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sosborne 11-22-2006 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by kstan
I think probably you had confuse something, WGA occur is because of very much pirated software in market, in every country, bitorrent and etc. Yes you can say Microsoft software is buggy, because it develop by human. Everybody know that there is no product with bug free. Same with open source products have bugs. Just the difference is we have no way to control Microsoft or DIY at particular software(Definitely cost is another issue). But we should agree that Microsoft integrate all their application very well.

I'm not protect Microsoft but we must be rational and have a wide view in whole IT market.
Right? :D

WGA was developed due to real or perceived piracy. WGA errors occur probably because of several reasons, although the IT community would not know due to MS keeping their market data private (as is their right).

Of course everything done by a human has "bugs" in it; however, my point is that Windows has an inordinate amount of bugs & security holes... much more than should be present:

and there is so much more information out there that a simple ask or google search will turn up more information.

Now, I'm not saying that Linux doesn't have its fair share of bugs; however, then again, I do not pay for the software. Moreoever, I do not pay to be hassled by the company that sold me the software.

When it is all said & done, Linux does what I need it to do for nothing invested other than my time. The hardware would still be used by an OS, any OS, but I do not have to pay for the software. Instead, I donate to the projects (either my time or money) which I feel either need or deserve that donation.

kstan 11-23-2006 07:30 PM

agree, the bugs in windows always the issue. but it has the advantages which all linux users/developer must learn. I quite appreciate Windows and Mac, because of their new ideal, GUI, strength and functions now Linux become more usable, user friendly and become productivity. Didn't you all agree?

After you see the Ms Office 2007, I believe something new will occur in openoffice in future. Because Ms. Office 2007 is really productivity tools I ever seen. And this is why windows is big player. Competition between commercial and open source products always benefit end users.

About the contribution, I believe every person is contributing, even you post a question, make complain at here, download a openoffice/firefox for fun.


easuter 11-24-2006 07:41 PM

office 2007 is once again a rehash of the same old ting. slap on a brand new interface, that mind you will probably force companies to retrain their staff.
What is so good about office 2007 thatyou coulnd't get done with 2003, or even 2000?

JGMX 11-24-2006 09:09 PM

easuter you are 100% correct. MS office hasn't changes since 97. Not only is openoffice as good if not better than MS office it is free while MS is like $200. Who would pay so much for productivitly software that hasnt changed in a decade? Even Google is coming out with online productivity software that rivals MS office.

hand of fate 11-25-2006 06:13 AM


Originally Posted by JGMX
MS office hasn't changes since 97.

If I remember correctly there have been three new version of MS Office since 1997, and a fourth one is on its way as we speak. It definitely has changed, three times!

dalek 11-25-2006 07:08 AM

Yea, they slapped a new version number on it. LOL M$ is tricky like that. LOL

:D :D :D :D

Grife 11-25-2006 07:59 AM

Is it true that Windows kernel is actually very advanced but the integration of Internet Explorer to that was huge mistake that caused all the instability?

JGMX 11-25-2006 12:48 PM

Grife I'm not entirely sure on what your questions is. But Hands of Fate the point is that everything someone can do in the newest MS office you can do in the 10 year old version of MS office (office 97). Thats why openofice is so awesome. They make it free and open source because how advanced can a word processer really get? all you need is basic features and a spell checker ;). Why continue to pay money for a MS office upgrade when you can use the old versions just as well? Im not saying a few things haven't changes with office but it hasn't improved productivity at all.

easuter 11-25-2006 05:47 PM

How about this:

gives you an idea about MS' inner workings. what a model company! :D

FredGSanford 11-25-2006 10:11 PM

Pretty strange to post a Poll/Thread on a Linux forum and ask this question.

Now let see, goto a Windows forum and ask the same question to see the results!

Oh and I refuse to answer this question on the grounds that it may incriminate me!!!

hand of fate 11-26-2006 09:00 AM


Originally Posted by JGMX
everything someone can do in the newest MS office you can do in the 10 year old version of MS office (office 97).

The current version of MS Office is not the identical to the version that was available in 1997, so by definietion MS Office has changed!

Every new version adds some features, so there will be things that can be done with newer versions that can't with older ones.


