness

jamison20000e 07-12-2017 05:35 PM

Religion is capitalism and forgiveness is in education (much of which is still only capitalism too...) one slave is set in stone the other can learn on.

BW-userx 07-12-2017 06:03 PM

just what I said contradiction and pointless banter to try and prove a point

""""Religion is capitalism and forgiveness is in education (much of which is still only capitalism too...) one slave is set in stone the other can learn on."""


""Religion is capitalism and forgiveness is in education""


do you know how ridiculous that sounds?

where do you live in North Korea?

sundialsvcs 07-12-2017 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by BW-userx (Post 5734149)
so now you don't believe in forgiveness

Gotta step in here from the sidelines on that one, BW ... because, yeah, I think that the entire concept is actually dripping of Christianity's original role as the Official State Religion of the Roman Empire.

The concept – apparently, never questioned nor considered even to be questionable, is this:

Originally Posted by Sux to Be Human:
"A bezillion years of hellfire and brimstone, in exchange for seventy-odd years of screw-ups." :eek:

Why, exactly, are you supposed to need to "be forgiven?" Forgiven of what? And, prithee, why does "professing that you 'believe' the Empire's story, as obviously written by the same Empire's best writer," transform your destiny from eternal fire to eternal singing-lessons?

Frankly, I consider this to be an ill-made "the carrot or the stick" story, which diverts attention far away from: "personal involvement in helping your fellow sojourner ... right here, right now." :eek:

Come with me tomorrow night to the local soup kitchen. Trust me, there's nothing more rewarding than hoisting forty pounds of cooked chicken ... and pouring it into a bowl for someone who smells really, really bad. Or, spreading clean linens onto a cot, for this person to rest his head on after he's had a hot shower and a de-lousing bath. If this puts me in a lake of fire someday, trust me, I will have nothing but contempt for He who callously put me there. (However, "I have no fear of any such thing.")

At the heart of it, I think, "religion" is (or, should be ...) mostly about ministry. In other words, it serves as a practical vehicle to focus people's attention upon serving the people among them who are so-easily ignored ... and to do so selflessly. "Who gives a damn, really, about what might happen after you die? Why allow yourself to become fixated on that? We need soup, man! More soup!" :eek:

(Or, can you please go re-fill the de-lousing shower?)

... or, any number of far-lesser (seeming) things. The person who needs someone to talk to. The person who just needs twenty bucks. The person who ... The person who ... The person who ...

Ahem. Sorry. It's been a busy day.

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