Originally Posted by JGMX
all you need is basic features and a spell checker .

You mught not personally use the more advanced features, but that doesn't mean no one else does!


Originally Posted by JGMX
MS office hasn't changes [sic] since 97.


Originally Posted by JGMX
Im not saying a few things haven't changes [sic] with office

Anyone else see the blatant contradiction?

JGMX 11-26-2006 01:08 PM

I wasn't contradicting myself. I was merely saying that soooo few things have changed with it that an upgrade is useless. Honestly tell me someone that likes that stupid animation of a paper clip in the way of your writing. All the new version has is a shiner gui, but its core is essentially the same. Microsoft does the same thing with its OS. Vista is no different from Windows 2000, except a shiner GUI and a few new features, but unless you are a game designer or programmer the upgrade is pointless. While the core of Linux changes sometimes every month!!! It takes windows sometimes 8 years for a major change in its OS. Thats why its so prone to viruses and spyware. Hand of Fate I'm tired of arguing with you on something which is obvious, but I am trying to help you understand.:) :) :) :) :), so no hard feelings, i just voice my opinion with all the compassion of my soul, as you as well have the right to state how you feel (wow, i got off track there :eek: ). Well good luck with Office 2007, but for now I will continue to use Openoffice.

kstan 11-26-2006 06:53 PM

Very disappointed for somebody writing belows comment. Not event understand the functionality of Ms. Office then keeping say openoffice is good. This is cheating yourself.

office 2007 is once again a rehash of the same old ting. slap on a brand new interface, that mind you will probably force companies to retrain their staff.
What is so good about office 2007 thatyou coulnd't get done with 2003, or even 2000?

MS office hasn't changes since 97
Please join into openoffice development team and see what lack it has. Sure I am support openoffice and I am using this, but the productivities and stablility Ms office is so good. Definitely, Ms. Office add in more functionality in every version. In version 2007, the productivity for create a document (work, excel, powerpoint) increase more than 100%!
So next time before give comment, ask yourself how good your are in particular application. Please don't think that office application is just a piece of software for writing.


easuter 11-27-2006 03:06 AM


In version 2007, the productivity for create a document (work, excel, powerpoint) increase more than 100%!
How can that happen? How can your ability to write a letter increase 100% every time?
Look, why on earth does Office 2007 have to have ALL that extra eye-candy, like glossy/blinding backgrounds and buttons to increase productivity? It doesn't! I'm sure users of older hardware won't be as thankfull as you for something that makes them upgrade their computer....but to continue to write/present/create spreadsheets.

I'll give the company where my mother works at as an exmaple. they run winxp on their machines, and office 2003, on some computers as low-end as PII 400mhz. Being that slow already, how will office 2007 bring more productivity by slowing down their computers?

And another thing about the new office 2007 interface: The f*ing Ribbon. This time MS had to do something to make it look different since office 2003 was practicaly office 2000 with a blue look and a few extra sidebars.
BUT: that is going to make people have training, again. Maybe for you or me, getting used to a new interface is a piece of cake and no big deal, but for the Joe-Six-Packs out there using office, the first thing they will say is:

"Oooh, shiny! hmm....boss how do i use this thingy?"

People having to click arround to find their way in an app is counter-productive.
And why should may businesses, especially small ones, have to once again spend thousands on new hardware + software + training, when their staff are already working efficiently with the tools they have?

kstan 11-27-2006 03:27 AM


How can that happen? How can your ability to write a letter increase 100% every time?
Again, you will know if you are advance user. If don't know meaning you not yet advance or not a heavy user. tell me any office application able to change a chart type, color, and etc in 1 sec? Tell me if you want to convert a point form presentation into beautiful diagram/flowchart in 2 sec?

Again, in office 2007, did put much afford in study human behave and most used function and put them in most easy reach area. This is very wonderful because it is the result from so many office user's feed back. I really hope 1 day openoffice can achieve thig GUI too(For me eyen candy is useless).

Definitely performance is an issue, but who say that openoffice is light? It much heavier and slow.
Please, responsible for the comment you typing here, don't let others linux newbie think that Linux users all blindly support opensource. To make it better we need to accept what it lack and accept the true.
Other wise others OS's user will say linux user blind and cheating thats all.


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